20 June 2008
Dear Valuable Partners,
It is often in the midst of the uncertainty of life and the adventurers that God allows, that we realize how valuable we are to one another!! You are incredibly valuable to this Missionary couple, for more than just financial reasons. Linda and I have just celebrated our 33rd year of arriving in Australia, WOW!! It seems like only yesterday, well until we look at our 3 adult children and our precious 7 gran’angels. Thank you for partnering with us and being so faithful to what God is doing through us in the land of Australia.
Happenings over the last few months…
WOW (Women of the Word)…has grown and we are adding a new session for the new term. It’s exciting seeing our ladies growing in the Word, and with one another.
MOW (Men of the Word)…we beat the ladies!! We already have two sessions, breakfast and evening. In our breakfast session we have a young dad coming along that is searching and needs Jesus. Please pray for Chris. What a joy to watch as these men take the Word in their own hearts and lives, and then openly share with one another.
COMMUNITY OUTREACH…We spent 3 afternoons during April holidays in our local park, serving and loving. Our church family prayed, planned, and worked hard!! We served sausages something like American hotdogs) to 100’s of kids and parents, coffee, pancakes, face painting, storybook tent, balloons, Wordless Book bracelets!! It was a great outreach and a time to say to our community WE love you and so does JESUS!!
God is always so faithful to us and nothing we do in His name goes unnoticed!! Please know that nothing you do for us goes un-noticed also!! Thank you for sharing with us in the Work God has blessed us with.
Grateful for YOU,
Randy and Linda Perkins
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