Dear Friends,
Over and over again God commands us not to be afraid.
“Fear not” (i.e. Gen. 15:1; 21:17; 26:24; 35:17; 43:23; 46:3; 50:19; 50:21...) seems to pop up in many of the 66 books of the Bible. I guess God is trying to tell us something! Whether it is finances, your health, your schedule, a relationship, He calls us to trust Him. That means we cannot allow our hearts to become troubled. We must replace those thoughts with His promises. I often stumble in this area when I am trying to push my agenda. When I surrender my day to Christ, I am able to let go of my fears and know that He is in control.
The longer we live, the more we are able to look back and see the traces of a faithful God, who brings us all along in our service for Him. On my trip to Austria in May, I was able to go with my long-time friend, Chris Coats. Some of you may remember him having worked with us from 1997 to 2001. It was like the “good ol’ days”, with Chris doing the music, and me the preaching in the various churches we ministered in. At the annual youth gathering (Pfingstjugendtreff) I had the special privilege to teach one of the Seminars on the topic of how to make decisions in the “gray areas” of life.
On our journey we met up with the Gmoapartie band from Graz, and we were able to meet with another band in Linz to discuss the potential of doing a tour in the USA.
I was also able to reconnect with the leaders of the youth council to discuss how we can continue to best facilitate future leaders for Austria. One special bonus was to meet a young man named Manuel. He came up to me at the youth convention and said that he accepted Christ when I spoke at a summer camp in 1998; what a blessing to see him still faithful 10 years later.
Robert and Hanna Wascher are people of faith. Robert is perhaps the most gifted Austrian Home Bible Study evangelist I have ever met. Ten years ago, he left a high paying job as the Operations Manager at a shoe factory in order to step up to the “plate” and become a Pastor in his own country. Here we see the beauty of missions, when nationals stop depending so heavily on missionaries and begin to take on responsibility in their territory. It can be a fearful thing to only receive a fraction of your salary, and have to live much more by faith, but it can also be a great adventure to see God provide. We are seeking temporary support and prayer for this family. So far, their church is not able to fully support them. As a result, I invited Robert to the States in April and was able to present him to churches in PA, DE, and NY. We were not able to raise as much support as I had hoped, so I would ask you to please pray for Robert and Hanna. If you would like more information on how you can “Adopt” this national, please send me your request. If you would like to send a one-time donation for Robert and Hanna, please make checks out to Titus International, write Bobby Parschauer/Wascher in the memo and send to: Titus International, 1515 Mc Brien Rd., Chattanooga, TN 37412. Danke.
Please pray for the English Camps this summer. In August I will be the camp speaker at one of the camps. Usually, two-thirds of the young people who come to these are unsaved, and we need to pray that God’s presence will be strong, and that young people will be saved.
• Robert and Hanna Wascher.
• The multiplication of Austrian leaders.
• My upcoming trip to Austria in August; speaking at English Camp.
• After 18 years of ministry, our pastor has left our home church. As a result I have been asked to help fill the pulpit until they can find a replacement. Please pray for Jen and I in this.
Mark any donations on your offering envelope as “Bobby & Jennifer Parschauer.”
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