Friday, May 28, 2010

Village Missions

Dear Friends,

We are happy to communicate with you to share the news– we are going to be posted in rural Pennsylvania. While it’s not written in stone, this is the latest news we have. We will be replacing a retiring Village Missions missionary. We should arrive on the field by early to mid-August. There are several things we would like you to pray about:

1.) Raising additional funds for this first move. (As you may recall, Village Missions will pay for all our subsequent moves, if necessary),

2.) We need to have our partners (friends) to assist us in the expense of our move. If you can please send whatever monetary assistance you can to Village Missions, specified for the Waugh’s moving expenses.

3.) Pray for the physical portion of our move. It is an exhausting job to pack and relocate.

It is great to see God’s hand at work. He brought Village Missions into our lives, then he brought each of you onto our team to pray and support us, and now He has given us a place. Blessed be the name of the Lord.

By way of other news: Valerie and I have reached our 37th wedding anniversary. What a testimony to her endurance and perseverance.

Again, we want to thank all of you for prayers and support. We have come to feel that you are more than on our team; you are family. God bless and keep you.

In His service,

Dan and Val Waugh

News from Mexico

South O' Border
Missionaries to Mexico
Hebrews 6:10
June 2010

Dear Friends in Christ:May was a very busy month for us here in the work.

We rejoice in the continued blessings of our Lord.Thanks to you we have reached our needs for the finances of all the DVBS material to supply over 10,000 boys and girls with the needed material to learn more about our Lord. Over 70 different churches and missions will conduct Bible clubs during July and August this year.

Last year over 3,000 accepted Christ as personal Savior. Our family continues to be blessed of the Lord. Our son Ronnie, who has served as a missionary in Mexico for over 30 years, received a PhD from Louisiana Baptist University this month. God has used him to establish over 15 churches in Monterrey and is working with two more at present. He has been active in family counseling also.

We have taken another step into the future with technology concerning the Spanish Fellowship Hymnal. A few years ago Margie and Yvonne B. recorded piano music for all 245 songs in our Spanish hymnal. Due to advance technology and some talented young people we now have the hymnal online. The Web site is:

This will give access for this hymnal to all Spanish pastors and churches. Also the title of each hymn is in English and Spanish. The music is the same in all languages. I have a list of the titles of each song in English. If you would need a copy of this list. Let me know and I can send it to you.

Beloved we thank you for your faithfulness in prayer and support for our ministry. God has been so good to us. He has supplied our every need. May He continue to bless you and yours.

Yours for souls in Mexico,
Lonnie & Margie

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

News from Mexico

Dear Pastors and Friends,

Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus. Since the last time we wrote you, a lot of things have happened here.

My Timothys: These men have been active and productive preaching, visiting, and winning souls. They really bring joy to my heart and ministry. In a special Children's Day Sunday, they put together a play for the entire church with a great message. Three weeks later, people are still talking about it! Please keep these young men in your prayers. Their names are: Jorge Alejandro Montes Ramos, Uriel Hernandez Mojica, Jose Angel Castillo Avila, Enrique Rubio Ortega, and Hector Manuel Padilla Vega.

Death takes on holidays: One of our men who worked in a steel mill died in a work related accident. He was 47 years old. Because an inherited physical problem, he never married or had children. He lived with his mother, who is a charter member of Living Word Baptist. I preached to a full house at the funeral. Most of those present were non-believers and had never set foot in a Christian church before. There were several decisions for the Lord and one famiyl has come to church now on 4 occasions.

Visible Results: In the past 3 months, there have been 17 professions of faith, 2 have followed the Lord in baptism, and 16 new families have been coming to church. When we had the Lord's Supper recently, 72 were able to participate. We also have 32,200 dollars in our land fund!

Something Special: I was privileged to meet one of the professional soccer players from the Guadalajara Chivas team. We hit it off really well, and I have purchased a Bible with his name engraved on it to give him in our next visit.

We praise the Lord for what He is doing here and we THANK YOU for your participation in this ministry.

'Til Jesus Comes,
Lonnie C. Smith, Jr.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

News from the Bonners

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Greetings in the name of the Lord. Hoping and praying this letter finds all of you in God's perfect will. I would like to apologize for not writing in a while. Please forgive me. Becky sends her greetings as well and we both feel all of you need to know the latest updates on my health, so here goes.

Ever since last September when I suffered a heart attach, I have never fully recovered from it. My heart has been what they call A-Fib, which means it is indeed out of sync. Because of this the last few months have been just up and down. No strength or stamina, shortness of breath. I also had a streak where I was bleeding internally. After several tests, it was found that one of the valves in my heart has been leaking for some time. Every time my heart beets, the valve does not open and shut normally and so my heart is leaking blood.

I saw a heart surgeon who strongly suggested we go in for a valve replacement along with two by-passes. One of my arteries is clogged again. He is not sure of the extent of the damage but my heart is getting weaker and weaker. When I asked the doctor what if I do not have surgery, he said my heart would continue to weaken at a faster pace and I would not last very long, so really there is no other option that surgery. They are going in to my chest next week with a camera to check the valve to see if it can be repaired or replaced. My heart surgery is on the 7th of June. The doctor said, my heart is not strong, and it is not weak, it is sort of right in the middle. He would rather operate on a stronger heart, but my heart will continue to weaken the longer I wait for surgery. If I wait too long, then the risk will be much higher. The doctor said as of right now the success rate on a surgery like mine, in the condition the heart is in, will be around 90%. I will take those odds any day.

So there you have it. I know many of you have tried to call but my cell phone is kaput. I dropped it in the toilet and it is finished. I am not going to get another cell unless all is successful. No sense in getting a new two year contract if I am with Jesus. PLEASE, PRAY for Becky. She is taking this hard. She weeps and worries over me. Please pray God would give her His grace to go through this.

I will not be able to go to Africa summer, so please continue to pray for IAM Ministries. We have around $12,000 raised for container, and just need $4,000 more. Please pray about this need. Thank you all of yo for the cards and letters, support and especially the prayers. God bless each of you.

In Jesus Name,
Bobby and Becky Bonner
IAM Ministries

Ron & Vicki Letts

Dear Pastor and Church Family,

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, today is a great spring day which makes you glad you're also means you have to get jobs done around the house as a result of the long winter. We are trying to get our house ready to rent while we are on the field. Years ago we were able to buy a small ranch home for about nine thousand dollars. It wasn't something you could live in until we did a make over. It was a one bedroom NO bath it is a 4 bedroom, two full bath house...we sub-contracted and did all that work while on deputation the first time. When we finished it we moved to the renters enjoy our finished work. Because we rent it out when we go back to the field, it means extra maintenance when we return. So we are in that process right now...but I'm sure you know what that all in tales...Painting, shingles, gutters so on and so on making sure you (meaning me) get as much done as possible to eliminate extra expenses by hiring someone to do the job while you're away.

Well...we are at 68% and have a pretty good schedule a head of us. I sure hope the churches that have promised support can come through before the end of the year. We also have to raise enough to equip us to do the work in Australia once we get 3 months rent in advance, a car, travel expenses, shipping and so forth. So...if that wasn't a hint, I don't know what to call it.

Just recently, we have had the privilege of sharing our ministry in two churches in Kentucky and both has taken us on. Now, we are going back to two more this would be great to continue that pattern. I know I don't have to remind you of the situation our country is in, and yet God's people are stepping out by faith and trusting Him to provide by partnering with us missionaries around the world. Thank you for showing your faith in our all sufficient God.

Serving Christ Together,

Ron and Vicki Letts
Missionaries to Australia

Monday, May 17, 2010

News From Turkey

Gateway Update and Prayer Requests from Turkey: May 15, 2010

ESL Program expanding: Three new ESL teachers from Northwest Arkansas arrived in Turkey today! They are now on the plane out to Sodom[1] to work with E. and meet up with “G.” our other ESL teacher from NW Arkansas! “G.” and these three are all from the same fellowship and we are grateful to them and to their answering God’s call to go and serve in an unreached land! They had a brief layover in Istanbul before heading to Sodom and they brought bags for Zacchaeus projects with them as well. Pray as we are considering sending them out in teams to “Crazy Man” province and “Thousand Lakes” province to start ESL programs and to shine as Ambassadors for Jesus Christ there. Pray for their safety, cultural adjustment, health and for a spirit of boldness and unity. I will begin to refer to this NW Arkansas ESL group as the Arkies.

Historical Kurdish meeting in May: E., K. S. and J. will be heading to another province to join with Kurdish brothers from all over the country. The goal is to see a network of Kurmanji churches started all over the country! Right now we are working on the first Kurmanji praise book and we are looking forward to meeting other like-minded Kurdish speaking brothers. Please pray for the safety of our travels, for God’s Spirit to guide us during this time, pray also for protection against forces and groups that do not want to see this take place.
Update from a small village in Syria: A Gateway Country J. has shared the Gospel in and that we plan on sending national workers to.

Recent Honor Killing in Syria: A woman’s life is worth 6 months in prison. Today I had a very saddening conversation with a Kurdish Syrian friend of mine. He told me the recent news of the latest honor killing in his village. A village where I have visited and shared the Gospel and have been praying now for over 6 years. Some question the work of missionaries and are even belligerent against those who are called to carry the message of Christ to other cultures. Some say, “they already have a religion and culture why would you want to change their way of life”. Let me explain just one example that you won’t hear on your local news about what goes on in these areas. Just this year in this small Kurdish village in Syria, a woman was caught by her husband in the very act of adultery. After much yelling and fighting he told the situation to her family. They took her outside of the village and executed her. This was done by her own family; the murderer will only serve 5-6 months as the Syrian laws look at honor killings as a necessary evil. Thus a woman’s life is worth 5-6 months jail time. On the other hand the man that was with the woman during the act of adultery is free and no one touched him. Why? Because if he would have been killed or harmed in any way that would have triggered a war between his tribe and the tribe that harmed or killed him. The woman was the scape-goat, the one that “dirtied” the family and to “cleanse” their honor she had to be eliminated. Unfortunately the majority of the village agreed with this decision.
Please pray for this village called “Tree” in Syria and that the Lord would send His laborers here.
J. from Istanbul

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New Donation Instructions and new giving address for Gateway Supporters:

New Donations can be made online by going to:

Please make sure you designate your giving to Jacob Pursley (Gateway)

Or send checks snail-mail to:

EPIC International
115 Woodland Way, Suite 120Canton, GA 30114

Please note or indicate on the check in the memo: PURSLEY or GATEWAY.

[1] For those of you that are interested in why we call Sodom, Sodom J. has written a cultural article on Sodom and the depravity of the area. Respond back to this email requesting the article and he will send it.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Update From Turkey

Gateway/EPIC Newsletter
May 11, 2010

Gateway/EPIC breaks ground in an unreached Kurdish Eastern Province: It is a privilege to be a (lower-cased) apostle for the Lord Jesus Christ here in these lands. It is also an honor to be able to bring good news concerning the battle front of spreading the message of salvation to those whom have never met a Christian, seen a Bible or know anything about sin, righteousness and the coming judgment.

We set out for Beytel East located in Sodom May 1st and with a total of 9 made up of both foreigners and nationals. We drove to an unreached province (4 hours away) called Thousand Lakes. In a very large municipality called Snowy Plain we met with the mayor and city council, along with other prominent members/business owners of the community. We traveled to another Eastern province and stopped and prayed for each village and worshipped the Lord along the way. Another municipality Seven Waters asked us to visit them in Thousand Lakes province but we did not have enough time. At Snowy Plain we introduced ourselves and made plans with the approval of the local government to begin to send English teachers as a service to their community. Also J. with Erd taught a self-defense clinic for Kurdish school girls. This was well received and the girls cannot wait for the next lessons! Other authorities that were not so keen on our presence there frightened the mayor of the Snowy Plain province. We understood that we needed to leave immediately so as not to cause him problems. However the next day not only the mayor but the other municipality called us asking for us to come and begin the programs. J. told the mayor of Snowy Plain that he and other Christians would be praying for him and his town. Please join in prayer with J. for not only Snowy Plain, but also for Seven Waters along with the whole province of Thousand Lakes.

The area is very complex made up of three different languages Zazaki, Kurmanji and Turkish along with two different religions, Alevism and Sunni Islam. The majority of Snowy Plain live under a Feudal system and Islamic Sharia law. The mayor and the educated/those we met with want to change this. Pray for us as we plan to send the first teacher to this area. Pray the Lord would give us wisdom in this and that the doors would stay open in these areas so that we may proclaim the Gospel boldly and clearly.

See the pictures here:!/gatewayeducationalservices?ref=profile

Sharing the Gospel in Sodom: “What are you doing to prepare for Judgment day”? Was the question I asked those at the barber shop near E.’s house. They looked at me and said, “Pray five times a day”. I replied, “Do you really do that”? They answered, “well no”. I replied, “well how do you repent of your sins”? They answered, “we pray.” I said, “So you just say to God I am sorry and then your sin is completely gone, you say you pray 5 times a day for forgiveness but then you admit you really do not do that either! Why do you expect that God will let you go free without paying a penalty when here on earth when you steal, kill, lie, cheat, slander you must go before a judge in court and when condemned you must pay a penalty. When you stand before God one day, there will be a judgment and a penalty to be paid”. They asked me, “Well how do you as a Christian repent”? I explained from the sacrificial system from Adam and Eve, to Abraham and Isaac all the way to the final, perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ upon the cross. “He paid the penalty on the cross, by His shed blood; He paid for your and my sins”. “We confess our sins to God, but our sins our forgiven because of Christ.” The conversation continued about what true Christianity is compared to what they see on the TV and what a True Christian is compared to one that is just a Christian by name. Many other subjects were discussed concerning the Faith. I challenged them to read the Old and New Testament as they need to know the truth. It just so happens that two of those whom I shared with were originally from Dagestan (Near Chechnya) an area I have been praying for now since December. Their families immigrated to Sodom long ago but they still hold on to their roots. Please pray for Masum, Murat and Ferat. Also pray for the others who overheard our conversation at the barber shop. E. will be following up on these.

1. Beytel West has moved: As of April 22 Beytel West located in Istanbul has moved to a new location. We were sad to move from the place where we ministered for 4 years however it was time for a fresh start in a new area. There have been many issues regarding the secret police, the Muslim owner, along with some incidents over the last year that drove the many of the members of Beytel away. After much prayer and fasting concerning all of this since March of 2009 the Lord answered our prayer. We praise God for His leading in this and believe that He will continue to cleanse and protect His church from attacks from without and wolves that try to destroy from within. Prayer Requests: Pray that God would continue to protect His church from dissension, rivalry, jealousy and that there would be a spirit of unity, love and humbleness. Pray that the Lord would grow our church here, specifically that they would always walk in the Spirit, in all holiness and love, clinging close to the Lord and His word.

2. Dr. Mujdeci also known as Dr. K. that we had worked with for many years and in October of 2009 separated from because of some theological issues, has since then spoken with J. and E. concerning these on several occasions. Dr. K. has recanted of any former theological views that made us uncomfortable. Pray for this brother as he continues to works to see the Kingdom grow in T. province. Any work in this country is hard and is full of battles, the spiritual forces on the losing side are trying to keep their ground please pray for the work here.

Academic Summer for J. and L.: As of the first week of June J. will be heading to New York and Pennsylvania then has 3 seminary classes. One in Washington D.C. June 07-11th. One in Orlando FL. June 21-26 and one in Charlotte NC. June 28-July 1. L. will be finishing her last classes and taking her comps for her Ed.D. in Educational Psychology/Special Education July 5th-18th in West Virginia. Needs: A vehicle to use from June 4th through August 4th. If anyone knows of an extra vehicle that they can use that could be picked up in Pennsylvania or New York please let us know. Or if anyone knows a cheap way to rent a car for 2 months please reply to this email. Also J. would like to know if there is a place that he could stay while in Washington D.C., Orlando and Charlotte while taking his classes?

Thank you for partnering with the ministry here in the Middle East and for your financial support and prayers as they are what keep us going here to reach the unreached.

J. from Istanbul

Follow us on Twitter: Gatewayedu
Join us on Facebook: Gateway Educational
Check out the EPIC’s Website:

New Donation Instructions and new giving address for Gateway Supporters:

New Donations can be made online by going to: Please make sure you designate your giving to Jacob Pursley (Gateway)

Or send checks snail-mail to: EPIC International 115 Woodland Way, Suite 120
Canton, GA 30114

Please note or indicate on the check in the memo: PURSLEY or GATEWAY.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


MAY - JUNE 2010

Dear Pastor Burress and friends at Victory Baptist Church,

Here it is almost summer, and it seems like we were just celebrating Christmas not long ago. We have three Bible college classes in process now: one in western Ukraine on Biblical Counseling, one in eastern Ukraine on Cross-Cultural Ministries, and one in our city on OT Survey, all taught by American professors.

We wish we were able to attend each of them .Soon we will be in the USA to attend more Russian language school and visit some churches. We are looking forward to seeing many of you. Nancy is busy trying to pack for all of the classes, school, and furlough at the same time.

The Lord has been blessing the Bible college; here couple of testimonies.

Sergey Konovalenko - 2010 I thank Ron and his wife Nancy for their ministry and for this seminar which we had in our church. You do so much for us! You teach us truth and we find out a lot of new things about God, the Bible and doctrines. Thank you for a book which I could get on this seminar. I'd been looking for it for several months. Thank you for everything. May God bless you and your mission! If you have some more Christian Literature bring it and I will use it.

Alexandra Miroshnikova - 2010 I want to thank Ron and Nancy and also Taniusha for their labor. I believe the Lord will render you for your time and strength and patience. This class was a big blessing for me.... I found out lots of new things about our God: his attributes, Holiness, and also, how His wonderful Word came to us through copying manuscripts and I don’t stop wondering how omnipotent and beautiful our Lord is. I will pray for you that you will be able to tell about Him to many people and they will be able to get the same blessing as I did. With love in Christ, Alexandra M. (the best student of the class :)

We really appreciate you folks at Victory Baptist helping us win Ukrainians for Christ. Thanks for partnering with us.

Ron and Nancy
-- Grace be with you

South O' Border

Dear Friends in Christ,

The History of the Spanish Fellowship Hymnal

When Margie and I arrived in Mexico to begin our ministry the only Hymnal available was "Himnarion Popular" -- Popular Songbook with around 400 songs and cost $3 each. At that time the daily wage for the common wage was $.50 cents per day. Not many could afford one. Only the pianist and director had one. The first thing Margie and I did (with her playing) was to add the English title to each song.

Harold DeVilbiss compiled a small hymnal without music of 96 songs and chorused (some that he had translated. In 1965, with his permission we began to publish these in large quantities at $.25. In the late 70's the publishers decided to discontinue the popular hymnal and began publishing the "Baptist Hymnal" consisting of over 800 songs and costing $12. Few could afford this price.

At that time we began to write, translate, and publish over 65 booklets for SS and other doctrinal material, using obsolete equipment. The masters cost $5 each. We began to publish these books and our monthly bulletin "South O' Border" from 1962 to 1989.

Again with permission we extended the Fellowship Hymnal to 249 songs and choruses. (Margie and I have translated over 50 hymnals; some were included in this addition). At first we only did the words of the songs, which fit on 30 sheets, printed on both sides. We used a blue cardboard cover and saddle stitched the book. The cost was about $.75. Later that year we realized the need for the music. The guitar chords were added by Abel Delgado with the English titles. Sixty pages are needed. The binding was with a plastic spiral. Cost was $1.50.

In 1999 after much frustration with old equipment, the Lord gave us a new FR 2950 Risagraph printer from Japan. The masters cost only $.25 and could print over 5,000 copies if necessary. Praise God it is still in use today. Over 4 million copies have been done with this equipment to date.

It is now small talk to produce 1000 hymnals (the press holds 1000 at a time). First the master copy of the book is make (later Marvin Hooge prepared new master which we still use). The covers have to be prepared apart in lots of 4500 each and cost about $.15. There is a need of 30,000 sheets of paper for each 1000 books.

To print books with music 60,000 sheets are needed printed on both sides. Then they have to be folded for the saddle stitch, which is an old heavy-duty foot-operated machine.

Eliseo Delgado, pastor of Canton Baptist Temple in Reynosa Mexico, and hi family have put together or collated and stapled all the books we have printed, including all the hymnals. After being prepared they are saddle stitched and bound with spiral by Eliseo.

They are then transported back to our place where we use an electric guillotine paper cutter to trim the edges. Since it only cuts one edge at a time, this makes three cuts for each hymnal. Then they are placed in the original boxes and are ready to be distributed to the churches and missions where they are needed.

Another very important part of this process is pastor Angel Zapata of our First Bible Baptist Church in Reynosa Mexico. He is in charge of distribution. This is only achieved mainly two times a year when the BBF of Mexico meet for the national Fellowship meetings.

There are many others who have a part in this process. One year Dr. Billy McClain at Shining Light Ministries printed 10,000 hymnals with words only. These were distributed to other Spanish speaking countries.

We feel that all this has made a difference in the worship services in the churches and missions of Mexico and other Spanish speaking countries. We believe that over 30,000 of the 96-song book were printed. Of the hymnals without music over 150,000 have been printed and distributed. There have been over 5,000 hymnals with music printed and distributed. This week we just finished another 1000 without music.

Remember, this is just a sideline for us. While doing this, with the help of our two sons we have built over 130 churches and missions in Mexico, complete with buildings and a Mexican pastor. We have built and directed a youth camp. Directed two Bible Institutes and have an online Theological Seminary for missionaries and Spanish speaking pastors.

You have made this possible with your prayers and financial help. Some may think we are bragging.Well we are; not in what we have done but in what God has done in, through and sometimes in spite of us.

Yours for souls in Mexico,
Lonnie and Margie