Tuesday, May 4, 2010


MAY - JUNE 2010

Dear Pastor Burress and friends at Victory Baptist Church,

Here it is almost summer, and it seems like we were just celebrating Christmas not long ago. We have three Bible college classes in process now: one in western Ukraine on Biblical Counseling, one in eastern Ukraine on Cross-Cultural Ministries, and one in our city on OT Survey, all taught by American professors.

We wish we were able to attend each of them .Soon we will be in the USA to attend more Russian language school and visit some churches. We are looking forward to seeing many of you. Nancy is busy trying to pack for all of the classes, school, and furlough at the same time.

The Lord has been blessing the Bible college; here couple of testimonies.

Sergey Konovalenko - 2010 I thank Ron and his wife Nancy for their ministry and for this seminar which we had in our church. You do so much for us! You teach us truth and we find out a lot of new things about God, the Bible and doctrines. Thank you for a book which I could get on this seminar. I'd been looking for it for several months. Thank you for everything. May God bless you and your mission! If you have some more Christian Literature bring it and I will use it.

Alexandra Miroshnikova - 2010 I want to thank Ron and Nancy and also Taniusha for their labor. I believe the Lord will render you for your time and strength and patience. This class was a big blessing for me.... I found out lots of new things about our God: his attributes, Holiness, and also, how His wonderful Word came to us through copying manuscripts and I don’t stop wondering how omnipotent and beautiful our Lord is. I will pray for you that you will be able to tell about Him to many people and they will be able to get the same blessing as I did. With love in Christ, Alexandra M. (the best student of the class :)

We really appreciate you folks at Victory Baptist helping us win Ukrainians for Christ. Thanks for partnering with us.

Ron and Nancy
-- Grace be with you

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