Thursday, July 31, 2008

About Turkey

J and L have been missionaries to Turkey since 2002. They fearlessly present the Gospel to Turks. More information to come.....

Name of the Country: Republic of Turkey
Type of Government: Republican Parliamentary Democracy
Capital: Ankara

Geography: Turkey is strategically located as it links the Black Sea to the Mediterrean through the Bosphorus and Dardnelles strait. Slightly larger than the state of Texas, Turkey is is the gateway between the East and West, a land between two continents; 3% in Europe and 97% in Asia. Turkey was the “Cradle of Christianity,” well-traveled by Paul and the location of the seven churches mentioned in Revelation.

Population: 69,660,559
• Turks 60%: Central Asian people.
• Kurds 33%: Indo-Iranian people in southeast Anatolia, probably related to the ancient Medes.
• Arabs 1.8%: Found along the Syrian border.
• Refugees 1.3%: Iranians 560,000, Bulgarian Turks 200,000, Central Asians 90,000.
• Non-Muslim minorities 0.2%: Armenian 45,000; Jews 8,000; Greek 4,000

Spoken Languages:
• Turkish (official), Kurdish, Arabic, Armenian, Greek, Laz.
• Total spoken languages 36.

You may be surprised to find that very few Turks speak English, and you will realize soon the importance of learning their language well.

• Muslim 99.64%
• Christian 0.32%
• Jewish 0.04%
• Breakdown of Muslim sects: Sunni Muslims 72-80% Alevi Muslims 17-25% Shi’a Muslims mainly among the Iranians.
• Yezidi religion (which is not Islam) among Kurdish towns located near the Syrian border.

There are also Muslim missionaries from the Wahabi sect of Islam who teach the fundamentals of the Islamic religion. They come from Saudi Arabia to propagate pure Islam in its true radical and fanatical form. The Jehovah Witness cult and Mormon cult are now active in the country of Turkey.

For centuries the Ottoman Empire was the guardian and propagator of Islam. In the 1920’s, Atatürk, through his charisma and leadership, led reforms that founded the modern day country of Turkey on secularism rather than Islam. Turkey thus has a secular government, although according to constitution the official religion is Islam. The constitutional guarantee of religious freedom has not been fully upheld. There is a difference between what the law books say and what is actually practiced. Local and provincial governments can have complete disregard for the laws, or may not even know their laws. They may persecute the minority Christians, their businesses and churches, and foreigners who work to evangelize.

Most Turks who claim Islam as their religion do so out of tradition, and not out of true devotion to the practices of the religion. The majority have never read the Qur’an, the Hadiths, or the history of their religion, but will defend their Muslim identity. The government in Turkey, because of its fear of radical Muslims coming into power, has set up laws against organizing into groups without government sanction. Because Turkey was founded upon secular principles, the government tries to stamp out any form of fanaticism which could be taught by secret meetings in homes. This has led to new problems for Christian missionaries and their work.

Literacy percentages (over age fifteen):
• Total population: 86.5%
• Male: 94.3%
• Female: 78.7% (2003 est.)

Economy: Approximately 35% of employment is in agriculture. Products of agriculture include: tobacco, cotton, grain, olives, sugar beets, pulse, citrus and livestock. The largest industrial sector is in textiles and clothing, employing one-third of all industrial workers. General services make up approximately 42% of the labor force. Income per person is about $3,130 per year. In larger cities income is increased because the cost of living is much higher.

Society: The structure of the family in Turkey is patriarchal system. The father is the head of the household and controls decisions made by the family.

In Turkey, there are difference in cultural understanding and acceptance of the Eastern and Western points of view. In Istanbul there is a more European style, but the eastern sections of Turkey are very different!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Lonnie and Margie Smith - August 08

August 2008

Dear Friends in Christ,

Hello Dolly! Dolly in this case was a hurricane of Number 2 strength that came through our neighborhood this month. The eye hit South Padre Island with full strength. Many of the hotels and business were damaged. Praise God there was only one fatality when a teen went out on a balcony on the 17th floor of a hotel. He fell to his death. At our house we were without lights, telephone or Internet for three days. All back to normal at this time. Praise God! The only damage was our refrigerator compressor was shorted out with the power surge when electricity was restored.

Matamoros Baptist Mission is building again. Last month we told you about the men from Bedford Baptist Temple in Texas coming and taking an interest in the new mission in Matamoros. They have raised the funds to complete the second phase of the building. The pastors of the Border churches build the first phase of 50 by 25 feet two years ago. Work was stopped because of lack of funds. Now work has begun once again to finish the 30 by 25 feet SS rooms. Eventually the third phase of the second floor will be build. Also we are praying for the funds to purchase the joining lot, which is around $6,000. Dollars.

During July and August over 90 different churches and missions are conducting DVBS classes. Material for over 10,000 boys and girls was prepared. The first of these DVBS was conducted by our son Ronnie. There was a very good attendance of boys and girls and there were 76 professions of faith in our Lord. We will give a complete report on the other DVBS in our next letter. To God be the praise for the souls saved, and we give thanks to all who helped us financially to supply this material.

Beloved we are ever grateful for your faithfulness in prayer and financial help. We know about the difficult times that have hit the world and even into your community. God has promised to supply our needs, and we are trusting in Him to do so.

Yours for Souls in Mexico,

Lonnie & Margie Smith

Randy & Linda Perkins - Special Prayer Request

Saturday, June 7, 2008

This is Linda's description...she has a way with words

Dear, dear Family,

What a "roller coaster" ride we have been on this week, and we didn't even have to get in line to buy a ticket!!

As I sit down to write an up-date to all of you who have been so faithful to pray, I try to imagine just sitting and having a coffee and just looking in your sweet precious faces and sharing yet another day in the lives of the Perkins!!

The Harvesting of the bone marrow did take place on Tuesday and what a day for this precious man of mine. If I ever thought he was weak at enduring pain, I take it all back!! He was so strong and put up with heaps. The dear nursing staff only had to try 4 times to get 14 gauge needle in his left arm, right arm was easy, as it was just a regular size needle. The hard part was that for the next 5 hours he could not move, bend, squeeze, tighten that left arm at all. Except for the terrible pain he was in, I think he loved the side-effects--me feeding him. Such a baby, but a dear one!!

After a full day we headed home and knew tomorrow could be another repeat. We enjoyed some smiles, and laughs and prayed that eyes would stay focused on our Father, and not what could be.

Wednesday morning, we arrived nice early at Pathology, yet again another needle, and another 3 tubes of they went to be tested for bone marrow. Please, please...we needed 4 million, yep you read it right 4 million bone marrow cells. Which we were told is pretty impossible the first time and especially with the previous readings Pastor had had on the Monday. Well don't they know we serve a God that still moves "bone marrow"!! We waited again for the results, and honestly the atmosphere in the "Transplant Unit" could be felt, the anticipation from everyone was incredible. The phone rang, and everyone just turned to listen, watch expression, and try and pick up any indication!! Well as Karen, one of the nurses, hung up the phone all eyes were on her and as a smile broke across her face we knew there must be some good news. FOUR MILLION. 2 Honestly the whole unit clapped and cheered...except me I added a few waterworks...but remember that's my job. Then a quick call to Dr. D and he gave the all clear not to go through another day!! I cried even more and Pastor just said "thank you Father!"

We rejoice in answered prayer and fresh new grace for our lives daily. The next few days there will be trips to the hospital, ex-rays, test, a Hickman line put in-- but a few days of repreve...that we are indulging in. We know that there are some really hard days ahead, but we also know that God continues to cocoon us in His almighty, everlasting arms. Even the shadow of His wings is such a place of peace.

At the beginning we both said that "we wanted to live our lives as normal as we could for as long as could, and that's what we are doing today!! Cleaning house, doing laundry, making visits, and just doing life together!!

Please continue to pray, and know that every prayer that goes up on our behalf is totally treasured by the two of us!! We couldn't do this journey without YOU!!!! To say we love you seems so small, but oh we do!!



Randy & Linda Perkins - Prayer Letter

20 June 2008

Dear Valuable Partners,

It is often in the midst of the uncertainty of life and the adventurers that God allows, that we realize how valuable we are to one another!! You are incredibly valuable to this Missionary couple, for more than just financial reasons. Linda and I have just celebrated our 33rd year of arriving in Australia, WOW!! It seems like only yesterday, well until we look at our 3 adult children and our precious 7 gran’angels. Thank you for partnering with us and being so faithful to what God is doing through us in the land of Australia.

Happenings over the last few months…

WOW (Women of the Word)…has grown and we are adding a new session for the new term. It’s exciting seeing our ladies growing in the Word, and with one another.

MOW (Men of the Word)…we beat the ladies!! We already have two sessions, breakfast and evening. In our breakfast session we have a young dad coming along that is searching and needs Jesus. Please pray for Chris. What a joy to watch as these men take the Word in their own hearts and lives, and then openly share with one another.

COMMUNITY OUTREACH…We spent 3 afternoons during April holidays in our local park, serving and loving. Our church family prayed, planned, and worked hard!! We served sausages something like American hotdogs) to 100’s of kids and parents, coffee, pancakes, face painting, storybook tent, balloons, Wordless Book bracelets!! It was a great outreach and a time to say to our community WE love you and so does JESUS!!

God is always so faithful to us and nothing we do in His name goes unnoticed!! Please know that nothing you do for us goes un-noticed also!! Thank you for sharing with us in the Work God has blessed us with.

Grateful for YOU,
Randy and Linda Perkins

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Greg and LuAnn Lyons - July 08

As our Evangelistic Camps take place this year, I am amazed at where the leaders and volunteers come from. Ambet, Nimfa, and Edilberto are examples of our leadership continuum that develops leaders for our ministry.

Gang Leader to God's Servant!
Gang Leader Ambet was saved March 2007 at last year's camp! Ambet came to camp after being in prison for robbery and murder. He was a leader of an inner city Manila gang called the "Palakpak" gang, known for brutality, robbery, and violence. When Ambet came to camp, he did not know what to expect, in fact was not even sure why he decided to come. After the third gospel message, Ambet was found behind the buses crying out to God for forgiveness! In the following year, Ambet's life was revolutionized by the power of God! Ambet was discipled, began serving in his church, invited and won 12 family members to the Lord. He enrolled in Baptist Bible College Asia. Additionally, Ambet has read the entire Bible through four times! He loves God's Word! Ambet has undergone our counsellor leadership training and has returned to camp to serve! I am humbled by Ambet's faith and commitment, he serves with such joy, passion, and excellence. He has been the security head for several camps, he also has gang management experience!

Junior in High School becomes Church Planting Team Member
Nimfa Nimfa came to camp in March 2007. She was a 3rd year High School student at the Rizal High School (largest in Southeast Asia). After camp last year, Nimfa was part of our Connecting Points Ministry (an extensive follow-up strategy developed by our team). As Nimfa became involved in a workshop, she was introduced to a small group and was assigned a discipler. Her growth was significant. After sixty days she began showing leadership skills and was included in our youth leadership development strategy called "Level Up". She was trained as a small group leader, completed several levels of discipleship and grew rapidly. By the time camp rolled around in 2008, Nimfa was a qualified leader. She helped recruit young people from her High School, served as a counselor at several camps, and now has joined the Community Baptist Church, Blumentritt, Manila church planting team. Nimfa is helping Pastor John Royo as a small group leader in inner city Manila. God is using her greatly!

"I Wanted to be a Hit Man!"
Dodong Edilberto came to camp for two reasons. His friends told him there was good food and good looking girls at a camp offered by this church! That's all Edilberto needed to sign up, except the $2.00 camp fee. Edilberto had just been released from serving a brief jail sentence and was getting back in with his gang. Edilberto's goal in life was to be a "Hit Man," a professional killer. The night before Edilberto and his friends were to go to camp, they scrounged some drugs, got high and held back some for the camp itself. Even though they had been told not to bring them they still did. Arriving at camp, our Toughguys Martial Arts security found the drugs and confiscated them. Edilberto was upset. During the first gospel presentation, Edilberto decided to just put his sunglasses on and sleep. Each service, that was his plan. During the third gospel presentation, Edilberto heard the speaker say, "This could be your last chance to change your life." This comment stunned Edilberto, and he decided to listen to this speaker. At the end of the service, the Holy Spirit convicted Edilberto of his sin. As the pastor talked about salvation, Edilberto bowed his head and prayed. Edilberto was gloriously saved! Edilberto has become involved in a small group, joined a leadership team, enrolled in Baptist Bible College Asia and has become an effective camp counselor, drama team member and serving the Lord. Oh yes, Edilberto has now changed his goal of being a professional killer, he now feels God is calling him to be a pastor!

Your Missionary,

Monday, July 28, 2008

Lonnie Smith, Jr. and Martha

June - August 2008

Dear Pastors and Friends,

Furlough Plans: We realize it has been a long time since we have been with most of you and we also know we need a change of pace for a while, so we are making ourselves available to be with you in 2009. We are planning to get some help to prepare a DVD presentation and to write an extensive summary of our activities to give to brethren in the churches. Some of you have already contacted us for dates and we will continue working on a schedule. The best email address to contact us is the yahoo address below.

Heartbreak: As in all churches, some people come for a while and then move on. Two years ago, a man and his wife visited us on several Wednesday nights, then disappeared. On Sunday, June 15th (Father's Day) our city heard the shocking news of a dad who killed his little girls ages 2 and 4 and then unsuccessfully tried to commit suicide. Those little girls were the granddaughters of the couple I just mentioned. One of our members found out where they were and I went to their home. Their daughter (the little girls' mother) is living with them and I am now giving a Bible study in that home every week. That young mother has professed Christ as Savior and gave public testimony before the church on Sunday, July 6th. She shared with our congregation what happened to her girls and there was not a dry eye in the house! She ended by looking up and saying: "I worship you, Lord, and I thank you for the time I had them with me." As the apostle Paul said: And who is sufficient for these things?

1. Our ladies just returned from a ladies' retreat
2. Our first group of kids is at camp with 2 more groups to go later
3. In August, we are taking an evangelistic team to a small town in our state. We plan to have 4 services and give out 7,000 pieces of literature.
4. The land next to the church is still for sale. The are asking $200,000. We are praying

Since our last letter to you, 23 people have made professions of faith and we baptized 9. Overall, things are looking good. We thank God that through you He has provided our needs for the ministry in this great city.

'Til Jesus Comes,

Lonnie C. Smith, Jr.

The Ukraine Report: August - September 2008

Dear Pastor Burress and friends at Victory Baptist Church,

Here it is the end of summer so we realize we must tell you about a few happenings. Three days each week, Nancy and I have a Russian language tutor come to the house and teach us. It is a challenge to say the least, but is rewarding also. Ron has been able to preach in some new churches (through a translator) and interest in attending our Bible College keeps growing.

Here are a few prayer / praise items:
- for improvement in Nancy's eye after her surgery
- for the record number of classes we are scheduling for the 2008/2009 school year
- for strength to keep up with the progress of the work here, especially the traveling
- this past 4th of July was our 36th anniversary
- for the tracts we give out and leave on the train (we are on the train almost daily)

Recently, we had missionary Tim Downs come from Africa to teach a missions course for us. This was exciting because some students said they are willing to be missionaries if God chooses. Below is another student testimony. Mostly in the past newsletters we heard from men. This is from one of our new young lady students. She loves Jesus Christ. Her name is Luba Babak, and here is her photo.

"I like very much studying Cultural Anthropology (missions), especially I liked teachers because they were very interesting for me. This course helped me to look at the world with new eyes. Many words which Timothy told were I believe from his heart, especially example from the life of Africa. Also one more miracle which God made in the life of Timothy in Africa. Most of all, I liked the organization, exams, and tests which Ron Minton and Timothy prepared. It was a big difference from my studying in the university. This is like real teaching and it helped me to think and relate to my situation in life."

We really appreciate you folks at Victory Baptist.
Thanks for partnering with us,

Ron and Nancy Minton

Friday, July 25, 2008

Bobby and Becky Bonner - July 08

Dear Friends,

Greetings in Jesus name. We have a web page that may

Highlights of 20 years in Africa:

Started 250 Churches in 7 different Countries over 300,000 have come to Christ
4 Bible Institutes Started
1 orphanage for the deaf
1 bush hospital clinic
over 200 men trained for Ministry
we are a church planting organization

Our needs are many

1. monthly support for IAM Ministries as we try and reach all of Africa with the gospel 2. monthly support for our African church planters 3. 11,000 to ship a 40ft container full of bibles and tracts (Now)

God bless you guys. Thanks for your support these last 20 yrs.

Dr. Bobby Bonner

E-mail from Lonnie and Margie

Thank you for taking the time to communicate with us. We are proud to represent Victory B.C. In Mexico. Glad to have you aboard.

It is very difficult to list all that God has done in and through us in Mexico in the last 52 years that we have served. With our two sons working with us over the years and help from many others God has allowed us to have a part in planting 130 churches and missions. We have conducted over 146 different building projects over the years. At present we are building in Matamoros, across from Brownsville, Texas.

Our needs are the same as they have always been: First of all we need yours prayers. Prayer for our health. Prayer for souls. Pray for our financial needs both personal and work. Prayer for the needs of our Mexican pastors who are struggling with the economy but are self supported, self governing and missionary in their practices.

Again we thank you for your interest and faithfulness in prayer and support over the years.

Please continue until He come.

Lonnie & Margie

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Lonnie and Margie Smith - July 08

July 2008 Prayer Letter

Dear Friends in Christ,

This past month was a busy one and we are thrilled with the blessings of our Lord upon our ministry and us.

Calvary Baptist Church was organized in Saltillo. A young couple from the First Church in Reynosa has been working with an independent Baptist missionary for several months. They have property and a beautiful building which the missionary has been able to build. Bro. Angel Zapata from Reynosa church preached the charge to the new church, which voted unanimous to join the BBF of Mexico.

The Redeemer Baptist Church of Col. Vivienda Popular in Monterey celebrated their 42nd anniversary. Eduardo Alejandre Jr. is the pastor. Eduardo Sr. was saved under our ministry as a teen in Naranjos, Ver. God called him to the ministry. In spite of only a 3rd grade education he did well in Bible College and was awarded his degree after three years. I remember as if it were yesterday when he called me and ask to come to Monterrey to work with me. The Redeemer Church was begun. Bro. Eduardo went home to be with the Lord in an accident while visiting one of his missions. All five of his children continue to serve the Lord.

Once again the men from Bedford Baptist Church in Texas come to the Rio Grande Valley. They were on vacation and are great fishermen. They are also fishermen of men. They have helped in one of our churches in Brownsville where Joel Olazaran is pastor. Also they have been a great help with the mission in Matamoros Mexico where Bro. Eli Zapata has a new church. They have taken on a project to help build added space for the SS and Church. Pray that the funds will be raised soon.

We have been busy in our printing department also. Disciple books and another round of 1000 songbooks have been printed.

Beloved we are eternally grateful for your faithfulness in prayer and financial help. We understand the difficult times that have hit the world and even into your community. God has promised to supply our needs, and we are trusting in Him to do so.

Yours for Souls in Mexico,
Lonnie & Margie Smith

Paul Burress (Good News Jail and Prison Ministry) - July 08

• Good News Jail & Prison Ministry was established in 1961
• Provides full-time professional Christian chaplains to jails & prisons
• 90 chaplains in 24 states
• 306 chaplains in 22 foreign countries and 1 U.S. territory
• 366 facilities served nationally / internationally
• Supported entirely by private contributions

• 510 decisions for Christ
• 386 recommitments to Christ
• 72 church services held (Wayne County Jail only)
• 2,016 attending church services (Wayne County Jail only)
• 429 Bible Classes Held
• 3,861 attending Bible classes
• 5,580 counseling sessions conducted by chaplains
• 49,507 counseling sessions conducted by volunteers

• 8,000 Bibles (soft cover) to distribute to inmates
• Dedicated men & women from the community to serve as President’s Council members. (We need a total of 15 members).
• Volunteer help with our grading team
• Professional printing services for promotional flyers and information
• Church contacts (1-2) from each supporting church to help promote Special Events in 2008
• Christian Magazines & Daily Breads
• Soft Cover Christian books
• 25+ new dedicated volunteers to work inside our jails
• Volunteer office helper knowledgeable in computers and office management

• For wisdom as we search for the Chaplain God has chosen to work with us in this ministry
• For a continued open door of ministry in our local jails
• For a Chaplain or volunteer to minister to the next arrested criminal you hear about on the news
• For the victims of crime

Mark any donations on your offering envelope “Good News Jail & Prison Ministry: Paul Burress”

For Updates Visit:

Bobby and Jen Parschauer - July 08

Dear Friends,
Over and over again God commands us not to be afraid.
“Fear not” (i.e. Gen. 15:1; 21:17; 26:24; 35:17; 43:23; 46:3; 50:19; 50:21...) seems to pop up in many of the 66 books of the Bible. I guess God is trying to tell us something! Whether it is finances, your health, your schedule, a relationship, He calls us to trust Him. That means we cannot allow our hearts to become troubled. We must replace those thoughts with His promises. I often stumble in this area when I am trying to push my agenda. When I surrender my day to Christ, I am able to let go of my fears and know that He is in control.

The longer we live, the more we are able to look back and see the traces of a faithful God, who brings us all along in our service for Him. On my trip to Austria in May, I was able to go with my long-time friend, Chris Coats. Some of you may remember him having worked with us from 1997 to 2001. It was like the “good ol’ days”, with Chris doing the music, and me the preaching in the various churches we ministered in. At the annual youth gathering (Pfingstjugendtreff) I had the special privilege to teach one of the Seminars on the topic of how to make decisions in the “gray areas” of life.
On our journey we met up with the Gmoapartie band from Graz, and we were able to meet with another band in Linz to discuss the potential of doing a tour in the USA.
I was also able to reconnect with the leaders of the youth council to discuss how we can continue to best facilitate future leaders for Austria. One special bonus was to meet a young man named Manuel. He came up to me at the youth convention and said that he accepted Christ when I spoke at a summer camp in 1998; what a blessing to see him still faithful 10 years later.

Robert and Hanna Wascher are people of faith. Robert is perhaps the most gifted Austrian Home Bible Study evangelist I have ever met. Ten years ago, he left a high paying job as the Operations Manager at a shoe factory in order to step up to the “plate” and become a Pastor in his own country. Here we see the beauty of missions, when nationals stop depending so heavily on missionaries and begin to take on responsibility in their territory. It can be a fearful thing to only receive a fraction of your salary, and have to live much more by faith, but it can also be a great adventure to see God provide. We are seeking temporary support and prayer for this family. So far, their church is not able to fully support them. As a result, I invited Robert to the States in April and was able to present him to churches in PA, DE, and NY. We were not able to raise as much support as I had hoped, so I would ask you to please pray for Robert and Hanna. If you would like more information on how you can “Adopt” this national, please send me your request. If you would like to send a one-time donation for Robert and Hanna, please make checks out to Titus International, write Bobby Parschauer/Wascher in the memo and send to: Titus International, 1515 Mc Brien Rd., Chattanooga, TN 37412. Danke.

Please pray for the English Camps this summer. In August I will be the camp speaker at one of the camps. Usually, two-thirds of the young people who come to these are unsaved, and we need to pray that God’s presence will be strong, and that young people will be saved.

• Robert and Hanna Wascher.
• The multiplication of Austrian leaders.
• My upcoming trip to Austria in August; speaking at English Camp.
• After 18 years of ministry, our pastor has left our home church. As a result I have been asked to help fill the pulpit until they can find a replacement. Please pray for Jen and I in this.

Mark any donations on your offering envelope as “Bobby & Jennifer Parschauer.”

Dale Peterson - July 08


• Arrived in England July 15, 2008.

• Will be there for three weeks of camp, plus some strategy meetings toward Youth Leadership Summits in the Fall 2008 and into 2009.

• Workers for Youth Leadership Summits

• That God’s will be accomplished


As I recently walked the busy streets of London, and also looked out over the spires of Oxford, home of one of the world’s finest universities, I was struck by the amazing visual evidence of the long, rich history that is very much part of British daily life – a history which is often taken for granted.

The same is unfortunately true of Christianity in Great Britain. From massive cathedrals towering over surrounding buildings to smaller parish churches occupying prominent locations in almost every town, the visual evidence of Christianity’s impact on England, and Europe in general, is obvious. However, what is not so evident is the fact that many of these churches stand virtually empty as interest in Christianity has dramatically diminished.

A recent survey revealed that over 40% of the British people believe that religion is not a force for good in society and that Christianity does not have an important role in public life.

Great Britain has become a post-Christian nation. Christianity made a tremendous impact through such people as Charles Spurgeon and John and Charles Wesley. But now, many would say that the days of Christianity are over in Great Britain. The visual presence of churches throughout the country are more a part of history in general and seemingly have little to do with the present, or the future.

Five major denominations in the United Kingdom have publicly stated that if things continue to decline at the present rate, they will be non-existent before the middle of this century. Countless towns and villages throughout the country do not have even one evangelical church. In the last 50 years, almost 50% of churches associated with these denominations have been closed and are now used for other purposes including apartments, and increasingly, mosques. Islam is now the fastest growing religion in the U.K., and if trends continue, within 20 years there will be more Muslims in Great Britain than Christians of any persuasion.

What should be our response as the body of Christ to this situation? Is there hope for a reigniting of the Christian fervor which was once a hallmark of this great nation?

The Scottish Reformer John Knox once said, “God, give me Scotland, or give me death.” His passion and faith was influential in changing Scotland from being one of the most “sinful, wicked and superstitious nations of all Europe” to becoming one “noted for its honesty, piety and morality centuries after his death.”

John Wesley once proclaimed: "Give me one hundred men who love only God with all their heart and hate only sin with all their heart and we will shake the gates of hell and bring in the kingdom of God in one generation." Wesley’s “Methodist” or “Holiness” movement changed not only England, but the United States as well.

One university student stated that, “God [and his church] is dead in Europe.” This diagnosis may seem like reality to her, but it is wrong. God is developing a new generation of spiritual leaders whose faith, like that of Spurgeon, Knox, and Wesley, can change cities and nations. We must believe God for the emergence of new leaders and new churches that can be a part of spreading God’s kingdom afresh throughout the United Kingdom.

I do not believe that God is finished with Great Britain. I have witnessed firsthand how God is changing lives through churches like Kindsmeade Baptist in Cannock, England, pastored by my good friend Damian Pickett.

Martin Young, pastor of Rising Brook Baptist Church in Stafford, England is encouraged by the fresh vision God is giving his church to make an impact in their local community and across the nation.

There is no question that reaching Great Britain with the gospel will be a difficult task. But it must be done! More and more missionaries, along with British pastors and youth leaders, are realizing that young people are the hope for reestablishing strong churches in the U.K. But, they also realize that this requires having more Christians step up and become leaders – and that these emerging leaders need to be trained.

On a recent trip to England I met Pastor Neil Henley during a casual meeting at a local restaurant along with Damian Pickett. Neil voiced a common concern I have heard numerous times (that I include in my soon-to-be-released video) – “We need help recruiting and training new youth leaders!”

After 35 years of pastoral ministry in the U.S., God has given me a fresh vision and burden to help reach Great Britain with the gospel. The fact that Britain has been greatly ignored because it is such hard spiritual ground has further motivated me to become involved. It is true that compared to other parts of the world where establishing a ministry can take a relatively short amount of time, doing so in the U.K. may take years, or even decades. However, I believe that we can trust God for a miraculous speeding up of this process.

After meeting with numerous Christian leaders in the U.K., I too have come to the conclusion that the best approach for rebuilding the Christian fervor that was once prevalent is by reaching young people who have the energy and drive to become effective disciple makers.

The typical U.K. young person is at least two generations removed from any connection with the church. This means there are no ready-made church youth groups or even any effective programs designed to reach young people. Thus, the task is challenging. But, the growing concern among committed British believers to reach their nation for the Lord is greatly encouraging. Great Britain can be reached for Jesus Christ!

The opportunities for dynamic youth ministry are available through churches across Great Britain. However, more workers need to be recruited, and along with existing workers, become better trained if we are truly going to make a difference for the cause of Christ.

God has strongly impressed upon my heart that now is the time to use the talents and abilities he has given me to help our brothers and sisters in Christ in Great Britain develop effective means of reaching their young people. As a result of what God has been showing me, I have established Strategic Youth Leadership Summit as the vehicle through which this ministry will be fulfilled.

My primary goal is to work in partnership with local churches across Great Britain to help provide leadership training for youth workers. Working closely with these pastors and churches I will be conducting weekend workshops to help train their people in effective avenues for reaching and discipling teenagers. The ultimate result of proper discipleship is the development of committed disciples who will in turn become effective disciple makers.

Additional training opportunities will include regional seminars in the U.K. as well as a yearly international conference bringing in leaders from across Europe.

A key element of the training will be to help churches develop both youth retreats and youth camps patterned after ministries that have proven to be effective.

But, how can all of this happen? I certainly can’t do it by myself! It requires partnership.

First, it requires developing solid partnerships with British churches that will be providing the workers to be trained, and who will be doing the work of the ministry. Second, and equally important, it requires developing partnerships with churches and concerned believers in the United States who will stand with me through their prayers and financial support. While many churches in Great Britain have the desire to reach out to the youth in their communities, they just don’t have the resources to be able to do so effectively.

On a recent trip to England, the title of a travel book in a bookstore window caught my eye. While my desire is not to travel the world, I have the compelling desire to make the most of my remaining time on this earth for the glory of God.

I hope you will join with me in helping reach British youth by reaching and training effective youth leaders. God has not abandoned post-Christian Europe. Together, we can help fan the flames of revival and once again see God’s Spirit move mightily across the entire nation of Great Britain.

In addition to my friends who contribute each month to my personal missionary support through Central Missionary Clearinghouse in Houston, Texas, I need ministry partners who will make a financial investment in something that will out-live each of us – the leaders of tomorrow, who must be trained today.

Would you consider helping to underwrite one Strategic Youth Leadership Summit for 2008 with your gift of $2500. A gift of $2500 will help train ten young leaders who can make an eternal difference in Great Britain. Almost any American church, no matter how small, and many adult Bible classes, could make this a missions project!

And while numerous individual Christ-followers could easily make this investment in the future of the United Kingdom, others cannot – but could underwrite the cost of training one future youth leader for a gift of $250.

In the Spring, I’m returning to England, accompanied by a few key American youth leaders who are partnering with me to mentor young leaders. We will be finalizing each Strategic Youth Leadership Summit for the Summer and Fall 2008 at that time.

I would like to be able to assure the British pastors with whom we partner that Christ-followers in America believe so strongly in God using the Strategic Youth Leadership Summit, that they have totally underwritten the expense, and there will be no charge to their young leaders.

Please let me hear from you – that you can make a special investment of $2500 to help underwrite one Summit. If you simply can’t make that kind of financial gift at this time, please let me know that you will sponsor at least one young leader – perhaps another John Knox or C.H. Spurgeon – with a gift of $250!

From my heart to yours,

Dale Peterson

President, Gospel Alive

P.S. Contributions for the Strategic Youth Leadership Summit should be made payable to Gospel Alive, Inc. and mailed to Gospel Alive, Inc. – 7850 Meadow Drive, Waterford, MI 48329. Gospel Alive, Inc. is a Michigan-based 501(c)3 organization chartered for the purpose of world evangelization.

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