Friday, July 25, 2008

E-mail from Lonnie and Margie

Thank you for taking the time to communicate with us. We are proud to represent Victory B.C. In Mexico. Glad to have you aboard.

It is very difficult to list all that God has done in and through us in Mexico in the last 52 years that we have served. With our two sons working with us over the years and help from many others God has allowed us to have a part in planting 130 churches and missions. We have conducted over 146 different building projects over the years. At present we are building in Matamoros, across from Brownsville, Texas.

Our needs are the same as they have always been: First of all we need yours prayers. Prayer for our health. Prayer for souls. Pray for our financial needs both personal and work. Prayer for the needs of our Mexican pastors who are struggling with the economy but are self supported, self governing and missionary in their practices.

Again we thank you for your interest and faithfulness in prayer and support over the years.

Please continue until He come.

Lonnie & Margie

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