July 2008 Prayer Letter
Dear Friends in Christ,
This past month was a busy one and we are thrilled with the blessings of our Lord upon our ministry and us.
Calvary Baptist Church was organized in Saltillo. A young couple from the First Church in Reynosa has been working with an independent Baptist missionary for several months. They have property and a beautiful building which the missionary has been able to build. Bro. Angel Zapata from Reynosa church preached the charge to the new church, which voted unanimous to join the BBF of Mexico.
The Redeemer Baptist Church of Col. Vivienda Popular in Monterey celebrated their 42nd anniversary. Eduardo Alejandre Jr. is the pastor. Eduardo Sr. was saved under our ministry as a teen in Naranjos, Ver. God called him to the ministry. In spite of only a 3rd grade education he did well in Bible College and was awarded his degree after three years. I remember as if it were yesterday when he called me and ask to come to Monterrey to work with me. The Redeemer Church was begun. Bro. Eduardo went home to be with the Lord in an accident while visiting one of his missions. All five of his children continue to serve the Lord.
Once again the men from Bedford Baptist Church in Texas come to the Rio Grande Valley. They were on vacation and are great fishermen. They are also fishermen of men. They have helped in one of our churches in Brownsville where Joel Olazaran is pastor. Also they have been a great help with the mission in Matamoros Mexico where Bro. Eli Zapata has a new church. They have taken on a project to help build added space for the SS and Church. Pray that the funds will be raised soon.
We have been busy in our printing department also. Disciple books and another round of 1000 songbooks have been printed.
Beloved we are eternally grateful for your faithfulness in prayer and financial help. We understand the difficult times that have hit the world and even into your community. God has promised to supply our needs, and we are trusting in Him to do so.
Yours for Souls in Mexico,
Lonnie & Margie Smith
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