Greg and LuAnn Lyons - July 08
As our Evangelistic Camps take place this year, I am amazed at where the leaders and volunteers come from. Ambet, Nimfa, and Edilberto are examples of our leadership continuum that develops leaders for our ministry.
Gang Leader to God's Servant!
Ambet was saved March 2007 at last year's camp! Ambet came to camp after being in prison for robbery and murder. He was a leader of an inner city Manila gang called the "Palakpak" gang, known for brutality, robbery, and violence. When Ambet came to camp, he did not know what to expect, in fact was not even sure why he decided to come. After the third gospel message, Ambet was found behind the buses crying out to God for forgiveness! In the following year, Ambet's life was revolutionized by the power of God! Ambet was discipled, began serving in his church, invited and won 12 family members to the Lord. He enrolled in Baptist Bible College Asia. Additionally, Ambet has read the entire Bible through four times! He loves God's Word! Ambet has undergone our counsellor leadership training and has returned to camp to serve! I am humbled by Ambet's faith and commitment, he serves with such joy, passion, and excellence. He has been the security head for several camps, he also has gang management experience! Junior in High School becomes Church Planting Team Member
Nimfa came to camp in March 2007. She was a 3rd year High School student at the Rizal High School (largest in Southeast Asia). After camp last year, Nimfa was part of our Connecting Points Ministry (an extensive follow-up strategy developed by our team). As Nimfa became involved in a workshop, she was introduced to a small group and was assigned a discipler. Her growth was significant. After sixty days she began showing leadership skills and was included in our youth leadership development strategy called "Level Up". She was trained as a small group leader, completed several levels of discipleship and grew rapidly. By the time camp rolled around in 2008, Nimfa was a qualified leader. She helped recruit young people from her High School, served as a counselor at several camps, and now has joined the Community Baptist Church, Blumentritt, Manila church planting team. Nimfa is helping Pastor John Royo as a small group leader in inner city Manila. God is using her greatly! "I Wanted to be a Hit Man!"
Edilberto came to camp for two reasons. His friends told him there was good food and good looking girls at a camp offered by this church! That's all Edilberto needed to sign up, except the $2.00 camp fee. Edilberto had just been released from serving a brief jail sentence and was getting back in with his gang. Edilberto's goal in life was to be a "Hit Man," a professional killer. The night before Edilberto and his friends were to go to camp, they scrounged some drugs, got high and held back some for the camp itself. Even though they had been told not to bring them they still did. Arriving at camp, our Toughguys Martial Arts security found the drugs and confiscated them. Edilberto was upset. During the first gospel presentation, Edilberto decided to just put his sunglasses on and sleep. Each service, that was his plan. During the third gospel presentation, Edilberto heard the speaker say, "This could be your last chance to change your life." This comment stunned Edilberto, and he decided to listen to this speaker. At the end of the service, the Holy Spirit convicted Edilberto of his sin. As the pastor talked about salvation, Edilberto bowed his head and prayed. Edilberto was gloriously saved! Edilberto has become involved in a small group, joined a leadership team, enrolled in Baptist Bible College Asia and has become an effective camp counselor, drama team member and serving the Lord. Oh yes, Edilberto has now changed his goal of being a professional killer, he now feels God is calling him to be a pastor! Your Missionary,
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