Monday, July 28, 2008

Lonnie Smith, Jr. and Martha

June - August 2008

Dear Pastors and Friends,

Furlough Plans: We realize it has been a long time since we have been with most of you and we also know we need a change of pace for a while, so we are making ourselves available to be with you in 2009. We are planning to get some help to prepare a DVD presentation and to write an extensive summary of our activities to give to brethren in the churches. Some of you have already contacted us for dates and we will continue working on a schedule. The best email address to contact us is the yahoo address below.

Heartbreak: As in all churches, some people come for a while and then move on. Two years ago, a man and his wife visited us on several Wednesday nights, then disappeared. On Sunday, June 15th (Father's Day) our city heard the shocking news of a dad who killed his little girls ages 2 and 4 and then unsuccessfully tried to commit suicide. Those little girls were the granddaughters of the couple I just mentioned. One of our members found out where they were and I went to their home. Their daughter (the little girls' mother) is living with them and I am now giving a Bible study in that home every week. That young mother has professed Christ as Savior and gave public testimony before the church on Sunday, July 6th. She shared with our congregation what happened to her girls and there was not a dry eye in the house! She ended by looking up and saying: "I worship you, Lord, and I thank you for the time I had them with me." As the apostle Paul said: And who is sufficient for these things?

1. Our ladies just returned from a ladies' retreat
2. Our first group of kids is at camp with 2 more groups to go later
3. In August, we are taking an evangelistic team to a small town in our state. We plan to have 4 services and give out 7,000 pieces of literature.
4. The land next to the church is still for sale. The are asking $200,000. We are praying

Since our last letter to you, 23 people have made professions of faith and we baptized 9. Overall, things are looking good. We thank God that through you He has provided our needs for the ministry in this great city.

'Til Jesus Comes,

Lonnie C. Smith, Jr.

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