Tuesday, November 11, 2008

News from Lou Hill

God Has Blessed! Thank you.
In 2004, God called us to plant a church in Nampa, Idaho. Since you have been in the loop by way of our prayer letters I'll spare you the details other than to say God has blessed our efforts to follow His leadership by allowing Christ since we arrived. One man (our first convert) has surrendered to full time ministry and enrolled in Bible college. A lot of ministry that can't be detailed in this limited space has taken place. It is all to God's glory, but your partnership has been vital to our success, and for that we thank you.

A New Field! The Macedonian Call

Allow me to digress in time. In 2003, the Lord led me to join with four other men in the establishment of Balken States Ministries. The new ministry was designed with the purpose of partnering with national pastors in the Balkan states, specifically those located in Macedonia and Bulgaria at the time. Balkan States Ministries would provide much needed support for pastors and churches in the area until they could become self-supporting.

While we have enjoyed being a part of taking the Gospel to the same area of the world that God led the Apostle Paul to (Acts 16:9), our work has been limited due to our primary responsibilities in the U.S. Even with limited work, our partnership with Marjan Angelovski and the other pastors of the Balkan States Ministries has been privileged to have a part in establishing 7 churches and 7 missions in Macedonia in the last five years. To God be the glory!

Earlier this year, as Pam and I sought the Lord's leadership for our lives and ministry, we began to sense God's call to prepare the church in Nampa for a change in leadership, and for us to devote our full time effort to planting church is Macedonia. It is with gratitude to our great God that we obediently answer His call.

Your Continued Support is Needed!

Needles to say, we are very excited about what God is calling us to do. Having recently visited the field again, I am reminded of the great door of opportunity for effectual ministry the Lord has opened for us. With less that 1% of the population of Macedonia considered to be born again believers and Islam at a staggering 30% of the population and growing, to say the need is great is an understatement.

We cannot do this great work along. Your prayer and financial support is greatly needed if we are going to succeed at this great task. Will you partner with us as we take the Light of Christ to this needy part of the world? It is necessary for us to raise monthly personal support in order for us to answer God's call to this new ministry. Please pray about supporting us as your missionaries to Macedonia.

A short time from now, I would like to call you in order to talk with you about scheduling a service at which time we can share our vision for Macedonia with your church. Since in the past you have entrusted us with the responsibility of representing you as your home missionaries to Idaho, our hope is that you will be able to add us to your missions family as your missionaries to Macedonia.

Thanks again for your prayer and financial support, but most of all for honoring us as part of your missions family as we planted Harvest Fellowship Baptist Church in Nampa.

Sincerely in Christ,


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