Monday, November 24, 2008

Dear Loved Ones,

Still not sure we all made the transition to google groups, but will maybe have more time to be sure of that next week!

Thank you for praying for our Christmas programme at the school. Our preschool kids did a short program of Christmas Carols with new words to start off the show! They are always a hit and there is always at least one who steals the show. This time was no exception. Reggie is
3 and he sang his heart (and lungs!) out. Then he would be still for awhile then come blasting back in! Two kids down, one of our Hindu children, began clapping and stomping his feet with the rhythm (well sort of!). He also was singing to the top of his lungs. It was so cute. We are thankful these children are learning things that will go deep in their hearts.

Next came the primary aged kids (elementary). They did the musical presentation The Christmas Present which was purchased for us last year by one of supporting churches in Florida. Our church used it last year, and this year the school performed it!

Our secondary students (high school) then performed a play about Simeon and Anna - it was all great and we had about 700-800 in attendance! We know the message of The Best Present of ALL went out to Gaborone that night. Thank you again for praying.

Last week, we had to expel a student from our school for stealing. We told him that he really needed some change in his life and we were not giving up, we would continue to pray. We told him, he could not change on his own, he needs the Lord in his life. Today, he was in church!! Pray for Marcos that God will change him from the inside!

This morning at the close of our service, Venolia was saved! Today was a harvest. The seed was planted in her heart nearly four years ago when the T.I.M.E. team came to Botswana. She started attending sporadically after that. She was gone for nearly a year and then came back. Her attendance has been sporadic but usually only because of a death in the family or travel with work. She had expressed her desire to be saved to one of our ladies and after the service today, she was
saved! She plans to be baptized next Sunday!

This week concludes our school year! YAHOO! OH MY WHAT GOD HAS DONE! We are so thankful for your part. Pray as Amy Kirkland prepares to come this way and also another man as he prepares his heart and life for a move to Botswana. Another young man from Indianapolis area has also contacted us with Africa on his heart. If God wants him here, may he not be able to say NO. Many times you hear people say, "If I surrender to God, he might send me to Africa," We say, "PRAY that God will send you to Africa!"

Reaching the Unreached!

Steve, Pam, Amanda, Derek and Devin

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