Monday, November 17, 2008

News from Africa November 2008

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Greetings in the name of the Lord. Hoping this letter finds all well with you. We are doing fine and the work is growing and growing.

First, I want to thank all of you who had a huge part in sending three 40 ft. containers this last year full of Bibles, tracts, Sunday school material, discipleship material, bicycles for our pastors, medical supplies, New Testaments, and many other much needed supplies. The list goes on and on especially with those on the thank you list.

The work in Africa is growing each and every day. The men in the Congo are doing a wonderful work going from village to village, hut to hut winning people to the Lord. The work in Tanzania is growing as well as Matthew is doing a wonderful job there. We received a letter from Nigeria where a man had one of our tracts, read it, and got saved. He then shared it with another man who also trusted Christ as his Savior. They are now numbering 149 who have been saved from reading one of our Gospel tracts and are begging us to come to Nigeria to teach them and train them. The hunger of people for the Word of God is overwhelming when we look at the apathy and unconcern around the world for God's precious Word. There are still places on Earth where people will walk for days or weeks and go without physical food just so they can sit in the hot sun all day to hear "thus saith the Lord."

Please pray for our elections in Zambia. They are crucial s one of the men running for office is running on the premise that he will kick out all non-Zambians if elected. Also pray for others who will come and join our team in Africa. There is little time and the door is open. Let us not let it close.

Once again, thanks so much for your support and especially your prayers. This has been a tough year. We have learned a lesson as it is much easier to die for the Lord that it is to live for Him, but what an honor it is to live for Him. Pray for our travels as we are constantly moving and preaching around this world.

God bless you,

In Jesus name,

Bobby and Becky Bonner

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