Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Letter from Grace Church

It's hard to believe that three years ago we began meeting for the first time on a Sunday morning with a handful of college kids and unsaved friends and neighbors. Today, we average nearly one hundred with regular attendees who still have not committed to faith in Jesus. What makes this relatively small number so amazingly significant is what God has already done:
  • Over thirty people have professed faith in Jesus
  • We sent a small group out of Grace Church this past September to plant Life Church, our second church plant, in nearby Quincy
  • We built out a 6,600 square foot meeting place without incurring any debt and have a six-year lease
  • We are laying the ground work for our third church plant in Walpole and hope to see it birthed in three years.
Additionally, we are taking the necessary steps to become a fully, self-supporting church as our weekly offerings have recently begun to pay the bills. In January, the church will take on a third of my salary, a third the next year, and the rest on our fifth anniversary in November of 2010. Only the Lord could take a home Bible study from birth to reproducibility and financial independence in the most un-evangelized region of the country in only five years!

Thank you for your part in planting a Gospel preaching, community loving, disciple making church on the south side of Boston. Please continue to pray and financially support us as we stretch toward this goal. It appears that the Lord is continuing to complete the work he began in us!

Truly yours for Jesus and the lost in New England,

Sean Sears

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