November 20, 2008
Dear Friends of Word of Life Ukraine:
The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD (Job 1:21b)
God is doing amazing things through the ministry of Word of Life in the Ukraine! The Bible
Institute and camping programs are not only reaching the youth in this
needy land, but are also expanding into several former Soviet bloc countries.
In the midst of this blessing we have been reminded that we have an adversary who seeks to discourage and destroy.
I have just received word that the home shared by the
Radziwiluk family on our Ukraine property was completely destroyed by fire. The fire evidently began in the chimney and quickly engulfed the entire duplex. Two entire families lost their home, their furniture, and their personal belongings.
In spite of this setback, the
Radziwiluks and their ministry team are in good spirits and
rejoicing that the Lord spared their lives and that no one was injured.
What can you do to help?
1. Pray with us that the ministry in Ukraine will continue to move forward unhindered.
2. Because reliable insurance was not
available, we are asking the Lord to touch the hearts of friends who have supported the ministry in the Ukraine and partner with us in a meaningful way.
With winter quickly approaching, there is an urgent need to begin construction on a new home. We are already in the process
of mobilizing volunteers to help.
The cost to rebuild the home and to replace the furniture and belongings is expected to be around $100,000. With the urgency of what has
occurred, a special project account has been opened.
Would you prayerfully consider a generous gift?
More information, as well as an online giving option is also available at
As you already know, the
Radziwiluk family is so faithful and fruitful. It is our heart's desire to
encourage them during
this challenging time. God has used them in such a wonderful way to reach people with the Gospel. Your gift will help them continue their
ministry in this
needy land without the distraction of living in an
inadequate housing situation.
Thanks, in advance, for considering your role in meeting this
urgent need. Please contact me directly with any questions.
In His Service,
Don Lough, Jr., Director
Word of Life Fellowship , Inc.