Monday, March 15, 2010

News from Turkey

EPIC/Gateway Newsletter from Turkey: March 12, 2010
Praise and thank the Lord for:

J. and E. had a successful speaking tour in the United States. They were gone for twenty-three days but were able to accomplish much during their visit. They had over forty meetings with supporters and churches and both preached/taught or presented together fifteen times during their stay. They also shared to gospel with two Muslims (AP Turk and AT Kurd) during their stay. Pray that they would both come to faith.
Highlights from the trip:

1. There was a revival in the hearts of many to serve their Lord and awaken from their slumber. Pray that this would be a lasting revival in their lives and would pour out into their churches as a whole.

2. There was a call for ESL teachers to come and serve in Sodom city, Eastern Turkey at a supporting church. The Lord called up many that night who were ready to leave all and teach immediately! This Sunday our first ESL teacher will arrive in Turkey from that church! He will teach for 3 months then another will come and take his place from the same church! This man “G.” left his girlfriend, home and work to serve the Lord in an unreached area. Pray for him and J. and E. as they prepare him for service, culture learning and spiritual combat. Pray for safety in his travels and peace for him and his family. What obedience to the Lord to leave all!

3. E. and J. taught on how to evangelize Muslims there were over 100 attendees at these lessons. Pray that those who joined the classes will take action, be bold and actively share their faith with Muslims in their areas.

4. E. and J. have been trying to raise funds to purchase a building that they can stay in and not get kicked out of. They also were asking many to help purchase a vehicle for ministry in the East and for Kenan’s taxi. There has been some good response and many promises. Please pray that those who said they would give would follow through.

5. E. and J. were blessed and encouraged more than those they visited could even know. We thank them all!

- New Church Plant Update: The new church plant in Yeni Bosna has met for the last 3 weeks now. Erl has been preaching through the book of I John. Those who have attended have been greatly encouraged. This is the first church plant in that area of Istanbul ever. Pray that both Erl and “M.” would be encouraged in their work for the Lord. Pray for protection of the small church and pray that the Lord would call many to Himself in the area of Yeni Bosna and grow His church both numerically and spiritually.

- Twitter Updates from “M.” from Yeni Bosna will begin this week. Please pray for his requests as “M.” and Erl are spearheading this work.

- Second Kurmanji Service to take place: Please pray as we have much preparation to do for this next service. Pray the Lord would guide us as we plan the worship, prayers and sermon.

For any written resources on praying for workers, evangelism to Muslims, Islam, apologetics, unreached peoples etc… please do not hesitate to ask and we will send you info.

Thank you for your prayers and support, J. Follow us on Twitter: Gatewayedu Join us on Facebook: Gateway Educational Website: Check out the EPIC’s Website:
New Donation Instructions and new giving address for Gateway Supporters:
New Donations can be made online by going to: Please make sure you designate your giving to Jacob Pursley (Gateway) Or send checks snail-mail to: EPIC International 115 Woodland Way, Suite 120Canton, GA 30114 Please note or indicate on the check in the memo: PURSLEY or GATEWAY.

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