Tuesday, March 16, 2010

News from Australia

Dear Pastor and Church family,

It is always great to set down and evaluate the last two months. It is a joy to write to you….even though we are not where we need to be, as far as our % is concerned, we still had 4 churches just this last month, add us to their missions family. We praise the Lord for the direction we are going, our percentage is steadily growing. We have been in many churches sharing our ministry and are grateful for the opportunity. We do hope that many, if not all, will get behind us and help us get back to Australia as soon as possible. Our goal is to leave toward the end of November and that will be here before you know it.

With the economy the way it is we still have people willing to step out by faith and say…God’s commandments haven’t changed, even though the economy has. He is still King of kings and Lord of lords…….and it is “He” who will supply all our needs according to “His” riches in glory. We have seen people come forward during the invitation and re-dedicate themselves, confess their sin and sinners saved by grace. One missions conference, alone, 15 people, many adults, trusted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. That’s enough to make any believer shout for joy.

Though we would like to get back to work (on the field of our calling) we must remember that the world is the field….and the Lord has said that “the fields are white already unto harvest…” So we will keep on keeping on … raising our needed support which involves proclaiming across our country till the Lord gives us leave to go and every one that makes a decision for Christ is fruit for our labor……we want to honor our God and Lord…and you, can rejoice because you share in that fruit.

For those who have become a part of our ministry, we truly thank you. Please be praying about the additional costs of tickets, passports, a car …as well all the extra expenses to set up the ministry. We are working hard to get there and we thank every one of you for doing your part in this great work of reaching Jerusalem, Judea, and Australia.

Serving Together in Christ
Ron & Vicki Letts

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