Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Greetings in the wonderful name of the Lord. Hoping this letter finds all well with you and you trusiting Him more and more as the days to by. He is worthy, amen.
The days are going by fast. In the last three weeks I've been to Puerto Rico, Temperance, Michigan, Milan, Tennessee, Gulfport, Mississippi, and Bogalusa Louisiana. Seeing the Lord work has been to say, thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus. Over 130 peoplehave come to know the Lord as their Savior in our meetings. God has been good, no doubt. Hoping and praying the churches are being strengthend and edified along the way. Thank you for your continued prayers for our travels, meetings, and my health. God is good.
We have a need coming up very shortly. As you know, this is Spring time in the USA, and the time we load and ship a 40ft. container full of supplies to help our churches in Africa. We are getting Bibles from BEAMS. Pastor Jerry Rockwell is getting us some study Bibles for our pastors (what a blessing). Pastor Mark Smith is helping us with NT's and many others are helping us with Sunday School supplies, etc. However, our greatest need is that of the shipping cost. It cost around $16,000 to ship a container from door to door to Zambia, Africa. If each of our supporting churches could chip in an extra $400, this need could be met, right now. We are hoping to ship the supplies out the first week of May. Can you help??? Can you pray??? We sure need this to happen. A couple churches in Puerto Rico have helped with a $1000 each for the shipping cost. What say ye??? Ourpeople need the relief items we are sending. Acts 11 says the church at Antioch sent relief to the churches back in Judea and sent it by the hands of two missionaries. We're praying we can do the same. Remember this is an annual need. Churches are being planted every year with new works starting in different countries. There are souls being saved on a daily basis, and Bible training going on to train new Pastors. They need these supplies. They are not asking for physical food. They are begging for BIBLES, tracts, New Testaments, John and Romans, and Sunday School material. Please pray about this need. God bless you.
As always Becky and I thank each of you for your prayers and support. We count it an honor to represent you for the cause of Christ both here and around the world. May the Lord bless you and keep you in His perfect will. To God be the glory.
Bobby and Becky Boner
IAM Ministries
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