Monday, March 29, 2010
Greetings in the wonderful name of the Lord. Hoping this letter finds all well with you and you trusiting Him more and more as the days to by. He is worthy, amen.
The days are going by fast. In the last three weeks I've been to Puerto Rico, Temperance, Michigan, Milan, Tennessee, Gulfport, Mississippi, and Bogalusa Louisiana. Seeing the Lord work has been to say, thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus. Over 130 peoplehave come to know the Lord as their Savior in our meetings. God has been good, no doubt. Hoping and praying the churches are being strengthend and edified along the way. Thank you for your continued prayers for our travels, meetings, and my health. God is good.
We have a need coming up very shortly. As you know, this is Spring time in the USA, and the time we load and ship a 40ft. container full of supplies to help our churches in Africa. We are getting Bibles from BEAMS. Pastor Jerry Rockwell is getting us some study Bibles for our pastors (what a blessing). Pastor Mark Smith is helping us with NT's and many others are helping us with Sunday School supplies, etc. However, our greatest need is that of the shipping cost. It cost around $16,000 to ship a container from door to door to Zambia, Africa. If each of our supporting churches could chip in an extra $400, this need could be met, right now. We are hoping to ship the supplies out the first week of May. Can you help??? Can you pray??? We sure need this to happen. A couple churches in Puerto Rico have helped with a $1000 each for the shipping cost. What say ye??? Ourpeople need the relief items we are sending. Acts 11 says the church at Antioch sent relief to the churches back in Judea and sent it by the hands of two missionaries. We're praying we can do the same. Remember this is an annual need. Churches are being planted every year with new works starting in different countries. There are souls being saved on a daily basis, and Bible training going on to train new Pastors. They need these supplies. They are not asking for physical food. They are begging for BIBLES, tracts, New Testaments, John and Romans, and Sunday School material. Please pray about this need. God bless you.
As always Becky and I thank each of you for your prayers and support. We count it an honor to represent you for the cause of Christ both here and around the world. May the Lord bless you and keep you in His perfect will. To God be the glory.
Bobby and Becky Boner
IAM Ministries
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Epic International Update
When Guttenberg invented the movable type printing press in the 14th Century, the church, for the most part, delegated the responsibility of "publishing" the Word of God to the business world. Many believers today are convinced that this was not what God intended when we gave His Word to His church.
In Old Testament and Medieval times, scribes would meticulously pen copies of the sacred manuscripts. It was a hallowed responsibility. Worshippers considered the copying process to be of the highest honor to God Almighty. Through the years, this has been lost.
Kansas City Baptist Temple in Kansas City, Missouri feels that much of this hallowed responsibility still rests upon the church. Annually, during the week-long Bible conference, their church members are engaged in "publishing" Bibles and Scripture portions. They collate, bind, trim, and finish Bibles. They then box and ship them around the world. For thirty years this process has grown to be one of the most exciting weeks in the church.
This year, KCBT's project was the Farsi New Testament and a partnership with EPIC. Farsi is the language of the Persian speaking world in modern-day Iran. The strategy was to print pages for 52,000 New Testaments, ship them to the church and, during the week of the conference, finish the binding process and ship them to EPIC for distribution in Iran and other Muslim countries.
Hundreds of church members participated in the 24-hour daily process by coming to the church to work. The amount of 52,000 was the largest ever attempted by the church in one week. But they reached their goal before the week was over and more than one-half of these books are on their way to various staging areas of the world and will soon be in the hands of Muslims seeking the truth.
Dr. Jeff Adams, the pastor of KCBT, stated, "this years' project is by far the largest we have ever attempted and seemed to challenge our people more than in earlier years. It was exciting to see it come together and it was obviously a God ordained project. We are now in regular prayer as a church for those who will be receiving these New Testaments."
Monday, March 22, 2010
Hope Missions: Steve & Sandy Nichols
2009 was an exciting year for Magic By Design. Approximately 2,407 people attended 31 shows throughout New York State. There were 185 adults, teens and children who raised their hands for salvation. Many received counseling after the shows and were given Bibles, tracts, and encouragement.
We are thankful for our supporters who continue to pray and support this ministry financially. We have been able to cover the many expenses including Bibles, literature, office supplies, postage, travel expenses, magic tricks, costumes, lighting, sound, etc. We are also thankful for our family and friends who have faithfully done the hard work to make these shows happen.
Our family dog, Morgan, has now joined our team as a TDI Registered Therapy Dog. She will be visiting nursing homes, hospitals, and schools.
In February of this year, we began an outreach to inner city teens and young adults who do not have Christian families. We share a meal together every Friday evening in our home and then study the Bible together.
Our first study is a DVD series entitled, "I Really Want to Change...So Help Me God." We are very excited to learn about God's desire to transform us into His image and the power that is available to us through the Holy Spirit.
Once a month, we take everyone to a fun activity. In March, we went bowling. We all had a great time! Most of these kids never have a chance to do an activity like this.
Our hope is to model family life to these kids and build a desire in their hearts to become men and women who follow God and build their own Godly families.
Our Vision for the Future...
By the Grace of God, we would like to see the expansion of Xcelerate. We are looking for other families to join us in reaching more and more of these young people.
We will invite them to join us in sharing Jesus with others through the Gospel magic ministry as well as other types of community outreach.
Bob & Betts Parschauer: European Representative
Psalm 73:28 "But it is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord God. That I may declare all Your works."
January and February have been very busy months for Betts and me with doctor visits, watching our grandsons play basketball, Missions Conference at Word of Life Florida, meetings with Pastor's, but most of all preparation for the tours this spring. At the present time Ildiko and Bela Doros from Word of Life Hungary are here with us and we are having some wonderful meetings with them.
It is especially meaningful for Betts and me to have Ildiko here as she has been working with us since 1983 in Hungary. We first met her shortly after she had completed her Doctor of Law degree in Hungary. It was February of 1983 during the time when Christians were still being persecuted, but things were beginning to open up in Hungary. We as a Quartet went to Hungary at that time and were welcomed by Ildiko's church family. That was the beginning of an incredible ministry in that part of Europe. Ildiko's ministry as the director of legal matters has, over the years, been invaluable. Without her I don't know how we would have been able to function with all of the legal changes that were taking place as Hungary became a free country after being under communism for so many years. Bela, who went to the youth group in that same church and later moved to USA with his family, came back to Hungary in 2005 and met Ildiko again and one year later married her. They are now working together and are very actively involved in the new work going on in Serbia. Right now we are in the process of raising the funds needed for a van for them, to be used for transporting students to the various ministries that they are involved in. Would you pray with us that we will get the $25,000 needed for that van? They are also looking for added support as the dollar has lost so much value.
In spite of the economical problems in Hungary right now, God is doing great work and many are being saved and discipled through this ministry.
I just got word today from Tim Good that they are planning to sign the contract tomorrow, March 5th, for the new property that they have been raising funds for. This is another miracle that we are praising God for. Just a few months ago we all were wondering if this was going to happen, and it has happened again. Praise the Lord! Tim just wrote recently this will truly be an ideal place for us to set up this "Center of Refuge" for Polish teenagers.
Our German Concert Pianist Gregor Breier is coming again on March 12/10. This will be my 20th tour throughout USA and Canada with him during the last 18 years. Gregor has assisted me in raising literally hundreds of thousands of dollars for many of our countries in Europe as well as Africa. Now it is our privilege to raise some very needed funds for his ministry in Germany and German speaking Europe. Would you pray with us as we are on tour?
We appreciate so much your support and prayers for us. So many of you have told us that you are especially praying for Betts. Thanks so much! We have another visit with Bets' Oncologist right after the tour with Gregor is completed, March 30th. We are praying that her cancerous tumor will react to the medicine that she is taking right now and no other treatment will be necessary.
We have put our trust in the Lord and our deepest desire is to continue to declare the wonderful works of the Lord until He comes to take us home to be with Him.
Our love and prayers,
Bob and Betts Parschauer
Word of Life European Representative
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
News from Luke and Kelly Lyons
Thank you for taking the time each month to read our e-newsletter and partner with us through prayer.
This month we are featuring the church plant in Antipolo with Pastor Jermaine Nacion. To watch a video on the NFD (non-facility dependent) strategy click here.
Please commit to praying with us for this new church plant as they work towards launching this year!
Luke & Kelly Lyons
Impacting Asia
Pastor Jermaine Nacion
Antipolo Church Plant
About Us
We are 3rd and 2nd generation missionaries to Metro Manila, Philippines.
We are currently traveling across the country fundraising for our monthly support so that we can go to Manila full-time. We are also raising funds for our setup costs. To view a list of our areas of need, please click here.
Our main goal will be to work with church planters toward our team goal of planting 100 churches by 2018.
We would love to come and share our ministry with your church. Please call Luke at 919-452-9598 or email him at to schedule us to be with your church.
Announement from the Parschauer's!
Dear Friends,
We serve the True and Living God. He is active, involved…engaged. Notice how God reaches out His hand and touches our mouths and our lives; how
He sends us, and commands us to speak what He asks us to say.
Today, Jen and I are excited to make an announcement. Almost two years ago, the
founding pastor of our home church here in Lancaster stated that he felt it was time to
move on (oddly enough, the day we became members!). It has been a mutual blessing
to serve in a part-time interm capacity, both satisfying their need, and fulfilling a desire
to serve locally with my gifts. Fund raising, as you know, has been quite difficult in light
of the current economic situation. Over time, it has become apparent that this is a new
open door in our lives, and I will soon be installed as the lead pastor of Community
Fellowship Church. We have prayed about this for a long time and sense God’s call to
continue impacting the world based out of our home church.
What about Austria?
Our church desires for me to maintain my relationship with Austria, and in fact
established a partnership with the ministry there over 2 years ago. We’ve already had
an Austrian intern couple serve for 3 months with us here, and have brought 3 teams
over from our local church to serve with nationals there. Our elders desire that we
continue that relationship, and go over 2 times a year as needs arise. Our relationship
and communication with Austrians has expanded thanks to our local church body!
What about funding nationals?
Our Fund for Austrian nationals will carry on. We are asking you to continue
sponsoring missions in Austria. We will no longer be using the support for our income,
but we plan to use it to directly sponsor nationals. We desire to provide funding to
nationals in order to encourage and jump-start them into ministry positions. People like
Robert Wascher, Andi Heusser, Marco Ebner and Mathias Ottacher are all nationals who
have committed their lives to serve Christ in their own country (knowing language
and culture). They are already working, but they need funding and encouragement
in order to free them up to minister more effectively. This is a great opportunity to get
the most effectiveness out of our ministry support- to SPONSOR NATIONALS!
What about correspondence?
As some of you may know, my brother Brent is with Titus International. Brent has
agreed to work with you and help in an administrative role. He will be collecting and
relaying information to you on a quarterly basis. On the ground in Austria, our
national Titus missionary, Daniel Kistenich, will continue to be involved in our work with
nationals. I will be in touch with Brent in order to give him updates when I travel to
Austria. The relationship will continue; the growth will continue, and God, who started a
work there, will complete it!
What about the funding process?
Please continue to make checks out to Titus International. The memo will be for the
“Austria Fund”. My brother Brent will be your main contact person for any questions you
may have:
Born to Burn
Coming up in May, I will be the speaker at Austria’s
national youth convention! Once again, we will take a
team from our home church, this time our worship team, to
serve throughout the conference. The topic, Born to Burn
will be a challenge for young people to be vessels, available
for God’s use in His Kingdom. Chris and Tine Urch, the young couple that did an
internship at our church, are taking on a key role in putting together the event.
Please pray that God will give them strength and guidance. Please also pray for me to
discern and speak the words that God puts in my mouth (Jeremiah 1).
God has given us many
years of growth and
relationship both with
you, and with the
Austrians we have such
a heart for. It’s been a
real privilege to share in
all that He has done and
will continue to do there
through both the “goers”
and the “givers”. Please
persist in prayer for
life change in Austria!
Wishing you God’s best for 2010
Bobby, Jen and Kids Parschauer
News from Australia
It is always great to set down and evaluate the last two months. It is a joy to write to you….even though we are not where we need to be, as far as our % is concerned, we still had 4 churches just this last month, add us to their missions family. We praise the Lord for the direction we are going, our percentage is steadily growing. We have been in many churches sharing our ministry and are grateful for the opportunity. We do hope that many, if not all, will get behind us and help us get back to Australia as soon as possible. Our goal is to leave toward the end of November and that will be here before you know it.
With the economy the way it is we still have people willing to step out by faith and say…God’s commandments haven’t changed, even though the economy has. He is still King of kings and Lord of lords…….and it is “He” who will supply all our needs according to “His” riches in glory. We have seen people come forward during the invitation and re-dedicate themselves, confess their sin and sinners saved by grace. One missions conference, alone, 15 people, many adults, trusted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. That’s enough to make any believer shout for joy.
Though we would like to get back to work (on the field of our calling) we must remember that the world is the field….and the Lord has said that “the fields are white already unto harvest…” So we will keep on keeping on … raising our needed support which involves proclaiming across our country till the Lord gives us leave to go and every one that makes a decision for Christ is fruit for our labor……we want to honor our God and Lord…and you, can rejoice because you share in that fruit.
For those who have become a part of our ministry, we truly thank you. Please be praying about the additional costs of tickets, passports, a car …as well all the extra expenses to set up the ministry. We are working hard to get there and we thank every one of you for doing your part in this great work of reaching Jerusalem, Judea, and Australia.
Serving Together in Christ
Ron & Vicki Letts
Monday, March 15, 2010
News from Turkey
EPIC/Gateway Newsletter from Turkey: March 12, 2010
Praise and thank the Lord for:
J. and E. had a successful speaking tour in the United States. They were gone for twenty-three days but were able to accomplish much during their visit. They had over forty meetings with supporters and churches and both preached/taught or presented together fifteen times during their stay. They also shared to gospel with two Muslims (AP Turk and AT Kurd) during their stay. Pray that they would both come to faith.
Highlights from the trip:
1. There was a revival in the hearts of many to serve their Lord and awaken from their slumber. Pray that this would be a lasting revival in their lives and would pour out into their churches as a whole.
2. There was a call for ESL teachers to come and serve in Sodom city, Eastern Turkey at a supporting church. The Lord called up many that night who were ready to leave all and teach immediately! This Sunday our first ESL teacher will arrive in Turkey from that church! He will teach for 3 months then another will come and take his place from the same church! This man “G.” left his girlfriend, home and work to serve the Lord in an unreached area. Pray for him and J. and E. as they prepare him for service, culture learning and spiritual combat. Pray for safety in his travels and peace for him and his family. What obedience to the Lord to leave all!
3. E. and J. taught on how to evangelize Muslims there were over 100 attendees at these lessons. Pray that those who joined the classes will take action, be bold and actively share their faith with Muslims in their areas.
4. E. and J. have been trying to raise funds to purchase a building that they can stay in and not get kicked out of. They also were asking many to help purchase a vehicle for ministry in the East and for Kenan’s taxi. There has been some good response and many promises. Please pray that those who said they would give would follow through.
5. E. and J. were blessed and encouraged more than those they visited could even know. We thank them all!
- New Church Plant Update: The new church plant in Yeni Bosna has met for the last 3 weeks now. Erl has been preaching through the book of I John. Those who have attended have been greatly encouraged. This is the first church plant in that area of Istanbul ever. Pray that both Erl and “M.” would be encouraged in their work for the Lord. Pray for protection of the small church and pray that the Lord would call many to Himself in the area of Yeni Bosna and grow His church both numerically and spiritually.
- Twitter Updates from “M.” from Yeni Bosna will begin this week. Please pray for his requests as “M.” and Erl are spearheading this work.
- Second Kurmanji Service to take place: Please pray as we have much preparation to do for this next service. Pray the Lord would guide us as we plan the worship, prayers and sermon.
For any written resources on praying for workers, evangelism to Muslims, Islam, apologetics, unreached peoples etc… please do not hesitate to ask and we will send you info.
Thank you for your prayers and support, J. Follow us on Twitter: Gatewayedu Join us on Facebook: Gateway Educational Website: Check out the EPIC’s Website:
New Donation Instructions and new giving address for Gateway Supporters:
New Donations can be made online by going to: Please make sure you designate your giving to Jacob Pursley (Gateway) Or send checks snail-mail to: EPIC International 115 Woodland Way, Suite 120Canton, GA 30114 Please note or indicate on the check in the memo: PURSLEY or GATEWAY.
Friday, March 12, 2010
News from Mexico
Greetings in the name of our Lord! Our feet hit the ground running when we arrived back in Guadalajara. All the programs and activities are going well and we were very happy to see all the people involved and doing their part. There have been a few professions of faith since we came back and we are awaiting warmer weather for baptisms.
Praise the Lord!
Martha and I have been praying daily for the safety and future of our son, Bryan. We wrote you in our last letter he had been activated for deployment to Afghanistan. When we told our people in Mexico, they joined us in praying for him and many of them began to earnestly pray he would not have to go at all. Well, we are pleased to inform you that on February 17th he was told he will not be going now after all! We praise the Lord for answered prayer.
Missions Conference
In January, Living Word Baptist held their second missions conference. Our home missionaries, Hirving Sein Gonzalez to Oaxaca and Cesar Delgado Coronado to Tlaxcala, were with us. The people responded generously and promised by faith to give $18,000 to missions in 2010! In 2009, they met their goal of $12,500. Besides the two home missionaries mentioned above, they also support the Donovans in Asia and the Robertsons in Costa Rica.
Financial Goal
You may recall from our video the piece of property next door to Living Word Baptist. The church voted to begin to save up towards buying it. The price has come down to about $153,000 and the church already has $25,000 in the bank! Things are looking good! We covet your prayers for this need.
We continue to labor here where God has called us. Things are going well. The ladies' and children's programs, which are led by Martha, are doing good; the young people's groups are very active; discipleship classes are being carried out; and I am preaching the Gospel for our Lord Jesus with power and liberty. All of this is thanks to your support for which we are so grateful.
'Til Jesus Comes,
Lonnie C. Smith, Jr.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Update from Zurafa
It has been a while since my last report. Sorry about that. First, I want to thank all of you who have been praying for my trip here and for safety and so forth. I know many of those prayers have been answered in MANY ways! I also want to give thanks to God for everything He has done! I have seen God working here and in my life since I came here. Please continue to pray for my learning of the culture, language, and other related topics.
Right now I am working on a research paper. The topic is who Jesus is according to the Qur'an. Once I finish that part, I will follow up with a comparison of who Jesus is according to the Bible and then with J's help, how to implement that knowledge when witnessing to a Muslim. Going through the Qur'an a third time right now more slowly to catch everything and to make comparisons with other prophets mentioned in the Qur'an.
I have decided to remain in Turkey for another three months to study more Turkish and to help with a couple things that will be happening here. This coming month I will be involved with helping a college student learn what a M's life is like and the following month I hope to enrol in another month of language school. Shortly after I plan on returning home to attend university. While I am there (in Rochester), it is my plan to begin a new ministry among the Turks there, as there are about 20,000 of them living in Rochester. I will be holding classes to help teach how to effectively witness to Turkish Muslims and a lot about Islam itself. If you or anyone you know would like to participate or would be able or willing to help (like if you already do this somewhere or speak Turkish and live in Rochester) please contact me; Especially if you know a great deal about Islam. I realize that only five months of study leaves me greatly inadequate to teach on the subject as it is a very large and confounding subject.
I am happy to report that I have already been able to find the support of a man who is already doing this same work in NJ and said he would be willing to help in any way he can. I have also met people in many states and countries who work with Turks who said they would be willing to help me with any questions or ideas. Praise God for His provision!
Here is how you can pray specifically the work in Turkey:
· Pray that God would raise good godly leaders in His churches here.
· Pray for the work that will start in Rochester.
· Pray for much discernment for me as well as the other workers here for many decisions that need to be made.
· Pray that I will be accepted into the college I applied to and will get into the right pre-med classes.
· Pray that the Lord would open my mind to learn what He would have me to learn and to give me a humble and obedient Heart
· Please pray that God would reach His lost sheep here and bring them out of the kingdom of darkness and into the Kingdom of Light.
· And always remember to pray for our brothers and sisters who are in prison and who are suffering. (Heb 13:3) Thanks for all the prayers everyone! They truly are a blessing! ____________________________________________________________
If you feel led to support the work here, please contact J of GES for more info on donating. You can email him at You can now see more constant updates and pictures on my Facebook account: Zurafa Turk
-- It is well with my soul, Is it well with yours?
~Zurafa Turk
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
South O' Border
Dear Friends in Christ,
In our early ministry in Monterrey two brothers were saved: Franciso (Kiko) and Alfonso Sanchez both were young men living in a section of the city called Colonia Moderna. Kiko married a lovely Christian girl named Lola. Soon after Kiko surrendered to full time service. His wife worked as a maid so here husband could study in our Bible College. He is now the pastor of Gethsemane B.C. in Colonia Madera and Director of our Bible College in Monterey.
His brother also finished Bible College and surrendered to be a missionary to the Tarahumara Indians in the mountains of Chihuahua. He has served faithfully there for many years. His oldest son Imer graduated from the Bible College in Cd. Mante and is now working with his father Alfonso among the Indians. They have three different congregations. Recently in a special service in Creer, over 140 people were in attendance with four adults saved.
The material for 70 DNBS has been ordered from "Mensaje de Vida" press for this year's project. This is enough material to reach over 10,000 boys and girls with the Gospel message. You can sponsor one Bible Club for just $50. We need your help in order to finance this project. We have to order the material by March in order to get it to the churches when the pastor's meet for the annual pastor's retreat the week after Easter Sunday. Postage is a real problem if we do not get this material on the buses when all the pastors meet.
Margie is recovering well from her surgery. The surgeon has released her. Further tests are to be done by a doctor of Oncology. We will not get the results of these tests until March 10. At that time a determination to have chemotherapy will be made. Please remember us in your prayers.
Beloved we thank you for your faithfulness in prayer and financial support. God continues to bless with souls and in each church they report an increase in attendance since the weather is much better.
Yours for souls in Mexico,
Lonnie and Margie