South O¹ Border
Missionaries to Mexico
January 2010
Dear Friends in Christ,
Phil: 4:19. God has supplied all our needs. Since May 1956 we have had many friends and churches contribute to our ministry. Some have continued until today, but most supported for only a short time or on a special project. If you are receiving this letter (hard copy) it means that our records show you have contributed. There is no way we can ever thank you.
During economical hard time some have suspended their help, BUT GOD has supplied. We made a promise to God we would never cease to serve because of financial needs and He has always supplied and we believe He will. We would like to mention a brief resume of what God has done in our ministry. All because YOU helped:
*I preached my first sermon in Spanish within 30 days of arriving on the field and am still at it.
*With the help of our 2 sons Lonnie Jr. and Ronnie, we have established 130 self-supporting churches and missions, most with their own property and Mexican pastor.
*I have taught in 3 Bible Institutes and been director of one. We have seen over 400 graduates enter full time service.
*For over 40 years we directed a youth camp near Monterrey. Thousands were saved as a result of this ministry. Hundreds surrendered their life to full time service at this camp. Thousands of N Ts and tracts have been distributed in Spanish.
*For over 40 years we published a monthly paper ³South O¹ Border² that sent to each pastor of the BBFI free of charge and we have sent a monthly prayer and praise letter to each of our supporting church.
*I have written, translated and published over 65 textbooks for the Spanish ministry.
*I have translated over 50 songs into Spanish. I have published a hymnal with over 250 songs for the churches. Copies with music and without music.
*I have had an active printing ministry for these and other Spanish literature.
*Each year we have furnished material for over 70 DVBS in the churches.
Reaching over 10,000 boys and girls with the gospel. Between 3000-6000 saved each year.
*In Evangelism we have seen thousands of souls saved through the years.
· I have translated all courses for Anchor Theological Seminary into
Spanish and under my supervision we have seen over 300 nationals and missionaries receive degrees of higher learning in Theology. (Personal: ThG, Sp., BA PCBBC, Ca., PhD LBU, La. ThD, Anchor, and a honorary DD.)
Yes, our partnership has produced some very good results for which we are thankful. We will continue until God calls us home or we go to be with Him.
Yours for souls in Mexico.
Lonnie & Margie
P. S. The word "I" is used several times. However this has been a family effort. As in most cases Margie the wife has borne the burdens and made all this possible. Thanks Honey!
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