Gateway/EPIC Prayer Request from E. in Turkey:
January 24, 2010
E. has been sharing the truth with many Muslims out at Beytel East, the town where he is located we have nicknamed Sodom because the morality of the area is similar to the Biblical and old historical city of Sodom (now destroyed). Turkey in general is hard ground to sow seeds of the Gospel and water, and here they have something called töre (village laws) along with a mentality that they have been raised with that does not permit them to question any custom or belief in Islam. Because of this the majority of the Muslims not only in Sodom but in the world have never critically thought through their religion and if they do, they are harshly dealt with and if they abandon any belief they become “infidels” and therefore have left the fold of Islam, which can be punished by death.
As you pray for us here and those whom we share with please remember that the real battle here is with the demonic realm. Ephesians 6:12 reminds us of this reality:
“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.”
Below is just an example of how we share the truth apologetically and how this opens doors to share of the salvation that God provides through Jesus Christ: (Translated)
(Turkish readers please see below).
I have begun to share the Bible with one of our students “Y.” I explained to him the prophecies and how all of the prophets point to Jesus Christ. I also explained to “Y.” why the Qur’an is false and why Christians do not believe in the Qur’an. I asked “Y.” questions regarding the Qur’an, Islam and Muhammad’s life. “Y.” said that he cannot answer them, and I am really confused about what I have learned about Islam and the Qur’an from what you have been explaining to me. “Y.” said that he had some friends from an Islamic order called the Nurcu “Followers of the Light”, and I will learn from them and then I will give you an answer. I said ok I am waiting. A few days passed and he brought me his answers, but then I showed him that his answers did not at the least have anything to do with the Qur’an and Islam, then I showed him from the Qur’an how he was wrong and he was again shocked. “Y.” again went to his friends of the Followers of the Light and they requested to speak with me personally. “Y.” asked me if this would be okay and I said of course. They came Saturday to our home, I sat with them and we talked for hours. We argued and I opened the Qur’an and showed the verses (about what true Islam is). At first they said to me that there is nothing in Islam or in the Qur’an that you are speaking of, and then I opened up my Qur’an and showed them verse by verse. They really became confused and broke down. They were cornered and they tried to change the subject. I said, don’t try to get out of this, answer the questions or accept that the Qur’an is false. They said if you give us permission we would like to research this out and we would like to come again and speak with you another day. I told them when they visit again I will explain to them how each prophet spoke about the Messiah, and that I would go through each prophecy one by one. I told them that I will show them God’s amazing plan for salvation from the Creation to the Messiah.
They said okay, and we will be meeting very soon and I will be explaining to them the prophecies and salvation in Christ after this I will be showing them the film God’s Story.
Please pray for this upcoming time of sharing. May the Lord open their eyes and the minds to the Truth, and may the Lord touch and soften their hearts. Please pray also that the Lord would speak through my mouth and give me wisdom as His Ambassador, so that I may represent Him and reflect Him in the best way.
I want to thank you right now for your prayers, supplications and your bowing down to God for this.
Although I may not be able to see your faces and hear your voices, I know that you are there and this strengthens me. I love you all.
Stay in Peace, and may the Prince of Peace, our Glorious King bless you and your families and grant you lasting peace.
Your brother, “E.”
Thank you for your prayers and support J.,
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Öğrencilerimizden Kutsal Kitabı paylaşmıştım.peygamberlikleri ve tüm peygamberlerin Mesihi müjdelediğini anlattım ve Kuranın neden yanlış olduğunu neden inanmadığımızı anlattım ve Kuran ve Islam, Muhammedin hayatı hakkında sorular sordum. Cevap veremiyorum dedi. Anlattıkların aklımı çok karıştırdı ve nur tarikatındn tanıdıklarım var onlarla konuşacam onlardan öğrenip sana söylicem dedi. Tamam dedim. Bir kaç gün sonra cevapları getirmişti ama bende ona cevapların Kurana , Islama uymadığını Kuran ayetleriyle gösterdim ve yine şok oldu.Tekrar nurculara anlatmış ve onlar biz onun kendisiyle oturup konuşabilirmiyiz, görüşebilirmiyiz demişler. Bana sordu tamam dedim. Bir gün önce geldiler. Onlarda oturduk ve saatlerce konuştuk, tartıştık, ve Kuranı açıp ayetleri okudum gösterdim. Önce dediklerime Kuranda öyle bir şey yok dediler bende Kuranı açıp hepsini gösterdim ayet ayet ve bozuldular,köşeye sıkıştılar ve konuyu değiştirme yöntemine baş vurdular. Bende kıvırmayın dedim ya cevap verin ya da yanlış olduğunu kabul edin dedim.Onlar da biz araştıracağız eğer müsade ederseniz tekrar oturup bir gün konuşalım dediler. Bende tamam dedim. Bir dahaki gelişinize Mesih hakkında ki peygamberlikleri tek tek size gösteririm ve yaratılıştan Mesihe kadar olan muhteşem kurtuluş planını size anlatırım, öğretirim dedim. Tamam dediler. Çok yakında tekrar görüşeceğiz onlarla peygamberlikleri felan anlattıktan sonra Yaratılış Planını izlicez beraber. Lütfen bu paylaşım zamanları içi dua edelim ve Rab onların gözlerini, zihinlerini açsın, yüreklerine dokunup yumuşatsın. Ayrıca benim azımdan Rab konuşsun ve bana bilgelik versin ki Mesihin elçisi olarak onu en iyi şekilde temsil edebileyim yansıtayım. Dua ve yakarışlarınız,secdeleriniz için şimdiden teşekkürler. Yüzlerinizi görmesemde seslerinizi duymasam da var olduğunuzu biliyorum bu beni daha da güçlü kılıyor ve hepinizi seviyorum. Esen Kalın ve Esenliğin prensi yüce kralımız sizi ve ailenizi berektlesin ve esenliğini etkin kılsın. Kardeşiniz E.
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