New Pastors Installed We are blessed by the number of men God has brought to our ministry. Men are the backbone of leadership and we are encouraged to recognize three new pastors.
Pastor Roy Veloso graduated from Baptist Bible College Asia in 2007. Roy had been serving as an assistant to his older brother, Pastor Julius Veloso. God has gifted Roy with a passion for souls, a good command of doctrine, and a heart for people. Not wanting to be a pastor, Roy moved to Manila to seek a military career, but God moved in his heart. Roy's testimony is "You cannot run from God's calling! It is better to just submit and serve!" Pastor Roy is currently leading one of our new church plants. Roy's church will launch in the second quarter of 2010.
Pastor Jermaine Nacion is a computer professional. After trying to find purpose in the business world, Jermaine realized that God had other plans for him. Jermaine is a gifted communicator, a natural leader, and has a passion for the lost. Jermaine's father is a pastor and Jermaine determined not to be in the ministry because of the financial hardships he saw in his father's situation. Yet, Jermaine has chosen to live by faith, realizing that material gain is not what satisfies! Jermaine is currently planting a church in Antipolo City a suburb of Metro Manila. Jermaine will launch public services in May 2010.
Pastor James Macadangdang graduated with a Bachelors Degree in Engineering from a prestigous university in Metro Manila. A capable leader with a sharp mind, James surrendered to serve as one of our ministry team members 3 years ago. James has matured very rapidly. He is a great speaker, passionate leader, and a diligent student of the word. James will pursue his Masters in Biblical Studies in 2010. Additionally, Pastor James will assume the leadership of our main church, Community Baptist Church, Pasig City. CBC Pasig averages over 1,300 each weekend with a ministry team of 25 paid and volunteer committed people. Additionally, CBC has a Christian school with over 150 students enrolled, our main Youth JAM Student Center reaching over 400 students on a regular basis, and several other ministries. A big job for a young man, but Pastor James is well equipped for the challenge.
Jake Lyons - graduated from High School and is now working as a ministry team member with Megacity Ministries, Metro Manila. He plans to attend Boston Baptist College in fall of 2010.
Micah Marie - Is now a freshmen at Faith Academy Manila. She is turning into a beautiful young lady who loves volleyball and facebook!
Alexandra-"Alex" - Continues to be cute and wonderful! She is now in the 6th grade at Accellerated Christian School Manila and was recently elected to the student body government!
Married MKs Luke & Kelly Lyons are approved BBFI missionaries. They will focus on a goal of helping us plant 100 churches by 2018. They should be functioning on the field by 2010. They are expecting their first child due in April.
Cory & Jessie Lyons are approved BBFI missionaries and are currently raising their support. Cory & Jessie will be involved in the church planting effort through equipping each new church plant with a dynamic children's ministry called Kids JAM. A mobile Sunday School program that will reach 10,000 children each week throughout our church planting network! Tentatively planning to be on the field in 2010.
Marc & Jessica (Lyons) Buxton - Jessica Lyons married Missionary Evangelist Marc Buxton. They are based out of Florence, South Carolina as they raise their support. Marc is a professional Magician/Illusionist. Marc has developed an incredible Gospel presentation through this unique medium. Marc will help plant churches in Metro Manila and throughout Southeast Asia. They are expecting their first child in July.
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