Monday, August 30, 2010

News from Turkey

Gateway/EPIC Newsletter August 28, 2010

Highlights of the Summer:
1. J. of Istanbul successfully completed three seminary courses along with having many speaking engagements and meetings pertinent to the ministry in Turkey. J. and L. have had safety in all seven thousand miles of driving this summer!

2. L. successfully completed her comprehensive doctoral examinations and is in the process of writing her dissertation in the subject area of Special Education.

3. E. has hosted many groups and individuals this summer in both Istanbul and in Beytel East in Sodom. He and Kenan have shared the gospel with scores of individuals and continue to be a light to those around them.

4. M. and his family have faithfully discipled and been a light in the area of Y.B. (new church plant area). They have hosted many groups and individuals all summer.

5. Meetings with EPIC in Northwest Arkansas. J., L. and the folks at EPIC had several encouraging meetings in Northwest Arkansas with ministry partners this summer and we are praying for fruit to be born from the meetings.

Urgent Prayer Request for E.: E. has been ill for several months and recently went to the hospital. He had four biopsies taken from his intestines and after the results came back he has had three different doctors give him three different diagnoses. The first said it was cancer, the second said it was ulcers and inflammation, and the third said it was none of the above and he needed to be re-tested but in the meantime take antibiotics as that may clear it up. Please pray for E. that he would be healed, pray for wisdom in the diagnosis of the illness and treatment.

Prayer Request for Beytel East and West: Today (Saturday) and for the next several days we will be having meetings with the leadership of our churches to deal with issues in the church (church discipline) and strategies for church-planting and evangelism outreach this year. Please pray with us that those that have strayed off the path would have a contrite and repentant heart and be remorseful and restored to fellowship. Pray with us that the Lord would guide us to do His will in Istanbul and in the East of Turkey.

Prayer Request for L.: Please pray for L. as she works with special needs children this year along with teaching in private tutoring. She will have many opportunities to share with these children and their parents. Pray for open hearts to the Gospel and open doors for her to share clearly with those she has influence with. Pray also that the Lord would guide her in her doctoral dissertation writing, specifically that it would be glorify Him and be used for the Kingdom. (Below L. has a special request for you all.) Thank you for being faithful to pray and support the ministry here to reach the unreached. We love you and pray that the Lord would continue to guide and use you where you are at and here in the Middle East!

J. from Istanbul

(Letter from L.)
Dear Supporters and Fellow Laborers,

As many of you may know God has been directing me into the field of special education over the last few years. As I continue to work in the schools systems in Turkey I am even more convinced that God is leading me to work with children with disabilities and their families. The picture is much bigger than Turkey and I am seeing more and more the need throughout the Middle East for the education of parents and teachers in the area of disabilities and special education. As I talked with my department head at Regent, Dr. Mark P. Mostert, God has impressed upon me the need to get involved in discussing these issues and educating people on disabilities and the ethical treatment of people with disabilities. Dr. Mostert started a wonderful forum out of Regent University called the Institute for the Study of Disability and Bioethics .

I am interested in getting Christian doctors or anyone with knowledge in this area to help write short opinion pieces and blog spots related to the disabilities and bioethics. If you are a doctor or someone with knowledge in bioethics or know someone who would be interested please e-mail me. With new technology in medicine, the health care reform bill and issues in bioethics and the ethical treatment of individuals with disabilities it is essential that we as Christian respond and share what God’s word has to say on these matters. All over the world people with disabilities are suffering and subjected to poverty, humiliation, and death.

Educating the public on these issues can help us begin to reconcile these men and woman made in God’s image to their society and their God. Pray with me as God leads me to the forum and contacts that will help bring about this reconciliation.

Possible topics for the website are:
1. Their experiences dealing with these issues.

2. How they handle the issues as Christians and how they counsel patients.

3. How they deal with insurance companies.

4. Suggestions for people in their dealings with doctors, insurance companies and illnesses.

Please email me your articles and suggestions at

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