Monday, August 9, 2010

Auglst '10

South O' Border
Missionaries to Mexico
Hebrews 6:10 P.O.Box 720245 August 2010

Dear Friends in Christ,

July was another busy month in the work here in Mexico. Since the Mexican schools do not get their vacations until July the VBS have to be conducted in this month and part of August. The reports are good from those whom we have received word. Others will be sending the results soon. Please continue to pray for souls saved during this time of harvest. We also wish to thank each of you who have made it possible for us to reach over 10,000 boys and girls with the gospel.

The different BBM Fellowships conducted their youth camps also this month. Monterrey and Reynosa conducted their camp just south of Monterrey. There were over 150 young people who attended and many dedicated their life to the Lord. Several made a decision to enter full time service and study in a Bible College next September. Many other sections of Mexico conducted their camp. The results will be forthcoming.

The First Bible Baptist Church (Filedelfia) of Reynosa celebrated their 30th anniversary this month with a weekend revival. Missionary pastor Martin Castillo was the featured speaker.

The North Mexico BBM also attended the celebration on Friday 30th. Dr. Angel Zapata is the pastor of the church. He is also on the board of directors of the National BBM as Mission Director. This church has been responsible for establishing over 14 other churches and missions in the area.

Beloved we are ever so grateful for your faithfulness in prayer and financial help toward our ministry for so many years. During this difficult financial time we know that many are making the sacrifice to continue this support. Our prayers are that God would continue to bless you in your effort to reach the lost around the world.

Yours for souls in Mexico,

Lonnie & Margie

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