Tuesday, August 31, 2010

News from Mexico

South O' Border
Missionaries to Mexico
Hebrews 6:10

September 2010
Dear Friends In Christ:

Four more churches in Mexico now have a piano for their worship services. Al Williams a piano tuner and repairman has donated and delivered over 40 pianos to the churches of Mexico. His wife Jodie came with him to deliver these last four. Bro. Angel Zapata pastor of our First BB Church in Reynosa came with help and carried the four pianos into Mexico the day after they were delivered. Pastors from Chihuahua, Veracruz, Queretaro and Cd. Victoria in Tamaulipas will pick them up soon.

Bedford Baptist Temple, Texas pastor Ray Johns and Mission representative Randy Loyd have taken the oversight of Matamoros Baptist Mission. Eli Zapata, our grandson in the ministry is pastor of this Mission. The Baptist Temple is making plans to finish the building that will include housing for Eli and his family. The work is growing and there are over 50,000 people within walking distance of the church.

Reports for over seventy VBS show that God is still in the saving business. Because of the unrest in Mexico the attendance was smaller this year that in pasted years. However over many boys and girls were reached with the gospel. One church reported over 60 professions of faith. Others showed smaller numbers, but in all VBS there were souls saved. The Mexican Baptist church of Brownsville, Texas received help from Bedford Baptist Tempe in the form of school supplies and backpacks for all those attending. This work had three VBS this year. In one 16 were saved. In another over 25 were saved and in another ten were saved. Joel Olazaran is the pastor and director of these works. There was an average of about 30 souls were saved in each of these VBS. Praise God for those who have helped with prayer and financies.

Beloved we are so thankful for your continued prayer and financial help for our ministry. God continues to bless with souls and continued growth in attendance. Our youth camps were blessed this year and many young people surrendered their life to full time service.

Yours for souls in Mexico,

Lonnie & Margie

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