Monday, November 2, 2009

Reaching the Aussie's For Christ

Dear Pastor and Church,

This deputation process has its features and its fall backs. I think the hardest is the phone calls. It is certainly a way of doing it, (it can't be the best) yet, we will eventually get to the field but the process gets tiresome. I love being in Churches all across our country but I don't like to ring to get the speaking engagement. I must admit I do like to travel, it is long most of the time...but the view along the way reminds me of how beautiful this world must have been when the Lord created it...especially this time of year.

It has been a busy two months on our deputation trail we have been in nine churches most of which where missions conferences...from Tioga, PA to North Carolina, then up to Johnstown, NY to Baltimore, Maryland, then south to Luray, VA then back to Louisville, Ohio then west to Eaton, Ohio then back to Jamestown, NY. We've had 98% of them indicate that they would like to be a part of our ministry and one has already rang me to tell us that they voted to do just that. Well of course what is coming in and that is now 56%. Hopefully next letter I can report a larger increase but all in the Lord good timing.

We have seen many people come to the alters and deal with things that the Lord has laid on their hearts, even some for even though we have been called to Australia the Lord has given us a time to minister to the hearts of people here in the States along the way. We praise the Lord for every decision that has been made and I must is those decisions...that keep us going.

We, again, thank you all for the chance to share our ministry with you along the way and a special thanks to those who have come aboard to partner with us already. May the Lord continue to bless you as you serve Him.

Ron & Vicki Letts
Your Missionaries to Australia

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