South O' Border: November 2009
Dear Friends in Christ,
Calixto SepĂșlveda celebrated his 88th birthday this past month. He was born and raised in a Christian home in a small village near Linares, Nuevo Leon. He began his ministry as a teen and after marrying Lucha (Maria de La Luz) and moved to Monterrey to began working in a factory.
In the early fifties he worked with BBFI missionary Faye Blakeley in a mission in Col. Moderna. (This mission is now Gethsemane B. C.)In 1960 when we moved from Tampico (after 4 years) to Monterrey to began our life’s work he was still working in the factory and was pastor of a small mission. He agreed to work with me and dedicated his life to the full time ministry. He worked with me and was pastor of Bible Baptist Church in Col Martinez for over twelve years. Our highest attendance at the church was over 570. From that work over TWENTY other churches were established. Over 126 churches were established during our ministry. Bro. Calixto accepted a church in Chicago and was pastor there and in the Rio Grande Valley until today. He is still active in the Lord’s work.October was a busy month for us. It was a month of preparation of literature for the BBF of Mexico meeting that will be celebrated in the second week of November in Celaya, GTO. Bro. Angel Zapata and other pastors of the region will be going to this special Fellowship meeting where our annual mission offering will be given, and new officers of the BBFM will be elected. The BBFM has TWENTY missionary projects and are hoping to approve other workers at this meeting. Once again God has provided a minivan for the work in Mexico. A friend has donated a 1992 Plymouth Voyager to a Mexican pastor working Reynosa Mexico. The men’s prayer group of Canton Baptist Temple has helped with some finances to repair the vehicle for service. Praise God for the generosity of these people toward our ministry.Beloved, once again we are so thankful for your faithfulness in prayer and support for our ministry. Our prayers are with you during these difficult economy times.
Yours for souls in Mexico,
Lonnie & Margie Smith
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