When word came that upwards of 70% of Metro Manila was under water, we began praying for specific areas where our churches were located. Trusting God that He will protect in the midst of the storm, we were still very concerned for the many believers that would be devastated by the calamity. According to Philippine authorities, this is the worst flood to hit Metro Manila in forty-two years. Find below a brief report and pictures of what is happening. Please join us in prayer for the needs that this disaster has brought.
Greg & LuAnn Lyons
Community Baptist Church, Floodway, Pasig City
The name of the area is descriptive of where this community is located. Right on a river! When the floods came through, hundreds of the shacks along the river were washed away. Loss of life is still being determined. These folks, who have very little to begin with, have nothing now.
The name of the area is descriptive of where this community is located. Right on a river! When the floods came through, hundreds of the shacks along the river were washed away. Loss of life is still being determined. These folks, who have very little to begin with, have nothing now.
We operate the Global Impact Feeding Center at this location. The Feeding Center building's foundation is severely damaged. Even though, the facility is being used as an evacuation and relief staging area for the community. Mothers and their babies are staying in the facility and trying to understand why this has all happened and seeking hope for their families. Praise the Lord for Pastor Julius Veloso who is working very hard to meet their needs and care for the many families that have decended on this location.
Antioch Baptist Church, Cainta - Missionary Roger Akers
This church, planted by Missionary Roger Akers, and now led by Pastor Sonny Tamparong (saved at Camp 2001), has become a relief staging point for this part of the city. Three feet of water came in to the ground floor of the church. Clean up has begun and ministry to the people is ongoing. Damage to their equipment on the first floor will need to be assessed and replaced.
Community Baptist Church, Marikina - Missionary Isaac Basilio
This part of the city was hit hard by the flooding. Missionary Isaac Basilio was over helping one of our pastors whose wife just had a baby. While at the pastor's house, the flood hit. The flood waters rose to over 6 feet. Isaac survived on a ladder in the house! All the belongings in the house were destroyed, but everyone survived. Additionally, Isaac's vehicle was submerged by the flood and will need to be replaced.
How To Help!
These are just a few of the hundreds of situations that we now face. On one hand, a great tragedy, on the other, a great opportunity to express God's love to so many in need! Will you help? We need relief funds to help families rebuild their lives. Would you consider a special love offering from your congregation to be used in this relief effort?
Our current goal is $25,000 for initial needs in this effort!
Please send funds to:
CMCMegacity Ministries - Philippine Flood
PO Box 219228
Houston TX 77218-9228
Greg Lyons - Philippine FloodBBFI
PO Box 191
Springfield, MO 65801
Greg & LuAnn Lyons
Greg & LuAnn Lyons
Megacity Ministries
Pray For Metro Manila!
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