Praise God for His calling which is always accompanied by His enabling!
Having been through the most difficult ear of our lives, Pam and I have continually held on to this truth. Knowing that He has called us to this ministry has been one of the greatest encouragements of all. While there have been many times that our flesh wanted to doubt that God was bringing us through the trials, reminding ourselves that He has called us to this great work has been sufficient to keep that faith He had instilled in us strong and at work. Praise His dear Name!
Since our last letter, chemotherapy treatments have ended and another CT scan done indicating that God truly has taken all the cancer from my body. We had full assurance from Him that this was the case before the last scan was done, but it sure is nice to hear it from the doctors too. If I weren't so dignified I'd have to shout a little in celebration and thanksgiving for God's grace and healing. But wait, I'm not so dignified, so here goes...."WOOHOOO!" What a wonderful God we serve!
Now that I am regaining the physical strength and stamina to resume a full time schedule, the work of the ministry can continue as before my health problems. Please pray for us as we begin to fill our travel calendar again. Please pray for us that we might be a blessing to people across America as we continue our deputation. Most importantly, pray that our vision for the people of Macedonia will increase and that we will be able to see that vision come to fruition as we share it in churches across the nation.
A special thanks to those of you who have begun supporting us monthly. Your faith in God to use us is very encouraging. Your financial support, as well as your prayer support, is very important to us.
Please pray with us for the people of Macedonia; specifically, for the national pastors in Macedonia. With the national unemployment rate approaching 40% in Macedonia, the churches are very poor and the pastors have to do whatever possible when it comes to providing for their families. Pastor Byram Aliti, on of our pastors in Kumanovo, until recently operated a booth in the open market in the gypsy area. Due to economic conditions this is no longer possible, so the Lord will have to supply the needs of this pastor and his family in some other way.
Souls continue to be saved in Macedonia. Thank you for continuing to partner with us.
In Christ for Macedonia,
Lou Hill
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