September 2, 2008
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
May the Lord bless and keep you and may the Lord’s will be accomplished in your lives. Thank you all for your constant remembrance of us and the ministries here in Turkey in your prayers. Thank you also for your continual financial support and donations for the Zacchaeus projects. As always ministry here is exciting and there is much to report, along with many prayer requests.
Zacchaeus Project to Province “T.”:
Dr. Mujdeci headed out to the East to do Zacchaeus’ medical project in “T” province this August. This trip was very important for two reasons: one because the now small fellowship in that province needs encouragement, prayer and good teaching and two because of the lack of medical care. Dr. Mujdeci has now established a platform while out there and a place to work out of and this trip he brought the first heart defibulator to the area! Pray for his traveling safety and protection as he passes through checkpoints. Pray that the new fellowship in this eastern province would grow more in the knowledge of the King, that leaders would be called, that the King would grow the fellowship more and more and that they would be protected from the Evil one.
Zacchaeus Project Helps Christian Iranian Refugees:
Praise the King for the donations given by you all! We were able to outfit 17 children with pens, pencils, erasures, notebooks, crayons, glue, paint sets and soccer balls! One of Gateway’s board members Allen, while visiting, helped us deliver these. These children who received these are not able to go to public or private schools as they have escaped the persecution with their parents because of their faith. The school was established to educate the children while they are in transition. (See pic below of Allen preparing Zacchaeus Projects donations to give out.)
Zacchaeus Project to go to take warm coats and school supplies to a need fellowship in the East!:
Starting off from Beytel East, Gateway’s second base, this week we will be traveling to several provinces doing follow-up meetings with several that we have shared the Kingdom with before and we will have our first meeting with a man in an Eastern province that has requested that we come and help begin a fellowship there among his people. We will also be delivering warm clothing to an Iranian fellowship that has also escaped the persecution but have needs for coats before the winter months begin. Pray for our protection against the evil one and his plans, safety in our travels, and for a journey that is Holy Spirit led. We will be visiting 4-5 provinces this trip.
Thank you all for your prayers I look forward to reporting on the events of the following trip!
J. of G.E.S.
To support Zacchaeus Projects, Beytel and Christian Resources in Turkish please make your checks payble to:
New Horizons Foundation
(FBO Gateway Missions)
and send to:
New Horizons Foundation, Inc.
4570 Hilton Parkway, Suite 203
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
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