Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Lonnie and Margie Smith - October 08
Dear Friends in Christ,
In September there was a very good increase in the enrollment of our Bible Colleges in Mexico. This was due to the many Youth Camps conducted across our country. Record attendance was recorded in every camp in every section of Mexico. Souls were saved and many young people dedicated their life to the Lord, many of these to serve Him full time.
We rejoice in the continuation on the construction on the building of Matamoros Baptist Mission in Matamoros Mexico. As you have read the Bedford Baptist Temple of Bedford, Texas and their men have taken a real interest in helping this mission expand their facilities. Last month we were able to finish an addition to the first building almost doubling our space. Again the Baptist Temple began a fundraising for added space. Work has begun on the second floor of this mission. It will again double our Sunday school space and also have room for a parsonage for the pastor and family. Thank you so very much for this help. Praise God!
During this month we will be busy getting material ready for our annual BBF of Mexico Fellowship meeting, which will meet the second week of November in Cuerna Vaca at the Rawling’s camp. With their financial help busses will be chartered from every point of Mexico for the pastors and delegates that wish to attend this meeting. We believe it will be one of the best-attended meetings to date. Bro. Angel Zapata, head of the mission committee of BBFM will be taking a large amount of SS and other material to this meeting. We are just finishing another 1000 songbooks and 15,000 offering envelops.
Beloved, once again we wish to thank you for your faithfulness in prayer and support that enables us to continue to labor for our Lord here in Mexico. Thank God for the great results in souls this summer.
Yours for Souls in Mexico,
Lonnie & Margie Smith
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Good News Jail & Prison Ministry - September
Chaplain’s Corner
I am so thankful and excited to announce that Ron Morse has joined us as our new full-time Chaplain.
Ron Morse was raised in Central New York and moved with his family to Rochester in 1970. In 1971, Ron joined the Army and served for nearly twenty years in both active duty and in the reserves. Ron is a graduate of Louisiana Baptist University in Shreveport, Louisiana. In 1995, Ron was ordained into the ministry at Victory Baptist Church in Rochester and planted a church in the inner city. Ron has pastored Victory in the
Ron and his wife Marion live Rochester. They have three daughters: Claudia Eloise Jabieski, Brittany Ann, and Briana Lynn; son-in-law Blake Jabieski; and three grandchildren: Dara, Amaris, and Chester.
It is an honor and a blessing to have Ron serving alongside me in this life-changing ministry.
Chaplain Paul Burress
Volunteer Spotlight!
What a blessing it has been to be a volunteer with Good News Jail & Prison Ministry. I teach a Bible study, and whether there is one inmate or ten in attendance, it blesses me to have been able to minister to them. The inmates are always respectful and appreciative of my coming to share God's Word with them. Many of them are willing, for the first time, to consider Jesus as the answer to their problems. That is why it is so important to have someone there to share what Jesus has done in his own life and to share what He can do for them. They need to hear the good news! It makes my day and blesses my heart every time I get to share Jesus through the opportunities that Good News Jail & Prison
Ministry gives me.
God bless,
Brent Snyder
Praise/Prayer Requests
We praise God for the faithful supporters of the jail ministry, whether they are prayer partners, volunteers, financial partners, or any combination of the three – Thank you!
Please Pray:
· for a continued open door of ministry in our local jails
· for a chaplain or volunteer to minister to the next arrested criminal you hear about on the news
· for the victims of crime
· for our new Chaplain and his family as he transitions into this new full-time mission.
A letter from Prison
One thing I have found to be so sad over the years in prison is how many men get wrapped up in cults. The body of Christ has really dropped the ball in most places. It is so good to hear that that is not happening in
Please pray for the men in the State Prisons, and for the men and women of the Church who I am sure God is calling and leading to work in Jail & Prison Ministry. There is little or no glory in working with those the world calls failures, but isn’t that exactly who Jesus hung out with? Let people know that those of us inside who do know Him are working to share the light and life, but without outside support it is far harder, and for many men too discouraging. I am learning how to serve with a real desire and love and not just out of obligation. I realized how much pride I used to have, even after getting locked up! It is amazing how self deceived we can be about our spiritual maturity level. Even in the face of clear evidence of a total bankrupt character, we still try to moralize or justify our foolish wicked hearts. Thank God for His loving kindness and patience! For too many years I held a double minded view, and it is stripped away day by day. I am learning the joy of the cross.
I am so blessed to have men like you in my life to model the real truth of the Gospel. Let us continue the race. Pray for me so that I can really be salt and light. God Bless you. Thank you for remembering those of us who are forgotten.
Your little brother in Christ
Rick (not his real name)
Coming up
Motorcyle Run!
October 11 is our Fall Good News Motorcycle Run. Please come ride with us. (Muscle cars are welcome to come along!) We are going to have a blast and raise some money for this life- changing ministry at the same time. We will start out with a free breakfast at Bugaboo Creek Steak House in Henrietta and then take a scenic ride through Letchworth State Park. Registration starts at Bugaboo at 7:30 am. We will have breakfast and testimonies starting at 8:00 am and will be leaving for our ride at 9:00 am. We are asking all riders to self-sponsor and try to get others to sponsor as well. All donors will receive a tax write-off. Help us lower crime in our community one life at a time!
We will be having our annual prayer breakfast on November 1 at 8:00 am at
Don’t forget you can donate through the
Thank You
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Sean Sears (church plant in Massachusetts)

Monday, September 22, 2008
News from Africa
Greetings in the name of the Lord. Hoping this letter finds all well. We are doing fine except for the getting older part. God is wonderful as usual. Thanks so much for your support and especially your prayers.
The 20th year celebration in the "bush" went great. We had just over 1,700 kids from our churches with several hundred more coming as visitors. There were 192 who got saved and 98 who re-dedicated their lives to the Lord. The messages were powerful and right on as the kids and teachers sat for days learning more from God's Word. After four days of VBS, the adults came and we had over 8,000 from our 110 churches in attendance. Of course not every member came and over half could not come because of distance and money problems. God came down and met with us. The Nationals and the team from the USA led by Pastor George Grace, preached and preached and preached and taught and taught and taught. Hundreds and hundreds came for re-commitment and to give their lives in taking the Word throughout Africa. Fifteen deaf were saved along with many more hearing who gave their lives to Jesus. We had 95 baptized down at the river, and of course had our group of watchers to make sure there were no crocs around, amen. We had a group of 35 visitors from the USA, with a team of doctors and dentists led by Dr. Jim Elias. They all performed well and ministered to all the people tirelessly. We had several of the doctors re-dedicated their lives to the Lord and even had one of them saved. Wow, came all the way to Africa to find Jesus, is that great or what? All in all, it was a wonderful celebration in Zambia. Many thanks go out to all who had part in helping feed all the children who came.
We are back in the USA now traveling from church to church. Please continue to pray for the work there and for our needs. We have a 40 ft. container sitting fully packed with thousands of Bibles, SS material, pastor's bicycles, but we do not have the money to ship. Please pray and help if you can. Also, pray for the works in the Congo, Tanzania, Malawi, Botswana, Angola, Mozambique, Zambia, and of course the new ones just beyond the next river. God bless you and thank you for your support.
Bobby & Becky Bonner
IAM Ministries
Thursday, September 18, 2008
News from J & L!

Gateway Newsletter September 17, 2008
Beytel East: Gateway’s second base in the country. Storage facility for Zacchaeus projects. NUT training facility (School to train interns). Soon to be a fellowship.*
*(To See the Pictures please open the attached file to this letter)
Zacchaeus projects gave 53 coats and a number of school supplies to a poor fellowship:
This week Gateway had the privilege of going to the far eastern borders of this country and giving coats to Iranian brothers and sisters who are refugees. The delivery was timely (right before the winter months) and our King used you all to help these brothers and sisters in need. One girl I spoke to there started school as week ago and yet still had no school supplies. She was talking to one of the leaders there asked if they could help her with this; she did not know however that we just brought in a bag of school supplies! I told her that she could have whatever she needed from what we brought, she was so thankful.
Gateway looks for a 3rd base in a farther Eastern province: We spent two days speaking with those in an area that are interested in starting a fellowship. These already have a facility in place (it looks much like Beytel West!). We delivered over 20 Jesus films to this area and these will be taken into the next country over to be given to those who wish to hear in their own language! This is Gateway’s first endeavor in this new country!! This city in the east we are looking to use as a third base is polluted by Hezbollah and those who hate the truth yet there are many there who need to hear. Please pray for wisdom and timing about this. We plan to visit this place again next month.
Evangelism during this last Zacchaeus trip: One night around midnight I was able to sit down with about five teenagers in an eastern city and share with them why the King came to the world. This all started when they asked me why aren’t you a Muslim. I love this question as it always leads into the Gospel. We talked about sin and the sin that they even committed in front of me, and how one day they will have to give an account to the King. I explained the prophecies in the Old Testament of the Messiah and why He came and they eventually figured out who He was, one boy in particular said, “your talking about Jesus”. I explained that they must confess and repent of their sins and believe in Jesus for the remission of their sins. Pray for these boys.
Also on the trip we had many opportunities to encourage believers in various cities along with share the truth with people along the way. One such stop was at a tomb of a Muslim saint whom many go to pray to so that they may be healed from an illness. I did research evangelism there with some at a nearby shop, and was able to explain why Jesus is the last prophet and savior of the world. Pray for the three there that heard. Also pray for two young men whom I was able to give the Jesus film to and some materials.
Zacchaeus Projects Medical Trip to Ova: This last trip (he just returned yesterday the 16th of Sep.) Dr. Müjdeci was able to share the Gospel with a lady there that accepted the truth and now is the 17th member of the Kingdom in that province! She said she wanted to do all she can to serve the local body there and is excited about her faith. Praise the King for the rapidly growing fellowship out in the East of this country! Pray that more would come into the Kingdom and they would be protected from the evil one. Pray also that the King would raise a leader up from among these.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support!
J. of G.E.S.
To support Zacchaeus Projects, Beytel and Christian Resources in Turkish please make your checks payble to:
New Horizons Foundation
(FBO Gateway Missions)
and send to:
New Horizons Foundation, Inc.
4570 Hilton Parkway, Suite 203
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Letter From Larry & Millie Brown
We have had Bible studies for 31 years and are blessed to see others grow in the Lord.
Our service for the Lord in Brazil in the past has opened doors for us to share the opportunities for others to pray, give, and go to reach others that have never heard the Gospel even one time.
Pray that people would grow in the Word and see His hearts desire to be used for service wherever He sends.
We rejoice to hear of new tribes being reached with the Good News and new churches being planted and lives being changed.
Pray that we will be sensitive to each opportunity God presents us and that He would be honored and glorified in our lives.
We praise Him for continued good health!
God Bless you all and use you to reach out to those who d not know our wonderful Lord.
We thank you at Victory for your faithfulness to us through prayers and gifts.
Larry & Millie Brown
Out Bound Again!
Usually on Monday’s I’m in an airport somewhere, heading back to Detroit. Today (Monday), I’m out-bound from Detroit, heading for an important meeting in Washington, D.C. with two of my three board members, David Brown, pastor of the First Baptist Church of East Longmeadow (MA), and David Stokes, pastor of the Fair Oaks Church in Fairfax (VA).
The third board member, Rick Cochran, pastor of The Bridge Church in the northern Indianapolis (IN) area is not able to make it for the meeting. Let me explain and enlist your help.
Not quite two years ago, Rick had to undergo open heart surgery and, although the surgery went quite well, he has never quite felt “quite right,” to use his term. A few days again, Rick emailed with some reservations about how he was feeling and asking me to pray for him. Last night, we talked at length … and I did not like the symptoms that he described over the phone. I strongly suggested that he not make the trip, but rather make a trip to either see his cardiologist or to the closest emergency room.
BTW, do you pray? If so, I would really appreciate you praying for my friend Rick Cochran over the next few days as the medical team sorts out what is going on with his cardiovascular system and takes appropriate steps. I’m sure that his wife Jill and his three children would also appreciate your prayers as well.
And while you’re praying, ask the Lord to infuse Dave, Dave, and Dale with fresh vision and wisdom as we discuss strategy for the future of my ministry in Great Britain and the securing of the funds to make several projects happen on that side of the pond.
Greg and LuAnn Lyons - August 08

Churches Grow During Typhoon Season |
God continues to bless the various church plants in spite of the onset of Rainy Season. Metro Manila has suffered much flooding and heavy rains, that seem to come on the weekends! But our churches continue to take steps forward with strong discipleship and maintaining our small group network in the homes of our people. We have a combined Small group network of 165 groups meeting all over the city! We are expecting that number to grow to 200 over the next six months as we focus on our Small Group Evangelistic Parties that will take place in September. We continue to train small group leaders to lead the new groups through our leadership continuum strategy. Each church is currently being led by a strong Filipino pastor (see picture). Their commitment to serve and lead their church effectively has resulted in God's blessings! Over the past 10 weeks we have had 2 major typhoons, in addition to the regular monsoon rains. People are getting saved and being added to the various churches. We have had 114 saved in the past 10 weeks. Find below the churches attendance averages since June 1, 2008. |
Pastor Jereh Rufin - Pasig CBC Averaging 1,250; Rev. Olan Villasenor - Cogeo CBC Averaging 335; Rev. Julius Veloso - Floodway CBC Averaging 248; Rev. Daniel Bondad - Makati Averaging 165
NFD Church Plants Moving Forward | |||||||||
Non-Facility Dependent (NFD) - Community Baptist Church (CBC) As we continue to develop and implement our NFD church planting strategy, we see God moving. Our 3 new church plants have made some gains. Here are the statistics so far. ➢ CBC Cavite - High Attendance - 327; Saved 111 since March; Small Groups -12 - Pastor Lito Lipata. ➢ CBC Manila - High Attendance - 427; Saved - 420 since March; Small Groups -14 - Pastor Johnny Royo ➢ ➢ CBC Marikina - High Attendance - 220; Saved - 215 since June; Small Groups - 7 - Pastor Paul Montano
Friday, September 12, 2008
Dale Peterson - August Newsletter
Dear Ministry Partners:
Only a few weeks ago, plans were being made for three summer camps – and now those camps are history already! And just as quickly, plans are already underway for the camping season 2009! But first, let me give you the results of the 2008 camps.
The first of the camps was our senior camp, coordinated by the combined efforts of Baptist Bible Fellowship churches in England, Scotland, and Wales. A seasoned work force of both American and British leaders combined their efforts and lead over 60 campers – mostly teenagers from their various churches, but amongst them young people who had never put their faith in Jesus Christ. However, by the end of week one, six of those young people accepted Christ as their Savior personally.
The second week of camp was what I have affectionately called my “street kids” camp. With more than 60 kids total (unfortunately a few really rowdy teenagers had to be taken home), this camper composition was quite different from week one, in that almost every teenager in week two was atheistic, agnostic, or ambivalent about Christianity. It was a tough crowd. And yet, God is greater and draws people to Himself … and draw teenagers, He did! During the week, 31 young people – just over half the camper population – became Christ followers!
Let me brag on a few people for a moment – because I take no credit for this awesome week where God worked. I had a team of people that were willing to partner with me – giving themselves in anticipation that God would work miraculously through our combined efforts.
First, there was a husband-wife team responsible for the majority of the campers attending. Ian and Marie Hutchings have planted a church near The White House, where our camps were conducted. In addition to their recruitment efforts, Marie also served as the camp chef, emergency medical, and child protection officer! The Hutchings have pledged themselves to follow-up and discipleship of many of these young converts.
Second, Dan Brown and LIFT Student Ministries of Somerset (KY) provided the vast majority of the leadership structure for the entire week. This team of college students, under Dan’s leadership, made the week happen logistically. If jet lag wasn’t enough fatigue, they came into Great Britain following nine weeks of youth camps throughout the eastern United States. Without these valuable players from LIFT, week two of this summer’s camps would not have happened at all.
Third, the insane duo – Rick and Mick Vigneulle – along with Rick’s son Brandon, rocked the house with their comedy, music, and messages each night. But they offered more than just those ingredients, as important as those elements are. They also interacted with the kids throughout the week, often talking one-on-one with teenagers, leading them to put their trust in Christ.
Finally, there was a team of behind-the-scenes players – quietly, skillfully working to keep the building complex clean, to keep the campers filled with “junk food” from the tuck shop, to instruct American leaders in the do’s and don’ts of ministry in the UK, and helping whenever and wherever they were needed.
And yet, these are not all the partners who made it happen – there are many more, unnamed and unsung. There are those who prayed for months, asking the Lord to supply financially and to work mightily in the hearts of those who would attend. There are also those who gave financially to make it possible for these 60+ young people to attend their first-ever Christian camp, and whose gifts made it possible for 31 young people to hear the Gospel and be saved.
The third week of camp was the smallest of the three British camps this summer – 35 junior-aged campers, and yet, once again, God was present and working in the hearts of all participants. Of the 35 campers, five of them accepted Christ as their Savior as well. So the combined total number of campers placing their faith in Christ was 42 – for which we are thankful.
In addition to the camps, our ministry was used in the Kingsmead Baptist Church where in the three services where I spoke, another nine people – mostly twenty-somethings – accepted Christ!
To all of you who partnered with me to help make Summer Camps 2008 a reality – thank you. Your investment was indeed worthy and you can know that you have helped to sow, water, and reap with your investment! Be watchful of plans being released in the coming weeks for events expanding dramatically the efforts to reach the younger generations for Christ throughout 2008 and well into 2009!
Dale Peterson
P.S. If you would like to set aside financial support for 2009 summer camps or Strategic Youth Leadership Summits in 2009, please make your checks payable to Gospel Alive, Inc. and mail to 7850 Meadow Drive, Waterford, MI 48329. Please indicate whether your gift is for camps or leadership summits. Thanks!Read Dale's Blog!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
News from J & L in Turkey

September 2, 2008
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
May the Lord bless and keep you and may the Lord’s will be accomplished in your lives. Thank you all for your constant remembrance of us and the ministries here in Turkey in your prayers. Thank you also for your continual financial support and donations for the Zacchaeus projects. As always ministry here is exciting and there is much to report, along with many prayer requests.
Zacchaeus Project to Province “T.”:
Dr. Mujdeci headed out to the East to do Zacchaeus’ medical project in “T” province this August. This trip was very important for two reasons: one because the now small fellowship in that province needs encouragement, prayer and good teaching and two because of the lack of medical care. Dr. Mujdeci has now established a platform while out there and a place to work out of and this trip he brought the first heart defibulator to the area! Pray for his traveling safety and protection as he passes through checkpoints. Pray that the new fellowship in this eastern province would grow more in the knowledge of the King, that leaders would be called, that the King would grow the fellowship more and more and that they would be protected from the Evil one.
Zacchaeus Project Helps Christian Iranian Refugees:
Praise the King for the donations given by you all! We were able to outfit 17 children with pens, pencils, erasures, notebooks, crayons, glue, paint sets and soccer balls! One of Gateway’s board members Allen, while visiting, helped us deliver these. These children who received these are not able to go to public or private schools as they have escaped the persecution with their parents because of their faith. The school was established to educate the children while they are in transition. (See pic below of Allen preparing Zacchaeus Projects donations to give out.)
Zacchaeus Project to go to take warm coats and school supplies to a need fellowship in the East!:
Starting off from Beytel East, Gateway’s second base, this week we will be traveling to several provinces doing follow-up meetings with several that we have shared the Kingdom with before and we will have our first meeting with a man in an Eastern province that has requested that we come and help begin a fellowship there among his people. We will also be delivering warm clothing to an Iranian fellowship that has also escaped the persecution but have needs for coats before the winter months begin. Pray for our protection against the evil one and his plans, safety in our travels, and for a journey that is Holy Spirit led. We will be visiting 4-5 provinces this trip.
Thank you all for your prayers I look forward to reporting on the events of the following trip!
J. of G.E.S.
To support Zacchaeus Projects, Beytel and Christian Resources in Turkish please make your checks payble to:
New Horizons Foundation
(FBO Gateway Missions)
and send to:
New Horizons Foundation, Inc.
4570 Hilton Parkway, Suite 203
Colorado Springs, CO 80907