Gateway/EPIC Newsletter: April 19, 2010
God is answering the prayers that you have offered up for us:
1. That God would open doors to preach the Gospel and that we may be able to preach it clearly and boldly.
2. That the Word of God would speed ahead and be honored as it goes.
3. That God would send more laborers into the harvest, as there are few true workers though the work is great. Thank you all for continuing to keep us in your prayers during this very busy month.
Here is just a glimpse of what has been happening, and how God is answering your prayers:
Preaching at a Mosque in Sodom: We had the opportunity in this dark and lost city to preach the Gospel boldly and answer questions concerning Christianity at the front of a very famous mosque. This mosque is famous for Folk Muslims to come to make vows, sacrifices and pray at the tombs of the dead Muslim saints. An older woman that J. knew from the mosque when speaking there before recognized J. and began to speak to him, remembering their previous conversation about Christianity. The woman asked J. about the Qur’an, Muhammad and his opinion concerning them. J. replied that “Jesus was above all prophets and even according to the Qur’an Jesus is higher and more exalted than Muhammad. As Jesus was the only sinless prophet, born of a virgin, and one that raised the dead and healed the sick and made the blind see. He is also the only prophet that is not lying in a grave like those entombed in the mosque and Muhammad is even in his tomb.” This caused quite a stir and soon J. had a large crowd of young and old, children, men and women gathered around to hear this new news. Many of the people had questions concerning the reliability of the Bible and about the person of Jesus and why Christians believe He was the last prophet. This gave J. the opportunity to share in detail the story of God’s plan for salvation starting with Adam and Eve ending with Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins. J. said, “The promise of God is that the one who believes in Jesus Christ will have eternal life, and this is the hope, and only in Christianity can one know 100% that they will be in heaven with God”. The local Qur’anic teacher came up with her students and asked many questions and argued over points concerning the person of Jesus. Later the Imam of the mosque came and asked if J. would come inside that they may discuss further these matters. Two hours had passed at the steps of the mosque. Right before J. left one very old and frail woman came up to J., but did not speak Turkish only Kurmanji, she asked if J. would pray for her son that was in jail for something he didn’t do. J. prayed there for the elderly woman and for those who listened in. J. challenged all there to read the Bible, for even the Qur’an admonishes Muslims to read it.
Prayer points: Pray that these seeds would grow in the hearts of those who heard and that many would come out of the darkness and into the marvelous light.
Preaching the Gospel and teaching the Bible to ESL students in Sodom: Since we began an ESL program in Sodom the Lord has opened the doors to preach the Gospel clearly to the students. Our intern Zurafa helped begin this ministry and now it is continued by “G.” who came from Northwest Arkansas to help. E. has the opportunity to share with the students, before class, during breaks and after class. Sometimes the whole class time is taken up answering questions concerning what Christians believe, what the Bible is, why Christians do not accept the Qur’an or Muhammad etc… Recently the students were able to hear clearly the Gospel from Adam and Eve through the advent of Christ. They asked, “Why do you not believe Muhammad is the last prophet or accept him.” This opened the door to explain God’s plan for salvation and how all prophets only speak of Jesus as the one to come to save His people. Either all the prophets are liars or they are telling the truth. The students were challenged to believe in Christ. They asked to see what a Christian prayer is like, and were able to see us Christians at Beytel East pray before the Lord on behalf of the students and their families. They were touched to see such prayer as none like it exists in Islam. After this one of the students wanted to speak with E. privately about the faith!
To see pics from the ESL class go here:!/gatewayeducationalservices?ref=profile
Prayer Points: Please pray for these ongoing lessons at Beytel East (Sodom) 5 days a week. Pray for G. who is away from his home country and familiar surroundings in a very dark place. Pray for his encouragement and perseverance. Pray that these students would come to faith in the Messiah, Jesus and give their lives to Him. We are waiting for the Lord to bring the harvest in.
Trip to Northern Iraq: This trip taken by E., K. two guests and supporters from Arkansas, and many from the EPIC team. Their trip was blessed as they were able to encourage many national Kurdish believers in Iraq and also many Iranian believers that came over from the border. They made many good contacts and shared with many eager to hear the truth along the way! Many former Kurdish terrorists are now believers in the Prince of Peace and left their life on the mountain and are now serving the King that brings true Hope! We praise God for our brothers and sisters in Northern Iraq and are privileged now to partner with them!
Personal Evangelism Update: Please pray for Zafer, Zehra, Metin, Adnan, Kadir, Zuhal, Deniz, Mustafa, Sibel and Orhan, whom we have been sharing the Gospel with since our last newsletter. We have given them the Bible, and or other materials on Christianity, some we have watched the Jesus Film with and we continue to pray and water, waiting for their hearts to be opened to the Truth. Please pray with us concerning them as well!
Requests from E. in Sodom: We need English teachers (ESL) to come, live and teach in Sodom, preferably a young couple. We have another opportunity to use English to share the Gospel to 25 more students in a province just south of here in Sodom. They asked us today to send a teacher to them to come and spend at least 2 days a week to teach! Please pray and ask God if He would like for you to come and help in Sodom and in this Southern province. We need a building/place that we own to have a permanent place to give ESL lessons, a base in the East to store Zacchaeus projects goods, evangelistic materials, and house the weekly guests that come in and have Bible studies with seekers. Please ask God if He would have you help in this way. -Please keep us in our prayers concerning the requests that we made in the last newsletter as much more is happening this month! Thank you and we love you all!
J. from Istanbul
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