Monday, April 26, 2010

Update from L. in Turkey

Update from: L. April 25, 2010

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

This week one of my seven year old students was suspended for the day for throwing a rock at another child’s forehead and sending him to the hospital. This same child tried to hit me with a chair and stab me with a pencil a few weeks ago. We have been concerned about his behavior and feel that he needs professional help, yet I am not allowed to talk to the parents about these issues or recommend him for testing. He displays signs of Emotional/Behavioral Disorder and would benefit from special education interventions. Pray that God would show our academic coordinator the need for these children.

I want to thank you all for your prayers and thoughts for what God is doing in Turkey. It is exciting to be in a country where special education is so new and the opportunities and possibilities are numerous. It is also a frustrating and difficult time to enter the field of special education here. Most Turks do not understand what is meant by special education or what it involves for children with special needs. Most Turks also do not see a need for special education or recognize that a child may be in need of special services. There are few specialists in the field and few schools for students to receive special education. However, more universities are beginning to specialize in teaching special education and encouraging teachers to enter the field.
In August I will finish classes in my doctoral program and in July I will be taking my comprehensive exams. The next step in the Fall will be to begin my dissertation and research.
I would like to ask you all to pray for me for several things. Please pray that

1. I am able to do well on these exams.
2. That God gives me the topic that He wants me to research and the correct method of research.
3. God would provide the finances I need to continue the program as I am having to take next year off work to complete the research part of my program.
4. That God would begin to show me the long term plans he has for me here in Turkey in the field of special education.
5. Please pray for my two teaching colleagues that I have been sharing with S and H and a parent that I am developing a relationship with named F.

Thank you all so much for your support and prayers. The children here in need of special education suffer and fall into the cracks of society and education. As part of God’s cultural mandate they must be helped and incorporated into society and be given opportunities to learn and grow like everyone else. I pray that God allows me to be a part of working on behalf of these children.


Please join my Facebook group ASET: Advancing Special Education in Turkey:!/group.php?gid=241526049239

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Proctors in Sydney

G'day to each of you, from "down under"!

About Time
It has been quite some time since we've reported to each of you our faithful prayer and financial supporters! For you we remain extremely grateful--as many of you have confirmed your commitment to pray for us and this remains a great necessity. You who are sacrificing with your personal financial giving, as well, continue to minister encouragement to our souls!

Support Levels
As I've mentioned in our previous report to you, our support from the States has been hit by natural attrition over the last several years. However, we have gained back minimal support from some individual supporters. Thankfully, the group of churches we are working with here in Australia is providing a degree of financial support as well.

What's Happening?
I promised in our last report that once we'd finalized the details of our new ministry position we'd share the details with you so that you might gain a better understanding of how to pray for us. We arrived back in Australia in January, this year. Please know that we've been keeping ourselves busy with an innumerable variety of ministry opportunities. It is, however, a great blessing to now have a more specific understanding of our longer and shorter term goals and to have a clearer sense of what is expected of us by the oversight Committee of the large church organization to whom we have been accountable to called "Christian Community Churches of Australia"! Up to this point Kim and I have been serving in our new church home, Norwest Community Church. We have been involved with speaking engagements, prayer meetings, visitation, mentoring, counseling etc.

We've had several opportunities to help out in other churches both in the capacity of filling the pulpit and in some mentoring of other pastors and church leaders, which is basically what I'll be doing in this new position.

In regards to the details of our new ministry responsibilities, I'll try to summarize here:
  • First, locally, and eventually on a broader, more national level, we'll be traveling and spending time with the leaders of this growing group of churches.
  • We'll be preaching / teaching in the churches, as well, when requested.
  • We'll consult strategically with churches that would like to help in ascertaining where they currently are and where they are heading, or would like to head in reaching their community with the Gospel.
  • We'll be encouraging new church plants.
  • We'll encourage a stronger sense of world-wide needs in the area of Missions.
  • We'll also encourage stronger leadership and training in various essential areas of ministry by presenting the opportunities that exist to further personal education through several accredited, solid Bible institutions that exist here in Australia.
  • We'll endeavor to be an ear, as well as, a source of prayer support for those who need encouragement or who desire advice in regards to various issues that may arise (many pastors and leaders are struggling with various personal or church trials and others are dealing with pastoral-related emotional stress).
  • We'll seek to encourage a stronger and more unified bond between the churches so as to be a greater witness and effective force in the face of the growing hostility and secularization of this very "western" society that is, sadly, becoming increasingly more in a state of apathy and indifference towards the things of God.
  • Ultimately, we'll have far greater opportunities to minster to churches in Australia that we've ever had before. The 22 years experience we've had in church planting and being a pastor is of great benefit to our being able to make a contribution to the multiple facets of church growth and provides, as well, a great level of credibility with fellow Australians.

Project Mobility

Due to the changes in ministry, as we've explained above, I'll be traveling a great deal more than in the past. Also due to increasing fuel prices and other travel expenses, I'm planning to purchase a motorcycle to help ease some of the travel and schedule conflicts for Kim and me. We do have a Mitsubishi sedan which we both are able to use. The 1994 Mazda that Kim has been using for many years had pretty much "bit the dust"!

The motorcycle will be very useful for most, but not all of my personal travel needs, yet a great blessing in many ways. I'll need so spend abotu $5,000(US) for a proper used motorbike. (In Australia, by the way, motorbikes are almost twice what they cost in the U.S.!) If you can help towards this project, above your regular financial support, in any way, we would be so gratful.

Positive in Prayer

We are very excited about the prospect of how we can serve in these new ways here in Australia!! Please be much in prayer for us that we can truly be a blessing to both many individuals and churches. Please pray for wisdom and organizational skills, and that we would gain deeper insight as to how we can make a difference and have a greater impact in Australia for the Glory of our great King!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

News from Turkey

Gateway/EPIC Newsletter: April 19, 2010

God is answering the prayers that you have offered up for us:

1. That God would open doors to preach the Gospel and that we may be able to preach it clearly and boldly.

2. That the Word of God would speed ahead and be honored as it goes.

3. That God would send more laborers into the harvest, as there are few true workers though the work is great. Thank you all for continuing to keep us in your prayers during this very busy month.

Here is just a glimpse of what has been happening, and how God is answering your prayers:

Preaching at a Mosque in Sodom: We had the opportunity in this dark and lost city to preach the Gospel boldly and answer questions concerning Christianity at the front of a very famous mosque. This mosque is famous for Folk Muslims to come to make vows, sacrifices and pray at the tombs of the dead Muslim saints. An older woman that J. knew from the mosque when speaking there before recognized J. and began to speak to him, remembering their previous conversation about Christianity. The woman asked J. about the Qur’an, Muhammad and his opinion concerning them. J. replied that “Jesus was above all prophets and even according to the Qur’an Jesus is higher and more exalted than Muhammad. As Jesus was the only sinless prophet, born of a virgin, and one that raised the dead and healed the sick and made the blind see. He is also the only prophet that is not lying in a grave like those entombed in the mosque and Muhammad is even in his tomb.” This caused quite a stir and soon J. had a large crowd of young and old, children, men and women gathered around to hear this new news. Many of the people had questions concerning the reliability of the Bible and about the person of Jesus and why Christians believe He was the last prophet. This gave J. the opportunity to share in detail the story of God’s plan for salvation starting with Adam and Eve ending with Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins. J. said, “The promise of God is that the one who believes in Jesus Christ will have eternal life, and this is the hope, and only in Christianity can one know 100% that they will be in heaven with God”. The local Qur’anic teacher came up with her students and asked many questions and argued over points concerning the person of Jesus. Later the Imam of the mosque came and asked if J. would come inside that they may discuss further these matters. Two hours had passed at the steps of the mosque. Right before J. left one very old and frail woman came up to J., but did not speak Turkish only Kurmanji, she asked if J. would pray for her son that was in jail for something he didn’t do. J. prayed there for the elderly woman and for those who listened in. J. challenged all there to read the Bible, for even the Qur’an admonishes Muslims to read it.

Prayer points: Pray that these seeds would grow in the hearts of those who heard and that many would come out of the darkness and into the marvelous light.

Preaching the Gospel and teaching the Bible to ESL students in Sodom: Since we began an ESL program in Sodom the Lord has opened the doors to preach the Gospel clearly to the students. Our intern Zurafa helped begin this ministry and now it is continued by “G.” who came from Northwest Arkansas to help. E. has the opportunity to share with the students, before class, during breaks and after class. Sometimes the whole class time is taken up answering questions concerning what Christians believe, what the Bible is, why Christians do not accept the Qur’an or Muhammad etc… Recently the students were able to hear clearly the Gospel from Adam and Eve through the advent of Christ. They asked, “Why do you not believe Muhammad is the last prophet or accept him.” This opened the door to explain God’s plan for salvation and how all prophets only speak of Jesus as the one to come to save His people. Either all the prophets are liars or they are telling the truth. The students were challenged to believe in Christ. They asked to see what a Christian prayer is like, and were able to see us Christians at Beytel East pray before the Lord on behalf of the students and their families. They were touched to see such prayer as none like it exists in Islam. After this one of the students wanted to speak with E. privately about the faith!

To see pics from the ESL class go here:!/gatewayeducationalservices?ref=profile

Prayer Points: Please pray for these ongoing lessons at Beytel East (Sodom) 5 days a week. Pray for G. who is away from his home country and familiar surroundings in a very dark place. Pray for his encouragement and perseverance. Pray that these students would come to faith in the Messiah, Jesus and give their lives to Him. We are waiting for the Lord to bring the harvest in.

Trip to Northern Iraq: This trip taken by E., K. two guests and supporters from Arkansas, and many from the EPIC team. Their trip was blessed as they were able to encourage many national Kurdish believers in Iraq and also many Iranian believers that came over from the border. They made many good contacts and shared with many eager to hear the truth along the way! Many former Kurdish terrorists are now believers in the Prince of Peace and left their life on the mountain and are now serving the King that brings true Hope! We praise God for our brothers and sisters in Northern Iraq and are privileged now to partner with them!

Personal Evangelism Update: Please pray for Zafer, Zehra, Metin, Adnan, Kadir, Zuhal, Deniz, Mustafa, Sibel and Orhan, whom we have been sharing the Gospel with since our last newsletter. We have given them the Bible, and or other materials on Christianity, some we have watched the Jesus Film with and we continue to pray and water, waiting for their hearts to be opened to the Truth. Please pray with us concerning them as well!

Requests from E. in Sodom: We need English teachers (ESL) to come, live and teach in Sodom, preferably a young couple. We have another opportunity to use English to share the Gospel to 25 more students in a province just south of here in Sodom. They asked us today to send a teacher to them to come and spend at least 2 days a week to teach! Please pray and ask God if He would like for you to come and help in Sodom and in this Southern province. We need a building/place that we own to have a permanent place to give ESL lessons, a base in the East to store Zacchaeus projects goods, evangelistic materials, and house the weekly guests that come in and have Bible studies with seekers. Please ask God if He would have you help in this way. -Please keep us in our prayers concerning the requests that we made in the last newsletter as much more is happening this month! Thank you and we love you all!

J. from Istanbul

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Join us on Facebook: Gateway Educational


Check out the EPIC’s Website:

New Donation Instructions and new giving address for Gateway Supporters: New Donations can be made online by going to:

Please make sure you designate your giving to Jacob Pursley (Gateway)

Or send checks snail-mail to: EPIC International 115 Woodland Way, Suite 120
Canton, GA 30114

Please note or indicate on the check in the memo: PURSLEY or GATEWAY.

Monday, April 5, 2010

News from Turkey

Gateway/EPIC Newsletter from Turkey: April 4, 2010
The Lord is Risen! Rab Dirildi! (Turkish) Xudan Vejîya! (Kurmanji)

Dear partners in the ministry,

The Risen Lord is moving here in this country and in the ministry that we have been given. We have been blessed more than ever and at the same time we have been given more work from the King. Please we need you to take the burden off of us by partnering in prayer with us for the major events taking place in April and May. They are so important and need to be bathed in prayer. Pray as you read over these and then please try to set aside a time of prayer and fasting for each. I am burdened for all of this beyond explanation.

1. EPIC/Gateway to go to a neighboring country next week:
Pray as we travel next week (April 7-12) to the East and then on to a neighboring country. Pray that many good contacts would be made, that the Lord would speak through and use “Jn.” “E.” and “M.” in a mighty way in the lives of the people whom they will speak to. Pray for safe passage to and from the country. This will be Kenan’s first ministry trip outside of Turkey and we are excited to see him grow and to be used of the Lord.

2. Short-term Evangelistic Trip to several Eastern provinces:
From April 20-28th “C.” a brother from Scotland, E. K., J. and a new national in training with Gateway/EPIC to reach the Kurds named “A.” will be heading out to villages in the East in search of the King’s lost sheep.

As we go we need much prayer:
1. For our unity.
2. For our protection from road hazards, terrorists, evil men who oppose the Gospel.
3. For our health.
4. For open doors in new unreached villages and that the Word of the Lord would be accepted as we preach, and that we would preach boldly as we ought to.
5. That the Word would speed ahead and that it would honored.
6. For the Holy Spirit to give us a sensitivity to His leading as we speak, as we travel and what villages to go to and how long to stay at each place.
6. Pray for “A.” as this will be his first experience to do something like this, pray that he would be encouraged and God would lead him to be a strong leader. Please pray and fast for this.

Remember when we do these trips we are usually the first Ambassadors for the King that people in these areas have ever meet, and Satan hates what we are doing.

3. Zacchaeus Projects goes to the East (English and Martial Arts):
The first week of May we will be in 2 villages in the Kurdish region of Turkey. We will be offering English lessons and sports/martial arts programs at the schools in villages. “G.,” our ESL teacher now in Sodom with E., will be helping lead the English part of the program. Many national believers will be heading to these areas with us as well to be ambassadors for the King. Pray as it will be the first time that these children and villagers will have ever met with Christians. Pray that we would show the Love of the King to all we meet both in our words and actions. Pray that many open doors and hearts would be waiting for us and the message that we bring. Pray for the health of our team (maybe 10) and that all would be organized well. Pray for safety as traveling can be dangerous out there and there are many that oppose this work.

4. Kurmanji Worship service Update:
On Thursday, April 01, 2010 at 7 pm the Kurdish believers were able to worship the King in their native tongue for the 2nd time in the history of the country. This time we had a special guest who plays an instrument native to the region (Saz). He has written several praise songs in Kurmanji and we were able to learn them that night. Many of them said that their hearts burned when they heard these new praise songs in their language! J.’s sermon that night was entitled: “The Kurds have no friends but the mountains?”,which was taken from a very famous proverb in their language. The Kurds in general believe that because no one has come to their defense, because no one has come to their aide, and because no one’s heart burned when they have been killed, that the only place they can have refuge and receive help is from the mountains. They run to the mountains for protection and to hide. The passage that J. preached from was Psalm 121:1-2 which he believes to be the Kurdish Psalm. (Kurmanji readers may read the sermon below.)

Prayer requests: Praise God we have been able to do this twice with little incident. There were however, two Kurdish believers who were too afraid to come. They believe there will be a raid on what we are doing and are afraid to be a part of it. Pray that this spirit of fear would be turned into a spirit of peace in their hearts. Pray that the Lord would continue to send us leaders to help with this service. Pray that the Spirit would lead us as we prepare for the next service to be held in May.

5. Beytel West:
The Lord has led us to start a new church plant in Y.B. in the city and we have been meeting there now for over a month. Pray for the growth of the new church in a part of the city that has never had a church before! Pray that “Z.”, a girl whom we are sharing with, would come to faith. “Z.” came to worship for the first time this Easter Sunday!

6. Beytel East/Sodom Update:
The Lord has provided finances for Kenan to buy a taxi! He purchased the taxi last week and it should be on the road within another week! We praise the Lord for using brothers and sisters to help with this! “G.” our ESL teacher from N.W. Arkansas has taught a full week of classes and the Lord has already allowed for the Gospel to be shared in full to all the students! E. has been taking full advantage of “G.” being with him there. Pray for two new men that seem very close to faith. Pray that the Lord would open their hearts. Pray also that those in the ESL class would open their hearts to the message and give their lives to the King. Please pray for the protection of E., K., and G. as there are many in that city that oppose the Gospel and the enemy hates what they are doing.

Thank you for your prayers and support,

Follow us on Twitter: Gatewayedu
Join us on Facebook: Gateway Educational Website:

Check out the EPIC’s Website:

New Donation Instructions and new giving address for Gateway Supporters:
New Donations can be made online by going to:

Please make sure you designate your giving to Jacob Pursley (Gateway)

Or send checks snail-mail to: EPIC International 115 Woodland Way, Suite 120
Canton, GA 30114

Please note or indicate on the check in the memo: PURSLEY or GATEWAY.

(Kurdish Sermon given by J. on April 1st 2010)

Waaz: Zebûr 121:1-2: Bê Çiyayan hevalên Kurdan tuneye? Xêştirin çiyayan hevalên Kurdan qet tuneye. Çend salan borî, yanî dema ez zimanê Kurdî hîn bûm min xwend: “bê çiyayan hevalên kurdan tuneye” û Ev hefte li ser vî yekî min peyvekî xwend. Û ev peyv min teşwîqê fikrandinê kir. Peyv ev e: Ji gotina “bê çiyayan hevalên kurdan tuneye” mirov dikare gelek înformasyonên girîng û fireh derîne.
A yekê; di Kurdîstanê da çiya hene.
Hevalên kurdan tuneye.
Li hember dijminan tu kes li wan pişt derneketiye.
Tu kesî heqê wan neparastiye.
Tu kesî dilê xwe bi wan neşewitandiye. Bi serpêhatî û tecrubeyên xwe fam kirine ku çiyayên wan herî hevalên wan yên saxlem û mezbût in.
Çiyayên wan, di rojên teng da ew star kirine, ew parastine.
Ew ji kuştin û mirinê hemet kirine.
Gotina “bê çiyayan hevalên kurdan tuneye”, tenêmayî û bêxwedîbûyina[1][1] kurdan jî îfade dike. Ji ber ku; ji heval û hogiran ra îhtiyacekê wan ê mezin heye. Loma kurd her tim li heval û hogiran digerin û hesreta wan dikşînin. Kurd difikrin kû bê çiyayan hevalên wan nîne, tu kese kî heqê wan neparastiye[2][2], tu kese kî dilê xwe bi wan neşewitandiye. Di rojên zor de çavên xwe ra dikin çiyayan. Lê gotina “bê çiyayan hevalên Kurdan tuneye” ne rast e. Ev gotin pir şaş e. Belki borî wusa hîsê me hebû lê li gora Peyva Xwedê gotina cuda/ferq heye. Peyxamber Davut ji dijminê wî revîya û ji kî alîkariya wî hat. Em li Zebûr sed û bîst û yek, yek û didu binerin: (vebikin) Zebûr 121:1-2 1. “Ez çavên xwe ra dikim çiyayan, Wê alîkarî ji ku derê were?” 2. Alîkariya min, ji Xudanê ku erd û ezman afirandiye ve were!” Di dîrokê[3][3] de her gav û her çax mirovan reviyan[4][4] çiyayan û xwe veşartin[5][5]. Û mirov difikirin ku çiyayan yê wan biparasin[6][6]. Beklî em naçin çiyayekî, lê em ji pirskirêkên xwe reviyan çûn cîhekî. Her tim ji bo me ew cîh, dive kû Xwedê ye. Ji ber ku Xwedê ji we hez dike û Ew qenc e. Tenê Ew dikare alîkariya me bike. Ne çiya, ne jî heval, ne sileh, ne jî dadgeh, ne welat, ne jî malbat nikare alîkariya me bike. Divê em bi Xwedê ewle bibin.[7][7] Û divê em bi Îsa Mesîh bawer bikin. Em her gav çavên xwe ra bikin Îsa Mesîh. Ji ber ku ji Îsa Mesîh xilas kirina me tê. Û alîkarina me ji Îsa Mesîh tê. Yûhenna 3:14-15 14. Çawa ku Mûsa di çolê de mar bilind kir, divê Kurê Mirov jî ûsa bilindî jor bibe; 15. Da ku, her kesê bawerî bi wî bîne[8][8], bila helaq nebe; lê jiyana wî ya ebedî hebe. Min “ji heval û hogiran[9][9] re îhtiyacekê[10][10] wan ê mezin heye. Loma kurd her tim li heval û hogiran digerin û hesreta wan dikşînin.” Xwend. Edî li hevalekî negerin, edî vî hesretê nekşînin. Ji ber ku Hevalê we heye. Ew heval Îsa Mesîh e. Wî got: “Ez herdem bi we re me.” Û ji bo we û gunehên we li ser xaçê mir û sê roj paşê ji mirinê sax bû. Sê roj paşê ji nav mirinê rabû. Sê roj paşe vejîya[11][11]? Kesê ku bi Îsa Mesîh bawer nake. Niha bila bi Îsa Mesîh bawer bike! Neçin çiya ya. Nerevin çiya ya. Jibo me çiya qet tiştek nîne. Çavên xwe bilind bikin Îsa Mesîh çimkî alîkariya we ji Îsa Mesîh tê. Çavên xwe bilind bikin xaçê. Ji xaça Îsa Mesîh xilas kirina we tê.
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[1][1] Tenêmayî: yalnızlık bêxwedîbûn: sahipsizlik. [2][2] Parastin di zimanê Turkî de savunmak e. [3][3] Dîrok di zimanê Turkî de tarih e. [4][4] Revîn di zimanê Turkî de kaçmak e. [5][5] Veşartin di zimanê Turkî de saklamak e. [6][6] Parastin di zimanê Turkî de savunmak e. [7][7] Ewle bûn di zimanê Turkî de güvenmek e. [8][8] Anîn: getirmek. To bring faith in him. [9][9] Hogiran di zimanê İngilizi de companion e. [10][10] Îhtiyaç Arabî ye di zimanê Kurdî de hewce ye. [11][11] Vejandin, Vejîn, Vejiyan, Vejiyîn. ? rabûn. Vejîn: diriliş, Vejandin: diriltmek. Vejiyan: dirilmek.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

South O' Border

South O' Border
Missionaries to

April 2010

Dear Friends in Christ,

This month we ordered and received all the material for 70 DVBS. This material has been separated into packets for the churches and missions. Thanks to you who have prayed and help finance this project the material can now be carried on the chartered busses that go to our annual pastor retreat the week after Easter. We can still use some financial help as only half the needed funds have come in. For just $50.00 you can sponsor a VBS that will reach over 200 boys and girls with the gospel.

Fruit from the passed: Edna Alatorre de Vargas, wife of Manuel Vargas, head of BBF of Mexico’s mission office and treasurer of the BBFM were in an evangelistic meeting with the First Bible Baptist Church of Reynosa where Angel Zapata is pastor. Sara Alatorre, Edna’s mother was saved in the Tampico church where we served our first four years. She was the most faithful member and worker. Edna was saved and surrendered her life to full time service there. After graduation she and Manuel were married and have served our Lord faithfully many years. The meeting had great success with souls saved and members dedicating their life to a greater effort to win the lost.

Thank each of you who have been praying for Margie and her health. After several new test including CT and PET the Oncologist told us that there has been no change in her condition and that NO CHEMOTHERAPT is needed at this time. Please continue to pray for Margie and me as we serve our Lord.

Beloved as you have no doubt heard, there is shooting war in most of the cities along the Texas-Mexican border. Reynosa has not escaped this violence. Several have died near our works in Reynosa. The pastors report that no harm has come to any of our people, but the violence in always near. Thank you for your faithfulness.

Yours for souls in Mexico,
Lonnie & Margie