Reaching Across the Street...
...Around the World!
Ministry Report
Reaching Across the Street! Gospel Parties!
This year was incredible! We had over 1,000 adult unbelieving visitors in over 150 small groups scattered throughout Metro Manila. 328 made salvation decisions! We then hosted a "Welcome Home Sunday" for all the new believers, encouraging them to be baptized and begin discipleship. Many are taking that next step in their walk with the Lord.
Reaching Around the World!
Francis Velasco--Missionary to Cambodia
Transformed - Reformed - Now Called!
That night, during the invitation, "Barbie" went forward! One of our counselors shared Christ with him and A new birth happened through the Holy Spirit!
Two weeks later, a man walked into our Sunday services. I introduced myself to him and he told me his name was Francis. He mentioned we had met two weeks before and that he had come as "Barbie." I was blown away at the transformation: a man's haircut, blue jeans, a man's shirt! I asked, "What happened to you?" Francis looked at me and said, "I got saved!" What a great day that was!
Fast forward to 2009...
That's right, Francis Velasco is going to be a missionary! Incredible what God can do with a life! Francis is a trophy of God's grace!
We are all excited to see what God will do through Missionary Francis Velasco! Francis is currently raising his support to go. We are hopeful to have all his support raised by April, 2010.
Help Get Francis to Cambodia!
As any missionary, Francis will have many challenges when he moves to Cambodia. 50% of his support is already raised from Filipino churches.
Do you want to have a part? You could help complete Francis' support base! With 48 churches or individuals who would send $100/year towards his support we could get Francis to the field! You might also consider investing in Francis' ministry on a monthly basis. That would be a huge blessing! Click on the"Support Francis" link and invest in a great missionary!
Here are some additional needs Francis has...
Motorcycle - $1,500
Cambodia Visa - $300
Computer - $250
Set up Expenses - $1,000
Let's Change The World!
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