Gateway Thanksgiving Letter from Turkey: November 25, 2009
E. of G.E.S. has written you all a Thanksgiving greeting that I have translated. For avid Turkish readers see his original below:
Happy Thanksgiving to all those who support us spiritually and materially and who are members of and who belong to the family of the Messiah. Together with you because we possess eternal life in the Lord and because we will be one day together bowing before the Throne of the Lord and praise Him together forever we are thankful to the Lord and also thankful for you dear brothers and sisters.
Because there are millions of brothers and sisters like you in the world, we thank the Lord who gives us the honor to be members in His large family. May the Lord bless and use each one of you and may the Lord make you strong like Himself, the One that cannot be shaken! Amen.
Happy Thanksgiving
E. of G.E.S.
Highlights to pray for and praises:
1. Engagement party of K. (elder of Beytel) and L. (Music leader of Beytel) this Sunday!
2. Two new baptisms this Sunday.
3. Immediate answers to prayers already concerning the last email I sent.
4. Two guest speakers in at Beytel for a week.
5. Five Churches now wish to work together with us for the Kingdom in Mercy Ministry/Zacchaeus projects! We are praying and planning concerning what projects to do in Istanbul and in the East together!
I am grateful and thankful for you all and your friendship and prayers.
J. of G.E.S.
Bizleri maddi ve manevi yönden destekleyen Mesih'in büyük ailesinin, bedeninin üyeleri Şükran Gününüz Kutlu Olsun.Sizlerle birlikte Rabbde sonsuz yaşama sahip olduğumuz için ve Rabb’in tahtı önünde hep birlikte onu yüceltip secdeler sunabileceğimiz için ve sonsuzluklar boyunca birlikte olucağımız siz kardeşlerimiz için Rabbe teşekkür ediyoruz.
Sizin gibi milyonlarca olan kardeşlerimiz olduğu için ve bu büyük ailenin üyesi olarak bizleri onurlandıran Rabbe teşekkür ediyoruz.Rab herbirinizi bereketlesin ve kullansın.Sizi güçlü ve kendi gibi sarsılmaz kılsın! Amin ŞÜKRAN GÜNÜNÜZ KUTLU OLSUN! E. of G.E.S
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Thank you all for your support and prayers!
J. of G.E.S.
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