Wednesday, September 2, 2009

South O' Border

Dear Friends in Christ,

The summer activities had been many. In August still more youth camps with amazing results. It is wonderful how the youth of Mexico are coming to the Lord. All of the camps this year exceeded those of last year. Souls were saved and young men and women surrendered their lives to the service of our Lord. When our Bible colleges open this month, there will be more students than last year. Praise God!

With the help of several churches and many friends we were able to supply material for 70 DVBS again this year. The reports are slow to come in from some of these. Those that we have received are great. One church had over 65 boys and girls saved. The mission in Matamoros had over 50 who made a profession of faith in the Lord, some of these were young people and adults.

To be sure all of the DVBS did not have this large a number, but many did. On an average of 40 souls per school (some less and most more) we rejoice in over 2800 boys and girls who accepted Christ as their personal Savior and made a public profession of their faith.

With the school opening and vacations over, the attendance of our churches have seen an increase. We praise God for the pastors who are faithfully leading their churches. Souls are being saved and baptized. They are active in the national BBF of Mexico fellowship. Dr. Angel Zapata is the director of our missions and member of the leadership . He is a leader of men.

We are thankful for the mission office staff that is serving the missionaries. The new Insurance program will prove to be a real blessing and just an example of the many activities they are doing. Thanks!

Beloved, once again we are so thankful for your faithfulness in prayer and support of our ministry. We do appreciate it and pray that God would continue to bless you each and every one.

Yours for souls in Mexico,
Lonnie and Margie Smith

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