Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Letter from Mexico

South O' Border
Missionaries to Mexico
Hebrews 6:10

See our Web page: __________________________________________________________________
October 2009

Dear Friends in Christ:

The pasted few weeks have been very good and enjoyable. It was our privilege to have Harold and Connie DeVilbiss visit McAllen for medical treatment. These days together reminded us of our first meeting of these dear people. Harold came to Mexico as a teenager in 1946. He had studied with Wendell Zimmerman in KCBT in KC, Mo. God called him to Mexico and the Baptist Temple sent him to Mexico. Later he was accepted by the BBFI. He lived and worked in Tampico and oversaw many Mexican pastors who were supported by KCBT. In 1956 God called us to Tampico to work where Harold had established a good work. He and family moved to Mexico City where they have continued to serve since that time. He was a great help to us when we first came to Mexico. His surgery was a success and they have return to their work in Mexico DC.

The BBFI of Mexico has grown from THIRTEEN small missions to a host of churches and missions. It has grown from a supported program with funds coming from the USA to a strong body of self-supporting churches and has a strong “foreign” missionary program with over TWENTY missionary projects. The BBFM meet twice a year, in April and November.In Northern Mexico there are two BBFM Fellowship. One is in Monterrey and Saltillo area called the BBF del Norte. This body of 40 to 50 pastors and churches meet the last Friday of each month in a different church in the area. Another Fellowship is along the TEX-MEX border and is called the BBFM Fronteriza. This group of 30 to 40 pastors is all along the Mexican Border from Matamoros to Piedras Negras across from Eagle Pass, TX. This group meets ever other month from Monday night to Wednesday Noon. This is because of the distance to travel for the meetings. It has been my privilege to win many of these men to our Lord.

Beloved, once again we are so thankful for your faithfulness in prayer and support for our ministry. We do appreciate it very much.

Yours for souls in Mexico,

Lonnie & Margie Smith

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