Thursday, June 11, 2009

Good News Jail and Prison Ministry Update (June 09)

Chaplain's Corner

Thank you so much for your support!

It is hard to believe that half of the year has gone by already! Many exciting things have happened in the ministry during this first half-year. Our annual Sheriff’s Appreciation Banquet went extremely well, and Paul and I are very grateful for those who made it possible. Once again, Paradise Catering did an outstanding job, and the music played by the Synergy band of Victory Church was terrific. We honored Peg Miller for her service of 35 years as a grader. She has retired from the ministry at the tender age of 94. Thank you Sheriff O’Flynn, Superintendent Harling, Sheriff Piscotti, Chief Deputy Virts, and all of your staffs for allowing us the privilege to walk the halls of the jails and bring the hope of Jesus Christ to the inmates and staff. We want to thank our President’s Council for their extraordinary effort in pulling the banquet together—we could not do it without you! And, of course, Dr. Harry Fletcher, who took time out of his busy schedule to bless us with a wonderful and perfectly fitted message. Most of all, we want to thank the six hundred friends from all of our supporting churches that attended the banquet and gave from their hearts to support this ministry. We love you and appreciate you, and know that you love our ministry of taking the gospel of Jesus Christ into the jails.
The Banquet was a big success, and we exceeded our budgeted requirement; even in these trying times. There is much work to be done and Paul and I are committed to meet the challenges, trusting that the Lord will give us the grace to meet them. It is June already, and our Motorcycle Run to Letchworth State Park is coming up on the 13th. This is the third year for this event and we are looking forward to a great day and a great ride!
So far this year we have graded more than 9,600 lessons, and handed out over 3,400 Bibles, and 640 inmates have made decisions for Christ! Please remember to pray for us, our families, and our volunteers and graders. We love you all in Christ,

Chaplain Ron

Inmate Testimony
Dear Paul,

It seem like just yesterday that I was with you in the Monroe County Jail. It is hard to realize that it was almost 5 years ago! Time seems to take forever but (also) rushes ahead faster than light at the same time in prison. It is almost like being in a time capsule, where whatever we do, everything that we remember stays the same. I completed a certification course with “Pure Life Ministries,” and it led to my deep conviction to memorize scripture and be honest with who I am and why. Thank you so much for all of your prayers over the years. You and the men there have been an inspiration to me and I have determined to fight the good fight, and to run the race until the end.

Also, pray for me on the 7th of June. The Chaplain will be away, and he is going to request that I be allowed to run the service while he is away. I am humbled and honored to be trusted like this, especially considering my past, and the place where I am. Of course, my greatest desire is your prayers, and the prayers of the church. Without God’s support and help I can do nothing, and I have appreciated your encouragement and prayers over the years. I believe that despite the situation, the Lord is going to use me, both while I am here in prison, and when I am finally released in 3 ½ years. I want to make the best use of my time in here that I can, and do all I can to both find radical submission to the Word of God, and to become effective in all I do for Christ.

Male Inmate

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