Gateway/EPIC Newsletter:
September 25, 2010
Dear Supporters and fellow partners with us in the ministry,
According to the apostle John in his third epistle you are sending the laborers of the Gospel to the unreached and in doing so you are partnering with us!
“Beloved, it is a faithful thing you do in all your efforts for these brothers, strangers as they are, who testified to your love before the church. You will do well to send them on their journey in a manner worthy of God. For they have gone out for the sake of the name, accepting nothing from the Gentiles. Therefore we ought to support people like these, that we may be fellow workers for the truth.” (3 Jn. 1:5-8)
Equipping the Church in Turkey: One of our tasks is to disciple and equip the church. “…equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ,…” (Eph. 4:12). Our style of discipleship is life on life. Those in our church go with us when we share the Gospel and learn by example. Those see how we serve and learn to serve. Those see how we keep each other accountable and likewise do the same with them. They see our hearts, they are with us when we pray, when we sing to the Lord, and when we discuss the Scriptures and how they apply to the situations we are in. They also know we are not perfect and see us in our failures as well. We also will begin within one week intensive Bible, Practical Theology and Biblical/Systematic studies at Beytel church. This has been requested by many at our church and we ask that you pray for J. and E. as they prepare these lessons to teach them together.
Equipping the Church by Writing: Many may remember the book J. wrote in Turkish, “Aman Nazar Degmesin!”. (May the Evil Eye Have No Effect!). Our first printing was 2,000 and now we are down to the last few dozen. The second edition will have 3 new sections and many testimonies of how Christians here in Turkey, through Jesus Christ have been saved from demons, curses, the Evil Eye and have overcome temptations to revert back to old Folk Islamic practices.
A recent testimony (last week) concerning this is one man “A.” in our church that we are training for leadership. “A.” for weeks has been feeling conflicted in his heart because he had a Hodja (Muslim Shaman) make him a muska (talisman) for the purpose of when he speaks with people concerning the Gospel that the people would believe his words so that they would become a Christian! (Because of the talisman that he made would cause them to believe.)
He read “Aman Nazar Degmesin!” and was afraid to tell “E.” or “J.” because of their stance on such subjects. He was trying to decide whether or not he should continue to wear the talisman or not, and finally confessed what he did to “E.”, he was afraid to tell “J.” as he thought “J.” would be mad because he was the writer of the book that condemns such behavior as blasphemy against God. “E.” immediately had him take out the talisman, and in front of “A.” “E.” ripped piece by piece. Then he told “A.” that he must reject all practices (even if it seems like it is for a good cause) and spit on this talisman as a sign of his rejection. He also said he must get on his knees right then, confess and repent. At first “A.” was afraid to spit on the talisman as he believed it still had some magical powers, “E.” then spit on it, then after seeing “E.’s” courage “A.” spit on it three times, he then knelt down confessed and repented of his sin. A similar story from the books of Acts 19:18-19:
“Also many of those who were now believers came, confessing and divulging their practices. And a number of those who had practiced magic arts brought their books together and burned them in the sight of all. And they counted the value of them and found it came to fifty thousand pieces of silver.”
The second printing of this book will be within a couple of months and we look forward to continuing sharing God’s truths on these subjects that so entangle the believers and keep folk Muslims in fear.
Urgent prayer need now: J., E, Kenan, A. now in the East and need prayer for safety in their travels and unity among each other. Pray the Lord would lead them to share with the lost sheep in their travels.
Prayer for L.: L. requests prayer that she may have many opportunities to share the Gospel with parents of students that she is working with and that she would have the same opportunities at the school she has been working with special needs children.
God bless and thanks for your prayers.
J. from Istanbul
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