Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Luke & Kelly Lyons

Impacing Asia: Luke & Kelly Lyons
July 2010

We have hit the ground running! God blessed us this month with the opportunity to be involved in so many ministries, it has been amazing! Our focus in ministry is the development of leaders and teams to establish new church plants throughout Metro Manila. Each church plant begins with a team that develops small groups and from this foundation builds a new church. Luke has taken on the challenge of training new small group leaders as well as encouraging and equipping existing leaders to reach their communities and multiply their groups. He was able to hold a training in which 91 were able to attend to learn how to be a small group leader.

We were also able to participate in the launching of three new church plants! Pastor Jermaine Nacion in Antipolo, click here to watch a video on the launch, Pastor Marlon in Mandaluyong and Pastor Falier in TayTay. Each launch had several hundred in attendance and God blessed each one with salvation decisions. Please continue to pray for these new churches as they start holding regular services and work to reach their communities for Christ!

Our Transistion
Thank you for your prayers as we transition to Metro Manila, Philippines. We appreciate all your prayers for Scott and his sickness days before we left to come. He has recovered fully and is acclimating well to the hot weather and humid days. This summer we have rented a home from a fellow missionary while they are away but soon we will need to find a more permanent location and we ask for your prayers as we begin our search. We are also continuing to save our funds for our startup costs and ask that you pray that we would be able to purchase all of the items needed for our home.

Thank you,

Luke and Kelly Lyons

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