South O'
Dear Friends in Christ,
DVBS results for 2010 have begun. The Spanish Baptist Church (Jerusalem) of Brownsville, Texas conducted their
VBS in June. There was an average of over 100 children who attended. We praise God that FIFTEEN boys and girls accepted Christ as their personal Savior. The pastor of
this church is JOEL
OLAZARAN who is one of our "preacher boys" from Monterrey.
During July and August there will be seventy
VBS conducted in Mexico by the pastors and full time workers. Material has been delivered to the pastors and also to the missionaries of the
CBBM in several indigenous tribes and areas where American missionaries have not been able to reach. We will give a complete report after the summer. We do wish to thank each of you who have given to and prayed for this project. You have made it possible to reach over 10,000 boys and girls in Mexico. Please continue to pray for the workers as they teach in these
Our thanks to go Yvonne
Biblbrey for her work on the music for our Spanish Hymnal. The
hymnal has been posted on the Web link of the
CBBM, which is available to the pastors and workers of
Spanish speaking countries. The link is listed above for your use. We ask you to pray for Yvonne's
husband, Ray
Bilbrey who had cancer surgery during June.
Thanks to you who remembered our birthday during April and June. It is good to be reminded that you are praying for us and care for your missionaries. Margie and I will
celebrate our anniversary July 14. God has given us 61 years together in His service here in Mexico. Praise to His name that our two sons are serving Him also in Mexico. We praise Him for our continued health and strength to be in His service.
We are so grateful to you our faithful supporters. During
this bad economic time you have been so good to remember us with your prayers and financial support. God has supplied our every need.
Yours for souls in Mexico,
Lonnie and Margie