Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Letter from Africa

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Greetings in the wonderful name of the Lord. Hope and pray this letter finds you serving our Savior. He is worthy, no doubt. Becky sends her greetings as well.

Summer is upon us and the Conference in the "bush" is very near. A few days ago, Kevin wrote and asked if we had enough money to feed all the people who are coming. I told him, we need to pray. It looks as if the money is not even close to what is needed so we need a miracle to say the least. Thanks go out to all of you who have helped in this project. The people travel for days, some on foot, and others rent trucks, etc. to make their way to the Mission. It is very hard to imagine just what it takes to not only get to the Mission from all over Zambia, Congo, and Tanzania, but to house and feed the people when they arrive. It is quite a project. Entire villages make the tract to come to hear the preaching and teaching of the Lord and to have the fellowship with other believers. It only takes around $1 to feed one person for the entire week which included, Nshima, beans, cabbage, tomato's, onions, and dried fish. Sometimes we have enough money for sugar, salt, and cooking oil for around 10,000 people. Remember, those coming are mostly unemployed, sub-servant farmers, living from day to day in a mud hut with no electricity or running water. Before the people come we build grass structures all over the Mission and dig portable latrines, get firewood, have good clean water for all, and give them the best teaching and preaching of the Word possible. It is still not too late to contribute. If you can't, please pray that we will have enough, and that the Lord will grant us a miracle of the loaves and fished. God bless you guys.

We have a wonderful team coming over and we're looking forward to what the Lord is going to do. Don't forget to pray for Brother Dennis Anderson and myself as we head to Africa on July 11th. We are headed first to Nigeria for a week, then off to South Africa where we will be picked up and driven to Botswana, and then we fly to Malawi to visit with some of our new churches. Then off to Zambia where we will get on a bus and head for Tanzania to do a Bible conference with some of our new churches as well. After this we will then be going to Kafulafuta for our annual Bible Conference in the Bush. We will be doing lots of traveling, teaching, and evangelizing so please pray for us, and of course my health. Also pray for Becky as she is going to the Mission to help with VBS and is going to teach the ladies. Pray for souls to be saved. God bless you guys.

In this day of financial uncertainty, Becky and I want to thank you so much for your prayers and support. You have been so faithful to the Bonner family. May God richly bless you. To God be the glory. Even so come Lord Jesus.

In Jesus Name,
Bobby and Becky Bonner

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