South O' Border
Missionaries to Mexico
May 2009
Dear Friends in Christ:
This month over 350 pastors, their wives and family celebrated the annual Pastor’s Retreat of the BBF of Mexico in the beautiful city of Villa Hermosa in southern Mexico. The services were great as was the preaching. It was a time of relaxation and Godly fellowship. The pastors approved Bro. Ignacio Guillen as a representative Evangelist for the BBFM. This is still another project of the mission endeavor of the BBFM.
Also this month our good friend Al Williams from OK brought us three more spinet pianos for the churches of Mexico. They have already been distributed to the works that needed them. One went to a church in Monterrey, another to a church in Victoria, Tam. And still another was placed in Reynosa. This brings a total of over 40 pianos that Bro. Al has been able to donate to the work in Mexico. Thanks Bro. Al.
We are proud to inform you that all10,000 student booklets and other materials for this year’s 70 DVBS have been distributed to the churches and missions that will be conducting these schools. The pastors and full time workers will have time to study the material and prepare the teachers needed to have successful DVBS again this year. Many souls have been saved through this program. We are thankful for the many friends and churches that have donated to this project over the years. God is keeping the record of those saved and the rewards will be accredited to your account. We still could use some help on the finances, just $60.00 will sponsor one DVBS.
Beloved once again we thank you for your faithfulness in prayer and support for our ministry. God continues to bless with souls and believers following our Lord in baptism. We praise God for continued health and strength to continue doing our work as missionaries. We realize that the economy is not good, but our faith is in the Lord who has and will supply all our need.
Yours for souls in Mexico
Lonnie & Margie Smith
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Turkey Update and Prayer Request
Gateway Update and Prayer Request
April 24, 2009
Praise the King for the open doors and open hearts this past trip! Thank you for participating with your prayers and support!
This is what happened:
Zacchaeus Medical Project in Twin Mountain Province:
Over 5 months ago two girls with a disease that looked like leprosy were brought to our attention. These girls just happen to live in the far Eastern region of the country in a remote mountain village off of the main road. The people in this village are 10 miles away from the main road then about another 50 miles from any type of medical care. Unfortunately, the only place that can treat their disease is in Istanbul which is over 1,200 miles away. I met with our medical projects leader Dr. Müjdeci concerning the girls and he had other experts examine the photos of the girls. He said however, that without going there in person, he could not diagnose them. Also those in the village do not leave the village and for the girls to have any treatment we would need to go there, build trust with the girls and family and persuade them to go to Istanbul for treatments.
To see pictures of these girls please go to Gateway’s Facebook:
According to the King’s perfect time we headed out to the village. Loaded up with food donations for the poor we would visit, “E.” of Beytel East in Sodom city with “K.”, Dr. Müjdeci, another brother “B.” and G.E.S. board member Ken along with “J.” left from Sodom to go to Twin Mountain. With no little trouble from the authorities (We were stopped at least 4 or 5 times and searched.) we made it to our destination, the village on the mountain that we call “Born-again”.
From a spiritual perspective those in the village have never met a follower of the King or have heard the truth concerning the King. A truly unreached Kurdish village.
Dr. Müjdeci immediately examined the girls and we spent a few hours getting to know the family and those of the village. We were able to share about who the King is and why we follow Him with the whole family this first visit! We could have shared more but the authorities were alerted to our presence out in the village and sent some folks to “check-up” on us. After that ordeal one man in particular named Joseph wanted Dr. Müjedeci to visit the other sick in the village so late in to the night we went from home to home and the good doctor examined many. Joseph also was quite inquisitive and J. was able to share his testimony and E. was able to share much with this man. Joseph begged us to stay in the village that night and visit more!
Prayer Requests:
1. The two girls need to be flown into Istanbul and taken to a special hospital for treatment. While they are in Istanbul we plan to continue to show them and their family the love of the King by treating their physical and spiritual needs.
2. Pray for the sick that we visited, particularly that they would be healed both physically and spiritually. (One woman in particular is a widow with six children, her husband was shot in a blood feud).
3. Pray that the whole village of “Born-again” would come to know the King and that the King would have mercy there.
4. Pray for Joseph and those whom we shared with that the seeds would grow in the hearts and that they would respond to the Truth.
Next Zacchaeus Medical trip to the Twin Mountain Province:
Our next trip to the village will be in May, this time Dr. Müjdeci said we must visit all 120 homes in the village and bring much medicine with us! We need prayer and finances for this trip!
Omar Confesses the King in the Twin Mountain Province!:
After leaving the village late at night J. received a phone call from another man (Omar) that they visited previously on their last trip to the East. Omar said that he wanted to meet with them and that he had put the tea on! We “just happened” to be driving by his place and again the King’s timing is perfect! Omar was waiting for us and as soon as we sat down the conversation for the first hour was about the only way to have peace is in the King, finally after much time and learning his story we found that he has had an intense love for Christ and had been reading about Him for years! That night in our presence Omar confessed that Jesus is Lord and Savior! We then decided to have a “church service” with him so until midnight we shared scripture, praised the King, prayed and rejoiced with this brother!
Pray for Omar as he is the only believer in his area and he needs much encouragement. Pray that he would be protected and grow in his faith.
Much more did take place on the trip, I feel like John who wrote in John 21:25, “Now there are also many other things that Jesus did. Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.”
There is so much that are King does on these trips, I cannot scarcely write them all; it would take up all of the volumes that could be written!
Thank you for being a part of all these ministries, without your logistics from home we here in the battle-lines could not do what we do!
J. of G.E.S.
To support these trips to the East, Zacchaeus Projects, Beytel and Christian Resources in Turkish:
Attention all supporters: EFT Online Donations Now Available
All donations can be made online through New Horizons Foundation:
More detailed information about EFT transfers:
EFT Bank transfer Credit/Debit Card Donations.
The 15th of every month donations to Gateway can be electronically withdrawn. One can decide in giving if their electronic gift will be a one time gift or monthly. The transaction date for monthly gifts is on the 15th of every month. What is needed is the credit/debit card information (Name, Expiration date, Card Number). If the transfer will be made from a Bank account; a routing number and account number will be needed.
Remember the project of the donation is Gateway Missions.
Checks can be made out to:
New Horizons Foundation Inc.
(FBO Gateway Missions)
Sent to:
New Horizons Foundation, Inc.
4570 Hilton Parkway, Suite 203
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
To check out the latest pictures and info please go to our Face book page.
Face book:
April 24, 2009
Praise the King for the open doors and open hearts this past trip! Thank you for participating with your prayers and support!
This is what happened:
Zacchaeus Medical Project in Twin Mountain Province:
Over 5 months ago two girls with a disease that looked like leprosy were brought to our attention. These girls just happen to live in the far Eastern region of the country in a remote mountain village off of the main road. The people in this village are 10 miles away from the main road then about another 50 miles from any type of medical care. Unfortunately, the only place that can treat their disease is in Istanbul which is over 1,200 miles away. I met with our medical projects leader Dr. Müjdeci concerning the girls and he had other experts examine the photos of the girls. He said however, that without going there in person, he could not diagnose them. Also those in the village do not leave the village and for the girls to have any treatment we would need to go there, build trust with the girls and family and persuade them to go to Istanbul for treatments.
To see pictures of these girls please go to Gateway’s Facebook:
According to the King’s perfect time we headed out to the village. Loaded up with food donations for the poor we would visit, “E.” of Beytel East in Sodom city with “K.”, Dr. Müjdeci, another brother “B.” and G.E.S. board member Ken along with “J.” left from Sodom to go to Twin Mountain. With no little trouble from the authorities (We were stopped at least 4 or 5 times and searched.) we made it to our destination, the village on the mountain that we call “Born-again”.
From a spiritual perspective those in the village have never met a follower of the King or have heard the truth concerning the King. A truly unreached Kurdish village.
Dr. Müjdeci immediately examined the girls and we spent a few hours getting to know the family and those of the village. We were able to share about who the King is and why we follow Him with the whole family this first visit! We could have shared more but the authorities were alerted to our presence out in the village and sent some folks to “check-up” on us. After that ordeal one man in particular named Joseph wanted Dr. Müjedeci to visit the other sick in the village so late in to the night we went from home to home and the good doctor examined many. Joseph also was quite inquisitive and J. was able to share his testimony and E. was able to share much with this man. Joseph begged us to stay in the village that night and visit more!
Prayer Requests:
1. The two girls need to be flown into Istanbul and taken to a special hospital for treatment. While they are in Istanbul we plan to continue to show them and their family the love of the King by treating their physical and spiritual needs.
2. Pray for the sick that we visited, particularly that they would be healed both physically and spiritually. (One woman in particular is a widow with six children, her husband was shot in a blood feud).
3. Pray that the whole village of “Born-again” would come to know the King and that the King would have mercy there.
4. Pray for Joseph and those whom we shared with that the seeds would grow in the hearts and that they would respond to the Truth.
Next Zacchaeus Medical trip to the Twin Mountain Province:
Our next trip to the village will be in May, this time Dr. Müjdeci said we must visit all 120 homes in the village and bring much medicine with us! We need prayer and finances for this trip!
Omar Confesses the King in the Twin Mountain Province!:
After leaving the village late at night J. received a phone call from another man (Omar) that they visited previously on their last trip to the East. Omar said that he wanted to meet with them and that he had put the tea on! We “just happened” to be driving by his place and again the King’s timing is perfect! Omar was waiting for us and as soon as we sat down the conversation for the first hour was about the only way to have peace is in the King, finally after much time and learning his story we found that he has had an intense love for Christ and had been reading about Him for years! That night in our presence Omar confessed that Jesus is Lord and Savior! We then decided to have a “church service” with him so until midnight we shared scripture, praised the King, prayed and rejoiced with this brother!
Pray for Omar as he is the only believer in his area and he needs much encouragement. Pray that he would be protected and grow in his faith.
Much more did take place on the trip, I feel like John who wrote in John 21:25, “Now there are also many other things that Jesus did. Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.”
There is so much that are King does on these trips, I cannot scarcely write them all; it would take up all of the volumes that could be written!
Thank you for being a part of all these ministries, without your logistics from home we here in the battle-lines could not do what we do!
J. of G.E.S.
To support these trips to the East, Zacchaeus Projects, Beytel and Christian Resources in Turkish:
Attention all supporters: EFT Online Donations Now Available
All donations can be made online through New Horizons Foundation:
More detailed information about EFT transfers:
EFT Bank transfer Credit/Debit Card Donations.
The 15th of every month donations to Gateway can be electronically withdrawn. One can decide in giving if their electronic gift will be a one time gift or monthly. The transaction date for monthly gifts is on the 15th of every month. What is needed is the credit/debit card information (Name, Expiration date, Card Number). If the transfer will be made from a Bank account; a routing number and account number will be needed.
Remember the project of the donation is Gateway Missions.
Checks can be made out to:
New Horizons Foundation Inc.
(FBO Gateway Missions)
Sent to:
New Horizons Foundation, Inc.
4570 Hilton Parkway, Suite 203
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
To check out the latest pictures and info please go to our Face book page.
Face book:
Monday, April 20, 2009
Down Under
April 8, 2009
Dear Pastor and Church family,
Spring is here and I am one for praising the Lord…..We just got back from Vermont where the snow was still on the ground and more was to come, by the time we hit Ohio the grass was green….I don’t know about you but I am ready for the warmer weather. We get tired with the long driving but really do enjoy preaching in churches across our beautiful country. I would rather be on the field preaching and teaching God’s Word to Australians….seeing them trust in the Lord as their Savior and growing in the Christ, but right now the Lord has this for us so we are going to praise the Lord for every soul no matter where they are in our world.
Of course….my point of this letter is to let you know how things are going as far as raising our support to get back on the field …. So briefly, we picked up 5 more churches last month and one this month. That takes us to about 43% of our need support, some months are better then others but all in the Lord’s perfect timing. The last couple of weeks we where in Connecticut, Maryland, Virginia, and Vermont and hopefully we will be able to partner with those churches we shared with. We never know until a couple of months later so we will keep you up dated. Coming up are Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois so please continue to pray for partners in Christ for Australia.
You know we got our truck repaired from the accident and then discovered that the transmission went out. We had that rebuild and now it’s back on the road as good as new (I hope….because it is the truck that I am using on deputation). I cannot begin to thank you enough for standing with us. Whatever you do keep on praising our Savior and serving Him and He will bring forth the fruit that we so desire to see in our lives. It is all about Him not you or me. Don’t grow weary in well doing, keep on keeping on.
In Christ we Serve
Ron & Vicki Letts
Missionaries Down Under
Dear Pastor and Church family,
Spring is here and I am one for praising the Lord…..We just got back from Vermont where the snow was still on the ground and more was to come, by the time we hit Ohio the grass was green….I don’t know about you but I am ready for the warmer weather. We get tired with the long driving but really do enjoy preaching in churches across our beautiful country. I would rather be on the field preaching and teaching God’s Word to Australians….seeing them trust in the Lord as their Savior and growing in the Christ, but right now the Lord has this for us so we are going to praise the Lord for every soul no matter where they are in our world.
Of course….my point of this letter is to let you know how things are going as far as raising our support to get back on the field …. So briefly, we picked up 5 more churches last month and one this month. That takes us to about 43% of our need support, some months are better then others but all in the Lord’s perfect timing. The last couple of weeks we where in Connecticut, Maryland, Virginia, and Vermont and hopefully we will be able to partner with those churches we shared with. We never know until a couple of months later so we will keep you up dated. Coming up are Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois so please continue to pray for partners in Christ for Australia.
You know we got our truck repaired from the accident and then discovered that the transmission went out. We had that rebuild and now it’s back on the road as good as new (I hope….because it is the truck that I am using on deputation). I cannot begin to thank you enough for standing with us. Whatever you do keep on praising our Savior and serving Him and He will bring forth the fruit that we so desire to see in our lives. It is all about Him not you or me. Don’t grow weary in well doing, keep on keeping on.
In Christ we Serve
Ron & Vicki Letts
Missionaries Down Under
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Letter from Dr. Harry Fletcher
Dear Friends,
Several years ago, John Denver recorded a hit with the words It's so good to be back home again. Muriel and I just returned home to the glorious Cape after spending six weeks in Florida, four weeks in SC, and one week in PA. I must confess that the Cape is all the more glorious without snow, sleet, and ice! What a great time we had with family, as well as meeting with donors, pastors, and chaplains. The Lord has blesses us with a wonderful family and loving friendships. It is also an encouragement to see their commitment to our international chaplains, even though just about every person has been affected by the economy. So, here's an update on our travels.
One of my joys is to teach a businessman's Bible class in Orlando during the month of February. Members in this class made it possible for us to hold the Chaplains Training School in Santa Cruz, Bolivia in November. At the beginning of the second Bible study in February, the men asked for an update on Bolivia. I closed the report by telling them we needed $15,000 in order to fund the ministry in 2009. By the end of the class, the total amount was raised, and the ministry in Bolivia began on March 1, 2009! Thank you, brothers, for making this possible! Good News International opened its 22nd country to prison ministry with the appointment of 3 full-time chaplains in Bolivia.
One of the men in the Bible study in Orland introduced me to Keith Taylor and Bo Cooksey, executive leaders of Missionary Ventures, a wonderful missions organization. The Christian Bikers Association provide $15,000 through Missionary Ventures to buy 10 bicycles and 8 motorbikes for our chaplains in Lithuania, Malawi, Philippines, Kenya, and Uganda! We are so grateful for this wonderful Christian organization, and the privilege to partner with them. Our chaplains are greatly blessed with this new means of transportation!
It was also a delight to meet the sister in the Lord, and her mother, who designed the template for our Summary Reports. She came to faith in Christ in the Orange County Detention Center several years ago, served time in a Florida state prison, and is now a businesswoman and faithful member of a supporting church. We are delighted to have this new tool in order to keep our donors up-to-date with their investments. We plan to provide these updated Summary Reports to donors who have an interest in a specific country. We have also created a general overview of the international ministry in the same form as the Summary Reports. God is so faithful!
South Carolina
As many of you know, the Fletcher siblings have a mini-reunion in Hilton Head for a few days in March. It was a great blessing to gather with my brothers/sisters and spouses, as well as the two widows of my eldest brothers in Heaven. We also enjoyed our time visiting with the donors and speaking in churches in Atlanta, Charleston, Charlotte, Savannah, Bluffton, and Richmond. A couple in Atlanta gave a gift to totally fund our ministry in Tyumen, Siberia. Another couple in Florida underwrites our ministry in Ukraine. Churches like Grace Community in Hilton Head, LowCountry Community in Bluffton, and Ferguson Avenue Baptist in Savannah have a great investment in our ministries in Egypt, Kyrgyzstan, India, and the Philippines. It is such an encouragement to meet with these dear brothers and sisters in Christ who are so generous. Thank you!
On the way home, Muriel and I stopped in York, and celebrated Donna's 41st birthday and Graham's (eldest grandson) 12th birthday. It was also a special joy to co-officiate with our son-in-law Don, an associate pastor at Church of the Open Door, at the baptism of Connor, their youngest son.
Muriel and I had a wonderful visit with two of our dearest friends, John and Joanne Malone. God used John to introduce me to prison ministry forty-four years ago on my first day as a student at Washington Bible College. John was the second chaplain with Good News, and invited me to go to jail with him. I never got out of jail while attending Bible college! John and Joann went to Ecuador as missionaries with Gospel Missionary Union (now Avant), and served among the Quechua Indians for 15 years. I was appointed as the 3rd chaplain with Good News as John's replacement in 1966. John and Joanne returned to the USA where John served as pastor of missions for 18 years at Immanuel Bible Church in Springfield, VA. Muriel and I have never known a more faithful and devoted Christian couple in all our lives. John is under hospice care with prostate cancer, and I would encourage you to pray for them.
It really is good to be back home, but what an encouragement our family and friends all over the country have been to us in ministry. These are challenging and great days to serve the Lord. We are all mindful of the fact that time in short at its longest, and eternity is ahead. May the Lord give us spiritual, eternal, and heavenly perspective as we serve Him. Thank you for your partnership.
Philippians 3:20-21
In His Mighty Love,
Harry E. Fletcher, D. Min.
Vice President of International Ministry and Pastoral Care
Ministry at a Glance: 2008 Total Statistics
325 International, 410 Worldwide
31,008 international, 45,894 worldwide
71,132 international, 80,979 worldwide
Several years ago, John Denver recorded a hit with the words It's so good to be back home again. Muriel and I just returned home to the glorious Cape after spending six weeks in Florida, four weeks in SC, and one week in PA. I must confess that the Cape is all the more glorious without snow, sleet, and ice! What a great time we had with family, as well as meeting with donors, pastors, and chaplains. The Lord has blesses us with a wonderful family and loving friendships. It is also an encouragement to see their commitment to our international chaplains, even though just about every person has been affected by the economy. So, here's an update on our travels.
One of my joys is to teach a businessman's Bible class in Orlando during the month of February. Members in this class made it possible for us to hold the Chaplains Training School in Santa Cruz, Bolivia in November. At the beginning of the second Bible study in February, the men asked for an update on Bolivia. I closed the report by telling them we needed $15,000 in order to fund the ministry in 2009. By the end of the class, the total amount was raised, and the ministry in Bolivia began on March 1, 2009! Thank you, brothers, for making this possible! Good News International opened its 22nd country to prison ministry with the appointment of 3 full-time chaplains in Bolivia.
One of the men in the Bible study in Orland introduced me to Keith Taylor and Bo Cooksey, executive leaders of Missionary Ventures, a wonderful missions organization. The Christian Bikers Association provide $15,000 through Missionary Ventures to buy 10 bicycles and 8 motorbikes for our chaplains in Lithuania, Malawi, Philippines, Kenya, and Uganda! We are so grateful for this wonderful Christian organization, and the privilege to partner with them. Our chaplains are greatly blessed with this new means of transportation!
It was also a delight to meet the sister in the Lord, and her mother, who designed the template for our Summary Reports. She came to faith in Christ in the Orange County Detention Center several years ago, served time in a Florida state prison, and is now a businesswoman and faithful member of a supporting church. We are delighted to have this new tool in order to keep our donors up-to-date with their investments. We plan to provide these updated Summary Reports to donors who have an interest in a specific country. We have also created a general overview of the international ministry in the same form as the Summary Reports. God is so faithful!
South Carolina
As many of you know, the Fletcher siblings have a mini-reunion in Hilton Head for a few days in March. It was a great blessing to gather with my brothers/sisters and spouses, as well as the two widows of my eldest brothers in Heaven. We also enjoyed our time visiting with the donors and speaking in churches in Atlanta, Charleston, Charlotte, Savannah, Bluffton, and Richmond. A couple in Atlanta gave a gift to totally fund our ministry in Tyumen, Siberia. Another couple in Florida underwrites our ministry in Ukraine. Churches like Grace Community in Hilton Head, LowCountry Community in Bluffton, and Ferguson Avenue Baptist in Savannah have a great investment in our ministries in Egypt, Kyrgyzstan, India, and the Philippines. It is such an encouragement to meet with these dear brothers and sisters in Christ who are so generous. Thank you!
On the way home, Muriel and I stopped in York, and celebrated Donna's 41st birthday and Graham's (eldest grandson) 12th birthday. It was also a special joy to co-officiate with our son-in-law Don, an associate pastor at Church of the Open Door, at the baptism of Connor, their youngest son.
Muriel and I had a wonderful visit with two of our dearest friends, John and Joanne Malone. God used John to introduce me to prison ministry forty-four years ago on my first day as a student at Washington Bible College. John was the second chaplain with Good News, and invited me to go to jail with him. I never got out of jail while attending Bible college! John and Joann went to Ecuador as missionaries with Gospel Missionary Union (now Avant), and served among the Quechua Indians for 15 years. I was appointed as the 3rd chaplain with Good News as John's replacement in 1966. John and Joanne returned to the USA where John served as pastor of missions for 18 years at Immanuel Bible Church in Springfield, VA. Muriel and I have never known a more faithful and devoted Christian couple in all our lives. John is under hospice care with prostate cancer, and I would encourage you to pray for them.
It really is good to be back home, but what an encouragement our family and friends all over the country have been to us in ministry. These are challenging and great days to serve the Lord. We are all mindful of the fact that time in short at its longest, and eternity is ahead. May the Lord give us spiritual, eternal, and heavenly perspective as we serve Him. Thank you for your partnership.
Philippians 3:20-21
In His Mighty Love,
Harry E. Fletcher, D. Min.
Vice President of International Ministry and Pastoral Care
- For a wonderful and productive time in FL and SC, and for safety in over 9,000 miles
- For the wonderful physical family and spiritual family God has given us
- For the privilege to serve the Lord in the prisons around the world
- For God to continue to raise up the prayer and financial partners to sustain this ministry
- For God's blessing upon our chaplains serving in dark and difficult places in 22 countries
Ministry at a Glance: 2008 Total Statistics
325 International, 410 Worldwide
31,008 international, 45,894 worldwide
71,132 international, 80,979 worldwide
Saturday, April 11, 2009
News from Turkey
Gateway Educational Services: Update and Prayer Requests
April 9, 2009
To our brothers and sisters; fellow soldiers of the King,
Thank you for your prayers and support of our last trip to the East!
First ever baptism of a MBB in a Far Eastern Province! Seven of us crammed in our project vehicle and set off on the muddy, pot-hole filled roads from “Sodom” to “Dogtown”. “Sodom” is where Beytel East is located where “E.” is serving. “Dogtown” is where we are working near Iran. While in “Dogtown” pastor Abdullah preached the first sermon in the city at our small gathering! We met with many contacts who were interested in learning more about the King throughout the trip. One story in particular begins three years ago when we began to meet with a secret believer (the only one at the time in his city “Castletown”.) He is afraid he will lose his job and family over his faith and needs great encouragement, yet despite his fearfulness he has been growing. He broke contact with us over a year ago, afraid that contact with us may cause many problems with the secret police. Around 4 months ago J. of G.E.S. received a response to his book Aman Nazar Degmesin! from this very man in “Castletown”!
J. explained to the man that the author of this book was J. himself who had visited him and they began emailing again. This trip we planned to visit with this man. We drove up to this province and pastor Abdullah and J. searched 4 apartment complexes and talked to over 50 people before giving up trying to find him. That night J. E., Abdullah and K. (whom we newly baptized last year) prayed for the city and especially that the Lord would guide us to find this man. After many meetings in the region and surrounding provinces we returned to “Castletown” the next night. While walking on the street we heard from behind us, “Yakup, Yakup!” J. turned around and saw the man whom we had been searching for! We rejoiced in our seeing him and that night we encouraged him to taking new steps in his faith and he said that he would be baptized. Because of the climate in the area, everything covered in snow and ice, and in the East they do not use bathtubs the 8 of us gathered in a hotel room and did a shower baptism! The Spirit was present and honored at this time of celebration. We met with many more who wanted to hear the Good news then returned to “Sodom” without little difficulty! One car breakdown, two flat tires in the middle of the mountains at night and a fierce spiritual battle in “Dogtown”!
Prayer and Financial Need
As finances allow Abdullah plans to visit Dogtown and Castletown to encourage the secret believers and begin CP works in both areas. Pray that the finances will be provided for such trips and that the believers in these areas would grow in faith and courage.
Zacchaeus Project Prayer Request
Medical Project to another very remote Eastern Province! April the 13th five us including Dr. Müjdeci will be heading out to a remote village to treat two young girls. Pray for our unity and that we would encourage each other and sharpen each other on the trip. Pray for protection on the road and from the schemes of the Devil. Pray that we would be effective Ambassadors to this family and village that we will visit. Pray that the Holy Spirit would guide every second of this trip and give us great wisdom. Pray for the recovery of these two girls as well.
To see the pictures of the girls so you can know whom you are praying for check out our Facebook at:
J. of G.E.S.
To support Abdullah’s trips to the East, Zacchaeus Projects, Beytel and Christian Resources in Turkish:
Attention all supporters: EFT Online Donations Now Available
All donations can be made online through New Horizons Foundation:
More detailed information about EFT transfers: EFT Bank transfer Credit/Debit Card Donations. The 15th of every month donations to Gateway can be electronically withdrawn. One can decide in giving if their electronic gift will be a one time gift or monthly. The transaction date for monthly gifts is on the 15th of every month. What is needed is the credit/debit card information (Name, Expiration date, Card Number). If the transfer will be made from a Bank account; a routing number and account number will be needed. Remember the project of the donation is Gateway Missions. Checks can be made out to:
New Horizons Foundation Inc.
(FBO Gateway Missions)
Sent to: New Horizons Foundation, Inc.
4570 Hilton Parkway, Suite 203
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
To check out the latest pictures and info please go to our Face book page.-
Face book: Website:
April 9, 2009
To our brothers and sisters; fellow soldiers of the King,
Thank you for your prayers and support of our last trip to the East!
First ever baptism of a MBB in a Far Eastern Province! Seven of us crammed in our project vehicle and set off on the muddy, pot-hole filled roads from “Sodom” to “Dogtown”. “Sodom” is where Beytel East is located where “E.” is serving. “Dogtown” is where we are working near Iran. While in “Dogtown” pastor Abdullah preached the first sermon in the city at our small gathering! We met with many contacts who were interested in learning more about the King throughout the trip. One story in particular begins three years ago when we began to meet with a secret believer (the only one at the time in his city “Castletown”.) He is afraid he will lose his job and family over his faith and needs great encouragement, yet despite his fearfulness he has been growing. He broke contact with us over a year ago, afraid that contact with us may cause many problems with the secret police. Around 4 months ago J. of G.E.S. received a response to his book Aman Nazar Degmesin! from this very man in “Castletown”!
J. explained to the man that the author of this book was J. himself who had visited him and they began emailing again. This trip we planned to visit with this man. We drove up to this province and pastor Abdullah and J. searched 4 apartment complexes and talked to over 50 people before giving up trying to find him. That night J. E., Abdullah and K. (whom we newly baptized last year) prayed for the city and especially that the Lord would guide us to find this man. After many meetings in the region and surrounding provinces we returned to “Castletown” the next night. While walking on the street we heard from behind us, “Yakup, Yakup!” J. turned around and saw the man whom we had been searching for! We rejoiced in our seeing him and that night we encouraged him to taking new steps in his faith and he said that he would be baptized. Because of the climate in the area, everything covered in snow and ice, and in the East they do not use bathtubs the 8 of us gathered in a hotel room and did a shower baptism! The Spirit was present and honored at this time of celebration. We met with many more who wanted to hear the Good news then returned to “Sodom” without little difficulty! One car breakdown, two flat tires in the middle of the mountains at night and a fierce spiritual battle in “Dogtown”!
Prayer and Financial Need
As finances allow Abdullah plans to visit Dogtown and Castletown to encourage the secret believers and begin CP works in both areas. Pray that the finances will be provided for such trips and that the believers in these areas would grow in faith and courage.
Zacchaeus Project Prayer Request
Medical Project to another very remote Eastern Province! April the 13th five us including Dr. Müjdeci will be heading out to a remote village to treat two young girls. Pray for our unity and that we would encourage each other and sharpen each other on the trip. Pray for protection on the road and from the schemes of the Devil. Pray that we would be effective Ambassadors to this family and village that we will visit. Pray that the Holy Spirit would guide every second of this trip and give us great wisdom. Pray for the recovery of these two girls as well.
To see the pictures of the girls so you can know whom you are praying for check out our Facebook at:
J. of G.E.S.
To support Abdullah’s trips to the East, Zacchaeus Projects, Beytel and Christian Resources in Turkish:
Attention all supporters: EFT Online Donations Now Available
All donations can be made online through New Horizons Foundation:
More detailed information about EFT transfers: EFT Bank transfer Credit/Debit Card Donations. The 15th of every month donations to Gateway can be electronically withdrawn. One can decide in giving if their electronic gift will be a one time gift or monthly. The transaction date for monthly gifts is on the 15th of every month. What is needed is the credit/debit card information (Name, Expiration date, Card Number). If the transfer will be made from a Bank account; a routing number and account number will be needed. Remember the project of the donation is Gateway Missions. Checks can be made out to:
New Horizons Foundation Inc.
(FBO Gateway Missions)
Sent to: New Horizons Foundation, Inc.
4570 Hilton Parkway, Suite 203
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
To check out the latest pictures and info please go to our Face book page.-
Face book: Website:
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Changing Lives: One at a Time
Impact Asia Camps Have Begun!
Student Camps began January 19, 2009 and God has blown the doors wide open. As of March 24--30,058 students have heard the gospel and 13,493 have received Christ as their Saviour!
The Catalyst
Impact Asia Camps (part of the Impact World Camps) began January 19, 2009. Each camp consists of 2-3 days of intentional and strategic planning which allows students to be exposed to the Gospel, to hear the Truth and to receive Christ. The Lord is blessing and out of the 30,058 students who have attended, 13,493 have received Christ as their personal Saviour! These new believers need to be grounded in the faith, discipled and mentored to become mature believers.
The Next Step
These souls that have been rescued and are beginning the journey of a personal relationship with Christ need a church. Not a building to go to each week, but to be a member of the body of Christ, meeting with other believers. As camp has continued to expand, we are now reaching into areas of Manila where there is no local church.
The Non-Facility Dependent Church (NFD) model was started in 2007. Sixteen million people live in Metro Manila. Real estate to purchase and build a local church building is not affordable. Following the NFD model, the church meets in various locations and rents space by the hour. We're building churches without walls.
This is the model that have been used to plant seven churches in the last 18 months and we will be using this plan for the five church plants projected for 2009. This is the model we will use once we are on the field. Our primary aim is to join a Filipino pastor in a new church plant soon after our arrival. Would you pray for us?
Prayer Requests
Impact Asia Camp Funds-only $21 per student
Opportunities to share our ministry and vision
Safety while traveling
Financial support
Visit our Website:
An account has been established with the Central Missionary Clearinghouse to receive funds. You can send support for Luke and Kelly to the following:
Central Missionary Clearinghouse
PO Box 219228
Houston, TX 77218-9228
Student Camps began January 19, 2009 and God has blown the doors wide open. As of March 24--30,058 students have heard the gospel and 13,493 have received Christ as their Saviour!
The Catalyst
Impact Asia Camps (part of the Impact World Camps) began January 19, 2009. Each camp consists of 2-3 days of intentional and strategic planning which allows students to be exposed to the Gospel, to hear the Truth and to receive Christ. The Lord is blessing and out of the 30,058 students who have attended, 13,493 have received Christ as their personal Saviour! These new believers need to be grounded in the faith, discipled and mentored to become mature believers.
The Next Step
These souls that have been rescued and are beginning the journey of a personal relationship with Christ need a church. Not a building to go to each week, but to be a member of the body of Christ, meeting with other believers. As camp has continued to expand, we are now reaching into areas of Manila where there is no local church.
The Non-Facility Dependent Church (NFD) model was started in 2007. Sixteen million people live in Metro Manila. Real estate to purchase and build a local church building is not affordable. Following the NFD model, the church meets in various locations and rents space by the hour. We're building churches without walls.
This is the model that have been used to plant seven churches in the last 18 months and we will be using this plan for the five church plants projected for 2009. This is the model we will use once we are on the field. Our primary aim is to join a Filipino pastor in a new church plant soon after our arrival. Would you pray for us?
Prayer Requests
Impact Asia Camp Funds-only $21 per student
Opportunities to share our ministry and vision
Safety while traveling
Financial support
Visit our Website:
An account has been established with the Central Missionary Clearinghouse to receive funds. You can send support for Luke and Kelly to the following:
Central Missionary Clearinghouse
PO Box 219228
Houston, TX 77218-9228
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Update - Fire at Word of Life Ukraine
Dear friends of Word of Life Ukraine:
Last fall we shared with you that a fire completely destroyed the house on the Word of Life property where our missionaries, the Radziwiluk family, lived.
When we wrote you in November, we asked you to do two things: to pray for the ministry in the Ukraine to move forward unhindered, and to ask the Lord how you could help with the rebuilding of the house and replacing furnishings.
We are writing now to give you an update on the ministry and the rebuilding of the house.
In 2008, the Lord surely blessed the ministry in the Ukraine. There were more than 16,700 people who heard the Gospel with 877 recorded salvation decisions. There were 1,480 young people who attended camp and 69 students at the Bible Institute. We praise the Lord that the work has continued to move forward for his glory!
Thanks to the response of many friends like you, the rebuilding project began almost immediately after the fire.
Recently, we received the following note:
We praise the Lord for His provision in times of trial, as we look back to November 19, 2008 and we see that house in flames. Today we see a miracle in front of us that is still hard to believe. Right now, we are almost done with the rough framing and are starting the finish work. Now the tiles are being laid and the electricity and the heating system are being installed. Soon we will start drywall. -Juan Carlos Radziwiluk
Two teams of staff and volunteers from America have helped with this project. We are grateful to God and to you, ans as you can see from this note much has already been accomplished!
Because reliable insurance was not available in Ukraine, we have asked friends like you to help with the cost of rebuilding. Already gifts totaling $59,565 have been received.
To finish this project which includes rebuilding the house and replacing furnishings, another $65,435 is needed to meet the goal.
We realize these are challenging economic times but praise the Lord His Truth keeps marching on. God desires to accomplish His work through His people regardless of the state of the economy.
Would you prayerfully consider a gift to help finish this worth while project? I know it would be a great encouragement to this ministry team. If you have already given, thank you so very much!
Thank you for your ongoing and faithful interest and support.
In His Service,
Don Lough, Jr., Director
Word of Life Fellowship
More information, as well as construction photos and an online giving option, are available at
Last fall we shared with you that a fire completely destroyed the house on the Word of Life property where our missionaries, the Radziwiluk family, lived.
When we wrote you in November, we asked you to do two things: to pray for the ministry in the Ukraine to move forward unhindered, and to ask the Lord how you could help with the rebuilding of the house and replacing furnishings.
We are writing now to give you an update on the ministry and the rebuilding of the house.
In 2008, the Lord surely blessed the ministry in the Ukraine. There were more than 16,700 people who heard the Gospel with 877 recorded salvation decisions. There were 1,480 young people who attended camp and 69 students at the Bible Institute. We praise the Lord that the work has continued to move forward for his glory!
Thanks to the response of many friends like you, the rebuilding project began almost immediately after the fire.
Recently, we received the following note:
We praise the Lord for His provision in times of trial, as we look back to November 19, 2008 and we see that house in flames. Today we see a miracle in front of us that is still hard to believe. Right now, we are almost done with the rough framing and are starting the finish work. Now the tiles are being laid and the electricity and the heating system are being installed. Soon we will start drywall. -Juan Carlos Radziwiluk
Two teams of staff and volunteers from America have helped with this project. We are grateful to God and to you, ans as you can see from this note much has already been accomplished!
Because reliable insurance was not available in Ukraine, we have asked friends like you to help with the cost of rebuilding. Already gifts totaling $59,565 have been received.
To finish this project which includes rebuilding the house and replacing furnishings, another $65,435 is needed to meet the goal.
We realize these are challenging economic times but praise the Lord His Truth keeps marching on. God desires to accomplish His work through His people regardless of the state of the economy.
Would you prayerfully consider a gift to help finish this worth while project? I know it would be a great encouragement to this ministry team. If you have already given, thank you so very much!
Thank you for your ongoing and faithful interest and support.
In His Service,
Don Lough, Jr., Director
Word of Life Fellowship
More information, as well as construction photos and an online giving option, are available at
Larry and Millie Brown
Dear Friends at Victory,
A sincere thank you for your recent gift of financial support. It really helps with needs and is a blessing! In spite of the economy, god faithfully supplies through caring friends as you.
Larry continues to "retread" instead of retiring! We praise Him for health and strength and continue teaching the "chronological series" to another new group, discipling another and taking meeting opportunities at a church several towns away.
May God bless and use you as you make yourselves available to Him.
Blessed Easter!
Larry and Millie Brown
A sincere thank you for your recent gift of financial support. It really helps with needs and is a blessing! In spite of the economy, god faithfully supplies through caring friends as you.
Larry continues to "retread" instead of retiring! We praise Him for health and strength and continue teaching the "chronological series" to another new group, discipling another and taking meeting opportunities at a church several towns away.
May God bless and use you as you make yourselves available to Him.
Blessed Easter!
Larry and Millie Brown
Taking the Light of the Gospel to Macedonia
March 31, 2009
As we said hello to 2009 and the prospects of a new year we hit a detour caused by some health issues. Those issues have now been diagnosed and a plan of action has begun.
On February 9th a golf ball sized tumor was removed from my bladder. Not long after the surgery a biopsy indicated the cancer spread to a nearby lymph node. Surgery is planned for April 1st at which time they will remove that lymph node along with several others which are close by. Three to four weeks following the surgery, a regimen of radiation therapy coupled with simultaneous chemo therapy will begin and last for 7 1/2 weeks.
Thank you for your prayer on my behalf. God has given me confidence that all will end to His glory and that He isn't yet through with me. Like the Lord's message to Paul in Acts 23:11 about Rome, He has assured me "as you have testified for Me in (the U.S.), so you must also bear witness in (Macedonia)." Knowing that He has called me to this ministry has solidified my faith in Him even more.
Thank you for praying for my physical health. If you will, please pray for our financial needs at this time too. Just as we were beginning to raise our monthly support, we had to stop to address these health issues. You can understand, I'm sure, not only are the usual bills we are faced with not going to stop, now we are faced with the enormous cost of surgery, etc. with no health insurance. Many of our friends and past partners in ministry have already begun supporting our ministry and for that we are eternally grateful.
If you, or your church, have plans to take us on for support is it possible for you to start now? If you had not plans to support us, will you consider picking us up even though we have not been able to visit you face to face? Due to obvious circumstances I will not be able to travel until sometime in August at the very earliest, but will be glad to schedule a meeting with you as soon as I know I am physically able to keep my commitment. If monthly support is not possible, a one time offering would be very helpful. I'm sorry to be so direct in my appeal, but I don't know where else I should go, but to my friends and partners in ministry.
God has opened "a great door of opportunity for effective ministry" in Macedonia and the Balkan States. If He is going to use us to this great ministry it is going to require faith. As I consider what He is doing in my life, I understand that He is building that great faith through this trial. I have made myself available, and I am not withdrawing because of this adversary.
Thank you for standing with us in this difficult time.
In Christ's care,
Lou Hill
Balkan State Ministries
PO Box 3124
Nampa, ID 83683
As we said hello to 2009 and the prospects of a new year we hit a detour caused by some health issues. Those issues have now been diagnosed and a plan of action has begun.
On February 9th a golf ball sized tumor was removed from my bladder. Not long after the surgery a biopsy indicated the cancer spread to a nearby lymph node. Surgery is planned for April 1st at which time they will remove that lymph node along with several others which are close by. Three to four weeks following the surgery, a regimen of radiation therapy coupled with simultaneous chemo therapy will begin and last for 7 1/2 weeks.
Thank you for your prayer on my behalf. God has given me confidence that all will end to His glory and that He isn't yet through with me. Like the Lord's message to Paul in Acts 23:11 about Rome, He has assured me "as you have testified for Me in (the U.S.), so you must also bear witness in (Macedonia)." Knowing that He has called me to this ministry has solidified my faith in Him even more.
Thank you for praying for my physical health. If you will, please pray for our financial needs at this time too. Just as we were beginning to raise our monthly support, we had to stop to address these health issues. You can understand, I'm sure, not only are the usual bills we are faced with not going to stop, now we are faced with the enormous cost of surgery, etc. with no health insurance. Many of our friends and past partners in ministry have already begun supporting our ministry and for that we are eternally grateful.
If you, or your church, have plans to take us on for support is it possible for you to start now? If you had not plans to support us, will you consider picking us up even though we have not been able to visit you face to face? Due to obvious circumstances I will not be able to travel until sometime in August at the very earliest, but will be glad to schedule a meeting with you as soon as I know I am physically able to keep my commitment. If monthly support is not possible, a one time offering would be very helpful. I'm sorry to be so direct in my appeal, but I don't know where else I should go, but to my friends and partners in ministry.
God has opened "a great door of opportunity for effective ministry" in Macedonia and the Balkan States. If He is going to use us to this great ministry it is going to require faith. As I consider what He is doing in my life, I understand that He is building that great faith through this trial. I have made myself available, and I am not withdrawing because of this adversary.
Thank you for standing with us in this difficult time.
In Christ's care,
Lou Hill
Balkan State Ministries
PO Box 3124
Nampa, ID 83683
Proctors in Australia
G’day to each of you who faithfully support us through your prayers and finances, Let me begin this letter by introducing you to the newest member of our personal family and our church! Her name is Ava Psalm Keegan and she is our second Grandchild with our daughter Meagan, ( the first one was lost to a miscarriage and is now in Heaven)!
She was born on the 26th March and we “Praise the Lord” for the fact she and mum are in great health!
As we’ve said in our previous letter, we will be returning to the States on the 22nd of June for furlough. God has miraculously provided our “return flights” and some our itinerary has been established. Our greatest need now, for furlough, is a vehicle to travel around in. Every time we’ve come back to the States, God has miraculously provided a vehicle of just the right size and at just the right time! Please be praying with us for this need to be met again! If anyone knows of a possible vehicle for us to use, please let us know. Kim & I will be traveling mainly along the east coast of the US and will need the car from about August to January of next year.
Also, if you’d like us to come to your church for a meeting or for a Missions Conference please let us know and we’ll discuss with you an appropriate time!
While I’m away from Australia, the national pastor who is assisting us at the church will be looking after all church matters. Please pray for Albert Garlando and that this will be a great opportunity to gain valuable experience!
Recently, our church voted to become listed and affiliated with a large group of churches here in Australia who are just like us in doctrine and philosophy and who are very community orientated. Though we remain independent and autonomous as a church and self-governing in our polity, we will have far greater resources to work with in trying to reach our local community for the Lord!
We had our annual Church Camp in March where almost everyone attended for the weekend. Our speaker brought several messages on the importance of personal soul winning and we ended the weekend with a showing of the Christian Movie, “Fireproof” which had a great impact on our families! Thank you, again for praying for us and for your sacrificial financial gifts. We are very aware of the financial conditions in the States right now and therefore appreciate even more how each of you give sacrificially.
We are looking forward to seeing many, if not all of you, later this year, Lord willing!! Many blessings be upon you from our Lord Jesus Christ!
Dan & Kim Proctor
She was born on the 26th March and we “Praise the Lord” for the fact she and mum are in great health!
As we’ve said in our previous letter, we will be returning to the States on the 22nd of June for furlough. God has miraculously provided our “return flights” and some our itinerary has been established. Our greatest need now, for furlough, is a vehicle to travel around in. Every time we’ve come back to the States, God has miraculously provided a vehicle of just the right size and at just the right time! Please be praying with us for this need to be met again! If anyone knows of a possible vehicle for us to use, please let us know. Kim & I will be traveling mainly along the east coast of the US and will need the car from about August to January of next year.
Also, if you’d like us to come to your church for a meeting or for a Missions Conference please let us know and we’ll discuss with you an appropriate time!
While I’m away from Australia, the national pastor who is assisting us at the church will be looking after all church matters. Please pray for Albert Garlando and that this will be a great opportunity to gain valuable experience!
Recently, our church voted to become listed and affiliated with a large group of churches here in Australia who are just like us in doctrine and philosophy and who are very community orientated. Though we remain independent and autonomous as a church and self-governing in our polity, we will have far greater resources to work with in trying to reach our local community for the Lord!
We had our annual Church Camp in March where almost everyone attended for the weekend. Our speaker brought several messages on the importance of personal soul winning and we ended the weekend with a showing of the Christian Movie, “Fireproof” which had a great impact on our families! Thank you, again for praying for us and for your sacrificial financial gifts. We are very aware of the financial conditions in the States right now and therefore appreciate even more how each of you give sacrificially.
We are looking forward to seeing many, if not all of you, later this year, Lord willing!! Many blessings be upon you from our Lord Jesus Christ!
Dan & Kim Proctor
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Josh and Jenn Waugh
Dear Friends and Family,
We hope this finds you enjoying the blessings of our Lord. Jennifer and I feel we are as we minister at Journey Church. The Lord is providing and showing Himself to us.
We have been meeting with the youth regularly, and are rejoicing because at one such meeting a young lady did receive Christ as her Savior. We also had a super bowl party where we were able to meet some of the friends of our regular attendees.
Journey Church held a blood drive for the American Red Cross in March. There were several purposes for this activity. One was to let the community know about the church and another purpose was to help the teens focus on service. 7 young people sacrificed 5 hours on a Saturday. There have been a couple of people visit the church as a result of this outreach.
We also received exciting news from Jennifer's doctor. She is expecting our son at the end of July! All is well with both mom and son at this point.
As with everything worthwhile, there are struggles. The housing we expected is not available yet so we ask that you pray about this.
We appreciate the financial support that has been given and also ask prayer for our continued financial needs. May God richly bless you.
In Service To The King,
Josh, Jenn, and Haleigh
We hope this finds you enjoying the blessings of our Lord. Jennifer and I feel we are as we minister at Journey Church. The Lord is providing and showing Himself to us.
We have been meeting with the youth regularly, and are rejoicing because at one such meeting a young lady did receive Christ as her Savior. We also had a super bowl party where we were able to meet some of the friends of our regular attendees.
Journey Church held a blood drive for the American Red Cross in March. There were several purposes for this activity. One was to let the community know about the church and another purpose was to help the teens focus on service. 7 young people sacrificed 5 hours on a Saturday. There have been a couple of people visit the church as a result of this outreach.
We also received exciting news from Jennifer's doctor. She is expecting our son at the end of July! All is well with both mom and son at this point.
As with everything worthwhile, there are struggles. The housing we expected is not available yet so we ask that you pray about this.
We appreciate the financial support that has been given and also ask prayer for our continued financial needs. May God richly bless you.
In Service To The King,
Josh, Jenn, and Haleigh
South O' Border - April
South O' Border
Missionaries to Mexico
April 2009
Dear Friends in Christ,
Easter will come to Mexico also. In the USA they have substituted “Spring Break” instead of Easter and each school has a different time to go on vacation. In Mexico they still celebrate two weeks at Easter. One week before Easter Sunday which they call “Holy Week”, then one week after Easter Sunday. All schools are out and many businesses are closed also.
The BBFI of Mexico has chosen this time to celebrate their annual Pastoral Retreat. Each year a different local in Mexico is chosen. Pastors and Missionaries will all go to the beautiful city of Villa Hermosa in southern Mexico. Since the children are out of school, the whole family can attend. Each church usually has special services during the first week to reach those who are naturally thinking of “religion”. Many souls are saved at this time. Unlike in the USA, Easter Sunday is the least attended service of the year. Most people are out of town on vacation.
We ask you to pray for the financial need for the DVBS material for this year. We have ordered material for 10,000 boys and girls that will be taught in 60 to 70 different Bible clubs. The average cost is $65.00. We have received some help toward this grand total, but not near enough. Please make this a matter of prayer. Thanks to you who have already sent, and to you who will send. We believe this is the best investment for souls in our ministry.
Beloved we once again thank you for your faithfulness in prayer and financial support toward our ministry here in Mexico. God continues to bless and with your help He has supplied our every need through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Lonnie & Margie Smith
Missionaries to Mexico
April 2009
Dear Friends in Christ,
Easter will come to Mexico also. In the USA they have substituted “Spring Break” instead of Easter and each school has a different time to go on vacation. In Mexico they still celebrate two weeks at Easter. One week before Easter Sunday which they call “Holy Week”, then one week after Easter Sunday. All schools are out and many businesses are closed also.
The BBFI of Mexico has chosen this time to celebrate their annual Pastoral Retreat. Each year a different local in Mexico is chosen. Pastors and Missionaries will all go to the beautiful city of Villa Hermosa in southern Mexico. Since the children are out of school, the whole family can attend. Each church usually has special services during the first week to reach those who are naturally thinking of “religion”. Many souls are saved at this time. Unlike in the USA, Easter Sunday is the least attended service of the year. Most people are out of town on vacation.
We ask you to pray for the financial need for the DVBS material for this year. We have ordered material for 10,000 boys and girls that will be taught in 60 to 70 different Bible clubs. The average cost is $65.00. We have received some help toward this grand total, but not near enough. Please make this a matter of prayer. Thanks to you who have already sent, and to you who will send. We believe this is the best investment for souls in our ministry.
Beloved we once again thank you for your faithfulness in prayer and financial support toward our ministry here in Mexico. God continues to bless and with your help He has supplied our every need through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Lonnie & Margie Smith
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