Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Ministry Memo

Dear Friends,

January was a very fruitful time for our ministry. I presented The Battle for Life, a powerpoint presentation about abortion/life, in several churches. In one, a lady introduced me to her 13 year old son that she had almost aborted. She had called a crisis pregnancy help line, and a Christian woman had talked her into keeping her baby. We rejoiced together for a life that was saved. At another church, the altar was filled with people repenting either for themselves or our nation. In another church, a mom and her daughter and another teenage girl was saved. PTL!

I am also preaching a message entitled America in Crisis that has been a blessing. I believe that America is being chastened by God, and it may get worse before it gets better. The only hope for America is a national heaven sent revival (Psalm 85:6). The message is on the Internet if you would like to listen to it. Email me (tstiles163@aol.com) and I will send you the link.

Duane, Jason, and I are conducting Pastors' Briefings around the state. We are covering the church tax issue (exemption forms and actual taxes), the President's Agenda (he has a very pro-abortion and pro-gay agenda), the new order of State government (the Dems are in charge), our changes and goals, and Legislative Day (March 17).

Legislative Day (Tuesday, March 17) is the most important event in our year. It is the day that we invite Christians to join us for the day in Albany. We begin with a continental breakfast and our keynote speaker. Then we will hear several speakers on the issues of the day, honor Legislators that received a 100% rating from NYCF-PAC, and will be briefed by Jason and Duane. This year we are planning a few changes-including taking pastors to a meeting with our State leaders. Our theme is "To All Generations" and our keynote speaker is David Gibbs III, the son of the founder of the Christian Law Association. It should be a fantastic day-please join us if you possibly can. I am leading our Power in the Pulpit Initiative including writing a monthly newsletter, and developing a separate website (it should be up and running later this month).

My mother is 85 years old and lives by herself in her own home in Flint, Michigan. She spent most of December and January in either the hospital or a convalescent home. She is home now, and says that she is "doing pretty good." Obviously, this is a major concern for me, and I would appreciate you praying for her. She is pictured here with my daughter, Kim and her four kids from two years ago. Seth and Luke are both taller than mom now.

Changes: Duane Motley will step down as our CEO on June 30, and Jason McGuire will step up to that position. Duane will continue to serve as our "Senior Lobbyist" during the Legislative session (January to June) and consultant. My role will remain basically the same, except my title which is now "Director of Church Relations."

Power in the Pulpit Initiative-We are looking for a few good men! We began this ministry last June with a rally in Albany. Many of the pastors there asked us, "Now what?" I have been asked to develop this ministry that is designed to help pastors. I am writing a monthly newsletter, developing a website, and recruiting ministers to join with us. We are asking ministers to commit themselves to three things: (1) To preach on the issues of our day; (2) To pray for revival; and (3) To partner with us to turn New York back to the God of our fathers.

Finally, thank you for your faithful support-either financial or prayer, or both. I realize every day that there would be no ministry without your help.

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