Dear Friends,
January was a very fruitful time for our ministry. I presented The Battle for Life, a powerpoint presentation about abortion/life, in several churches. In one, a lady introduced me to her 13 year old son that she had almost aborted. She had called a crisis pregnancy help line, and a Christian woman had talked her into keeping her baby. We rejoiced together for a life that was saved. At another church, the altar was filled with people repenting either for themselves or our nation. In another church, a mom and her daughter and another teenage girl was saved. PTL!
I am also preaching a message entitled America in Crisis that has been a blessing. I believe that America is being chastened by God, and it may get worse before it gets better. The only hope for America is a national heaven sent revival (Psalm 85:6). The message is on the Internet if you would like to listen to it. Email me ( and I will send you the link.
Duane, Jason, and I are conducting Pastors' Briefings around the state. We are covering the church tax issue (exemption forms and actual taxes), the President's Agenda (he has a very pro-abortion and pro-gay agenda), the new order of State government (the Dems are in charge), our changes and goals, and Legislative Day (March 17).
Legislative Day (Tuesday, March 17) is the most important event in our year. It is the day that we invite Christians to join us for the day in Albany. We begin with a continental breakfast and our keynote speaker. Then we will hear several speakers on the issues of the day, honor Legislators that received a 100% rating from NYCF-PAC, and will be briefed by Jason and Duane. This year we are planning a few changes-including taking pastors to a meeting with our State leaders. Our theme is "To All Generations" and our keynote speaker is David Gibbs III, the son of the founder of the Christian Law Association. It should be a fantastic day-please join us if you possibly can. I am leading our Power in the Pulpit Initiative including writing a monthly newsletter, and developing a separate website (it should be up and running later this month).
My mother is 85 years old and lives by herself in her own home in Flint, Michigan. She spent most of December and January in either the hospital or a convalescent home. She is home now, and says that she is "doing pretty good." Obviously, this is a major concern for me, and I would appreciate you praying for her. She is pictured here with my daughter, Kim and her four kids from two years ago. Seth and Luke are both taller than mom now.
Changes: Duane Motley will step down as our CEO on June 30, and Jason McGuire will step up to that position. Duane will continue to serve as our "Senior Lobbyist" during the Legislative session (January to June) and consultant. My role will remain basically the same, except my title which is now "Director of Church Relations."
Power in the Pulpit Initiative-We are looking for a few good men! We began this ministry last June with a rally in Albany. Many of the pastors there asked us, "Now what?" I have been asked to develop this ministry that is designed to help pastors. I am writing a monthly newsletter, developing a website, and recruiting ministers to join with us. We are asking ministers to commit themselves to three things: (1) To preach on the issues of our day; (2) To pray for revival; and (3) To partner with us to turn New York back to the God of our fathers.
Finally, thank you for your faithful support-either financial or prayer, or both. I realize every day that there would be no ministry without your help.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Letter from Lonnie and Martha Smith
January - March 2009
Dear Pastors and Friends:
Home Again
You all know the saying: "there's no place like home." Well, we are glad to be back in our birth home, the USA. For your information, we can be reached at the following:
1. Home Phone (956) 686-5056
2. Home Address: 6712 N. 15th Lane, McAllen, TX 78504
3. Email Addresses (see below)
Right now we are making adjustments to being stateside and we are preparing for the traveling that lies ahead. I have been advised by Bro. Jon Konnerup, Dr. Bob Baird, and Bro. Mike Haley to take a few months to rest and adjust and get medical treatment. We have already scheduled those churches that have contacted us and will continue to do so little by little, so if you wish us to report to you, please let us hear from you.
Back Home in Guadalajara
We continue to praise the Lord for the missions conference we had at Living Word Baptist before we left. Dr. and Mrs. Bob Baird, Bro. Jonathan Robertson (Costa Rica) and two Mexican missionaries were with us. The people responded with great enthusiasm and voted to take on all of the missionaries, so they are now supporting four missionary families at one hundred dollars a month! The faith promise for 2009 is fifteen thousand five hundred dollars! Several young people and young adults responded to the Lord's calling to full time service. All are now involved in preaching, teaching, or serving in some capacity in the church.
The Psalmist wrote: "offer thanksgiving unto the Lord." Brethren, we thank God for your faithful support. The years have rolled by and month after month you have been right there with us. You have sent special offerings when needed and the latter part of every year, many of you send us Christmas specials. We are thankful and we are debtors to all and we plan to serve the Lord with you in this missionary endeavor...
'Til Jesus Comes,
Lonnie C. Smith, Jr.
Dear Pastors and Friends:
Home Again
You all know the saying: "there's no place like home." Well, we are glad to be back in our birth home, the USA. For your information, we can be reached at the following:
1. Home Phone (956) 686-5056
2. Home Address: 6712 N. 15th Lane, McAllen, TX 78504
3. Email Addresses (see below)
Right now we are making adjustments to being stateside and we are preparing for the traveling that lies ahead. I have been advised by Bro. Jon Konnerup, Dr. Bob Baird, and Bro. Mike Haley to take a few months to rest and adjust and get medical treatment. We have already scheduled those churches that have contacted us and will continue to do so little by little, so if you wish us to report to you, please let us hear from you.
Back Home in Guadalajara
We continue to praise the Lord for the missions conference we had at Living Word Baptist before we left. Dr. and Mrs. Bob Baird, Bro. Jonathan Robertson (Costa Rica) and two Mexican missionaries were with us. The people responded with great enthusiasm and voted to take on all of the missionaries, so they are now supporting four missionary families at one hundred dollars a month! The faith promise for 2009 is fifteen thousand five hundred dollars! Several young people and young adults responded to the Lord's calling to full time service. All are now involved in preaching, teaching, or serving in some capacity in the church.
The Psalmist wrote: "offer thanksgiving unto the Lord." Brethren, we thank God for your faithful support. The years have rolled by and month after month you have been right there with us. You have sent special offerings when needed and the latter part of every year, many of you send us Christmas specials. We are thankful and we are debtors to all and we plan to serve the Lord with you in this missionary endeavor...
'Til Jesus Comes,
Lonnie C. Smith, Jr.
Prayer Request from Turkey
Gateway Prayer Request
15 FEB 2009
To our prayer warriors,
Gateway goes to the West Bank and Gaza: Feb.25th –March 7th
We ask that you all be in prayer concerning our upcoming trip. This aims of this upcoming trip is six fold: 1. We have an opportunity to encourage Palestinian Arab Christians that are living between two peoples who persecute them. Namely, the Jews and Muslims. 2. We also have an opportunity to teach the Christians there our methods of Muslim evangelism and approaches to the Muslims that surround them. 3. We will have the opportunity to teach the Bible at the Palestinian Jerusalem School. 4. We will be able to evangelize many Palestinian Arab Muslims. 5. E. of G.E.S. has a way to get into Gaza to visit the believers there and to encourage them, helping with any need that may be there during these hard times and bring greetings from the Turkish Church. 6. To help with teaching, lesson planning, assessment and curriculum at the Jerusalem school.
Prayer Needs
That E. may obtain a visa and for his entry into Gaza and that he would pass with no troubles. For our travels to the refugee camps and that the King would send many to our paths to share the Good News with. That we may encourage the Palestinian Christians and mobilize them to reach their Muslim neighbors in an appropriate manner. Pray for our safety throughout our time there as we travel and speak to many people. Pray for all that needs to be done at the Jerusalem School. Pray for our safe return and re-entry into Turkey. Pray that we would be delivered from the evil one and his schemes, as he would seek to discourage and stop all that we will try to accomplish.
Another Baptism at Beytel West!
We praise the King again, for today Sunday the 15th of February 2009 our brother “B.” was baptized! He is now preparing to move to the far East of this country and start a fellowship. We will be visiting him often for training and discipleship. Pray for this man’s spiritual growth and protection from the evil one.
Thank you for your prayers and partnership in the ministry here!
J. of G.E.S.
Attention all supporters: EFT Online Donations Now Available
All donations can be made online through New Horizons Foundation:
More detailed information about EFT transfers:
EFT Bank transfer Credit/Debit Card Donations. The 15th of every month donations to Gateway can be electronically withdrawn. One can decide in giving if their electronic gift will be a one time gift or monthly. The transaction date for monthly gifts is on the 15th of every month. What is needed is the credit/debit card information (Name, Expiration date, Card Number). If the transfer will be made from a Bank account; a routing number and account number will be needed. Remember the project of the donation is Gateway Missions.
Checks can be made out to: New Horizons Foundation Inc.
(FBO Gateway Missions) Sent to: New Horizons Foundation, Inc.
4570 Hilton Parkway, Suite 203
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
15 FEB 2009
To our prayer warriors,
Gateway goes to the West Bank and Gaza: Feb.25th –March 7th
We ask that you all be in prayer concerning our upcoming trip. This aims of this upcoming trip is six fold: 1. We have an opportunity to encourage Palestinian Arab Christians that are living between two peoples who persecute them. Namely, the Jews and Muslims. 2. We also have an opportunity to teach the Christians there our methods of Muslim evangelism and approaches to the Muslims that surround them. 3. We will have the opportunity to teach the Bible at the Palestinian Jerusalem School. 4. We will be able to evangelize many Palestinian Arab Muslims. 5. E. of G.E.S. has a way to get into Gaza to visit the believers there and to encourage them, helping with any need that may be there during these hard times and bring greetings from the Turkish Church. 6. To help with teaching, lesson planning, assessment and curriculum at the Jerusalem school.
Prayer Needs
That E. may obtain a visa and for his entry into Gaza and that he would pass with no troubles. For our travels to the refugee camps and that the King would send many to our paths to share the Good News with. That we may encourage the Palestinian Christians and mobilize them to reach their Muslim neighbors in an appropriate manner. Pray for our safety throughout our time there as we travel and speak to many people. Pray for all that needs to be done at the Jerusalem School. Pray for our safe return and re-entry into Turkey. Pray that we would be delivered from the evil one and his schemes, as he would seek to discourage and stop all that we will try to accomplish.
Another Baptism at Beytel West!
We praise the King again, for today Sunday the 15th of February 2009 our brother “B.” was baptized! He is now preparing to move to the far East of this country and start a fellowship. We will be visiting him often for training and discipleship. Pray for this man’s spiritual growth and protection from the evil one.
Thank you for your prayers and partnership in the ministry here!
J. of G.E.S.
Attention all supporters: EFT Online Donations Now Available
All donations can be made online through New Horizons Foundation:
More detailed information about EFT transfers:
EFT Bank transfer Credit/Debit Card Donations. The 15th of every month donations to Gateway can be electronically withdrawn. One can decide in giving if their electronic gift will be a one time gift or monthly. The transaction date for monthly gifts is on the 15th of every month. What is needed is the credit/debit card information (Name, Expiration date, Card Number). If the transfer will be made from a Bank account; a routing number and account number will be needed. Remember the project of the donation is Gateway Missions.
Checks can be made out to: New Horizons Foundation Inc.
(FBO Gateway Missions) Sent to: New Horizons Foundation, Inc.
4570 Hilton Parkway, Suite 203
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
Monday, February 16, 2009
Update from J & L!
Gateway Newsletter: February 10, 2009
May the Lord continue to bless you and use you all in your ministry here in the Middle East!
Your prayers and finances are being used in ways you will only get to hear about around the throne one day!
One testimony to how our King has used you: I recently met with “Alag”, our first member of Beytel West to be baptized, whom we also have sent to a one-year intensive Bible training school to prepare him for pastoral ministry. During our time he spoke to me about how his brother “Erd” recently came to faith. For months Erd was resistant and even militant against the Gospel and Christianity in general. One day Alag took Erd to where we meet at Beytel West. During this visit, Erd began to ask many questions about our facility such as: “Why do you have a white board here?” Alag answered: “This is where we write down prayer requests for those in the church and for the world.” Erd was in shock and said, “You actually pray for each other like this and for situations in the country and world?” Alag showed his brother Erd the bags for Zacchaeus projects and Erd ask, “What are these for?” Alag responded by telling him our projects that we do to reach the poor. Erd again couldn’t believe it and said, “Even Alevis and Muslims do not take care of the poor like this and pray like you do!” Erd then spent some time that week with evangelist of G.E.S. “E.” then the following week while we joined via internet skype online service from Beytel East to West, Erd showed up for service at Beytel West. Erd confessed before us all his faith in Christ and gave his testimony. Unfortunately because of previous sins in his life he is now serving an 11 month prison sentence. However, Erd is growing in the faith and recently stated that as soon as he gets out the first thing he wants to do is be baptized!
Just the existence of Beytel West and Zacchaeus projects that many of you have prayed about and given to was a testimony to this man! Thank you for your support!
Prayer Request: Pray for Erd’s protection and growth in the Lord, as he is alone in a Turkish prison.
Zacchaeus projects Update: Pastor Abdullah or Beytel West has been helping the poor non-stop through donated clothing. He has packaged up and sent off dozens of packages in the last month sending them to various fellowships throughout the country and visited several poor here within the city.
Beytel East/NUT school update: E. has been hard at work sharing his faith in both deed and word in our eastern base. We as of January have moved again to a more secure location, as the last location was broken into by thieves 3+ times. E. had a student from Germany this past week and trained him in our NUT program. Pray for the many that E. continually shares with on a daily basis, pray for E.’s protection and encouragement and teaching these upcoming ambassadors for the King.
3rd Beytel soon to come: One man we have been disciplining named “B.” will be returning to his province near the Iranian border. Here we will have a third base of operations to share our faith, books, materials, Zacchaeus Projects and use it as a Gateway to the very close surrounding countries! This is one of the most “dangerous” areas (if there is such a thing) as Hezbollah and other radical Muslim groups abound in the area. This endeavor and this man need your prayers and fasting. This is huge! Please be on your knees for us here, we need wisdom, guidance and God’s hand of protection and blessing upon all we do here.
Thank you for your prayers and support,
May the God continue to bless you all!
J. of G.E.S.
To support Zacchaeus Projects, Beytel and Christian Resources in Turkish please make your checks payble to:
New Horizons Foundation
(FBO Gateway Missions)
and send to: New Horizons Foundation, Inc.
4570 Hilton Parkway, Suite 203
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
Facebook: Gateway Education
May the Lord continue to bless you and use you all in your ministry here in the Middle East!
Your prayers and finances are being used in ways you will only get to hear about around the throne one day!
One testimony to how our King has used you: I recently met with “Alag”, our first member of Beytel West to be baptized, whom we also have sent to a one-year intensive Bible training school to prepare him for pastoral ministry. During our time he spoke to me about how his brother “Erd” recently came to faith. For months Erd was resistant and even militant against the Gospel and Christianity in general. One day Alag took Erd to where we meet at Beytel West. During this visit, Erd began to ask many questions about our facility such as: “Why do you have a white board here?” Alag answered: “This is where we write down prayer requests for those in the church and for the world.” Erd was in shock and said, “You actually pray for each other like this and for situations in the country and world?” Alag showed his brother Erd the bags for Zacchaeus projects and Erd ask, “What are these for?” Alag responded by telling him our projects that we do to reach the poor. Erd again couldn’t believe it and said, “Even Alevis and Muslims do not take care of the poor like this and pray like you do!” Erd then spent some time that week with evangelist of G.E.S. “E.” then the following week while we joined via internet skype online service from Beytel East to West, Erd showed up for service at Beytel West. Erd confessed before us all his faith in Christ and gave his testimony. Unfortunately because of previous sins in his life he is now serving an 11 month prison sentence. However, Erd is growing in the faith and recently stated that as soon as he gets out the first thing he wants to do is be baptized!
Just the existence of Beytel West and Zacchaeus projects that many of you have prayed about and given to was a testimony to this man! Thank you for your support!
Prayer Request: Pray for Erd’s protection and growth in the Lord, as he is alone in a Turkish prison.
Zacchaeus projects Update: Pastor Abdullah or Beytel West has been helping the poor non-stop through donated clothing. He has packaged up and sent off dozens of packages in the last month sending them to various fellowships throughout the country and visited several poor here within the city.
Beytel East/NUT school update: E. has been hard at work sharing his faith in both deed and word in our eastern base. We as of January have moved again to a more secure location, as the last location was broken into by thieves 3+ times. E. had a student from Germany this past week and trained him in our NUT program. Pray for the many that E. continually shares with on a daily basis, pray for E.’s protection and encouragement and teaching these upcoming ambassadors for the King.
3rd Beytel soon to come: One man we have been disciplining named “B.” will be returning to his province near the Iranian border. Here we will have a third base of operations to share our faith, books, materials, Zacchaeus Projects and use it as a Gateway to the very close surrounding countries! This is one of the most “dangerous” areas (if there is such a thing) as Hezbollah and other radical Muslim groups abound in the area. This endeavor and this man need your prayers and fasting. This is huge! Please be on your knees for us here, we need wisdom, guidance and God’s hand of protection and blessing upon all we do here.
Thank you for your prayers and support,
May the God continue to bless you all!
J. of G.E.S.
To support Zacchaeus Projects, Beytel and Christian Resources in Turkish please make your checks payble to:
New Horizons Foundation
(FBO Gateway Missions)
and send to: New Horizons Foundation, Inc.
4570 Hilton Parkway, Suite 203
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
Facebook: Gateway Education
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Meet the Impact World Team
"Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor." Ecclesiastes 4:9
As God opens doors for our ministry throughout Metro Manila, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and now in Mexico, LuAnn and I have prayed for some partners in ministry. Realizing that leadership is key to maintaining a pace and quality of ministry, God has led several missionaries to partner in changing our world! Each missionary team member brings a unique quality to the table. Continue to read and meet the rest of the missionaries that make up the Impact World Team!
Roger & Tammy Akers
God led Roger to leave a lucrative business and serve full time as a missionary in Metro Manila. Roger and Tammy have been on the field serving since 2004. As God drew us together, it became obvious that the beginning of a team effort was happening.
Roger has planted one church, personally, and has been part of 4 other church plants since his arrival on the field. Additionally, Roger has been a key partner in our Evangelistic camps for the past 5 years. He has served along side us in Cambodia as well!
You can email Roger at A seasoned communicator, Roger will be a huge benefit wherever he is invited to share the vision of reaching our world for Jesus Christ.
Cory and Jessie Lyons
Cory and Jessie were recently approved with the BBFI. Cory already is fluent in Tagalog, knows the culture, is a 3rd generation missionary and will immediately be effective upon arrival on the field later this year!
As a church planter, Cory will help each church develop an effective children's ministry. Understanding that an effective door into families is caring for their children, Cory capitalizes on his skills as a Children's Minister. Cory is a child magnet! This skill added to a well planned strategy of taking the children's ministry to the streets of Metro Manila, will synergize a needed ministry as churches are planted.
Two things to note:
4-14 Window - this window is a demographic window that identifies the most receptive people on the planet - Children! Over 87% of all believers come to Christ before they are 14 years old. This is by far, the most responsive age in a person's life. Further studies have shown that those who find Christ at an early age often develop into a more committed believer!
10,000 Children Each Week - Cory and Jessie will implement a strategy of a mobile Sunday School each week. Using small, modified second hand Japanese trucks, we have developed a strategy of taking the Sunday School to the people! The foundation of this effort is a "Kids JAM Fun Truck!" This mobile unit provides a platform for specific targeted ministry. When fully operational, each Kids JAM Fun Truck will reach a minimum of 1,000 children per week. With 10 Kids JAM Fun Trucks already in place, we will reach 10,000 children each week with God's Word.
A skilled communicator in his own right, Cory will be a blessing to every church he shares his vision with.
Reach Cory & Jessie at
Luke & Kelly Lyons
Growing up on the mission field, Luke is already an experienced missionary. Luke served on the ministry team in Metro Manila prior to attending Boston Baptist College. Luke will serve in a direct church planting role as we move forward in planting 100 churches over the next 8-10 years!
Luke and Kelly have been approved through Central Missionary Clearinghouse and will also be approved this May at the BBFI meeting. Luke brings his fluency in the Filipino language and understanding of our culture to his area of service on the field. Also a skilled communicator, Luke will be a huge blessing to each church he is able to visit. Kelly is also a missionary/preacher's kid! She brings a strong ability to help organize our expanding outreaches that are now reaching into Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Central and South America.
Luke can be reached at or by visiting
Luke and Kelly also lead our Vision Trips and Internship Program. If you are planning a trip for your church, you will want to contact Luke and Kelly. They have saved groups thousands of dollars on airfare and assisted many interns as they prepare to serve in Metro Manila.
Isaac & Eunice Basilio
Recently moving to the field, Isaac and Eunice are already fluent in the language and culture adaptability. Filipino by heritage, Isaac is already effective. Isaac will help with Leadership mentoring, strengthening the local and international ministry team members as we launch the new church plants, international camps, and other areas of vital ministry. You may reach Isaac and Eunice at
Upcoming Team Members
Jordan & Nicki Nisly--Approval May 2009
Thanks for Partnering - Our Partnership is Changing Lives!
Greg & LuAnn Lyons
Megacity Ministries - Metro Manila
phone: 617-273-5781
As God opens doors for our ministry throughout Metro Manila, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and now in Mexico, LuAnn and I have prayed for some partners in ministry. Realizing that leadership is key to maintaining a pace and quality of ministry, God has led several missionaries to partner in changing our world! Each missionary team member brings a unique quality to the table. Continue to read and meet the rest of the missionaries that make up the Impact World Team!
Roger & Tammy Akers
Roger has planted one church, personally, and has been part of 4 other church plants since his arrival on the field. Additionally, Roger has been a key partner in our Evangelistic camps for the past 5 years. He has served along side us in Cambodia as well!
You can email Roger at A seasoned communicator, Roger will be a huge benefit wherever he is invited to share the vision of reaching our world for Jesus Christ.
Cory and Jessie Lyons
As a church planter, Cory will help each church develop an effective children's ministry. Understanding that an effective door into families is caring for their children, Cory capitalizes on his skills as a Children's Minister. Cory is a child magnet! This skill added to a well planned strategy of taking the children's ministry to the streets of Metro Manila, will synergize a needed ministry as churches are planted.
Two things to note:
4-14 Window - this window is a demographic window that identifies the most receptive people on the planet - Children! Over 87% of all believers come to Christ before they are 14 years old. This is by far, the most responsive age in a person's life. Further studies have shown that those who find Christ at an early age often develop into a more committed believer!
10,000 Children Each Week - Cory and Jessie will implement a strategy of a mobile Sunday School each week. Using small, modified second hand Japanese trucks, we have developed a strategy of taking the Sunday School to the people! The foundation of this effort is a "Kids JAM Fun Truck!" This mobile unit provides a platform for specific targeted ministry. When fully operational, each Kids JAM Fun Truck will reach a minimum of 1,000 children per week. With 10 Kids JAM Fun Trucks already in place, we will reach 10,000 children each week with God's Word.
A skilled communicator in his own right, Cory will be a blessing to every church he shares his vision with.
Reach Cory & Jessie at
Luke & Kelly Lyons
Luke and Kelly have been approved through Central Missionary Clearinghouse and will also be approved this May at the BBFI meeting. Luke brings his fluency in the Filipino language and understanding of our culture to his area of service on the field. Also a skilled communicator, Luke will be a huge blessing to each church he is able to visit. Kelly is also a missionary/preacher's kid! She brings a strong ability to help organize our expanding outreaches that are now reaching into Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Central and South America.
Luke can be reached at or by visiting
Luke and Kelly also lead our Vision Trips and Internship Program. If you are planning a trip for your church, you will want to contact Luke and Kelly. They have saved groups thousands of dollars on airfare and assisted many interns as they prepare to serve in Metro Manila.
Isaac & Eunice Basilio
Upcoming Team Members
Jordan & Nicki Nisly--Approval May 2009
Thanks for Partnering - Our Partnership is Changing Lives!
Greg & LuAnn Lyons
Megacity Ministries - Metro Manila
phone: 617-273-5781
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