Friday, August 29, 2008
South O' Border: September
Dear Friends in Christ,
Praise God for His blessings in our DVBS this summer. This is the final report for this year’s activities.
With the financial help of several churches and individual Christians we were able to prepare material for over NINTY different DVBS. It is very difficult to get a report from ALL but we do have a very good report to give you.
In the Monterrey area among 25 churches and missions there were over 3,000 averages with 990 professions of faith. In the Reynosa-Matamoros area with 13 churches reporting, there was an average attendance of 1900 with 456 professions of faith. There were 10 DVBS in the Mountains of N. Leon. There were five DVBS in Coahuela. There were 3 DVBS among the Tarauhmaras, 4 DVBS among the Huestacas, 2 DVBS among the Nauhuacs and 2 DVBS among the Huicholes. We do not have an accurate count from these but believe there was an average of 25-35 saved in each DVBS. Praise God!
After the hurricane Dolly passed the area, work continued on the Matamoros Baptist Mission building. With the help of Bedford Baptist Temple, Texas the walls are up, the concrete roof has been poured. This week the windows and doors will be put in and the plastering of the walls will begin. This additional building will double the space for this growing work. A group came from Bedford and helped in DVBS and there were 70 saved in Matamoros and they also helped with a Spanish work in Brownsville where 15 were saved.
There were two more graduates from Anchor Theological Seminary this month. A new interest has been sparked among the Mexican pastors to advance their studies of the Bible and get a higher degree.
Beloved we are ever grateful for your faithfulness in prayer and financial help. God has promised to supply our needs, and we are trusting in Him to do so. Thank you again for your help with the DVBS this year.
Yours for Souls in Mexico,
Lonnie & Margie Smith
See our Web page:
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Ministry Report - July 08
Metro Manila's estimated day time population reaches 20 million people! On the weekends, the population shrinks to a mere 16 million. Density of our population, depending on the area of the city you are in, ranges from 50,000 to 70,000 people per square mile. These statistics may seem overwhelming to some, but to us, these statistics only motivate us to reach this great sea of humanity that God has divinely congregated!
As our world continues to urbanize, our paradigm must shift along with the demographics, socio- economic, and life structures of the people we are called to reach. God has given the Lyons family a passion to plant urban churches in the great megacities of our world. Recently, our ministry team has developed an urban church planting model that has begun to show great progress in overcoming barriers we have faced in the past.
Barriers Facing Asian Urban Church Planters:
Through the years common barriers have emerged in planting churches in the Asian Urban Context.
➢ Affordable Location ➢ Small Starting Congregation ➢ Lack of Staff ➢ Minimal Commitment of Initial Attenders ➢ Start-up Expenses - rental deposits, chairs, equipment, etc ➢ Maintaining Full Schedule of Services ➢ Discouragement From Slow Growth ➢ "Little Church" Impression ➢ Majority of Finances Spent on Facilities ➢ Failure due to lack of critical mass.
As we face and solve these barriers, we will be able to improve the quantity as well as quality of the church plant!
NFD Church Planting Strategy
NFD = Non-Facility Dependent
Redirect Resources to Achieve Maximum Impact
By focusing our minimal resources on ministry and people, we avoid the trap of spending funds prematurely on facilities, creating pressure to "fill up" the new facility. We can spend needed resources on reaching people who WILL fill up the facility when one is needed. Initial funds are directed to ministry team members as they begin small groups throughout the target community!
By focusing energy on developing a core congregation rather than maintaining a facility, we are able to synergize outreach. More people are reached with the Gospel. Following evangelism, the ministry team will have time, energy, and resources to initiate discipleship and accountability as the new converts become part of a small group. Energy is not spent initially on maintaining a full slate of services but rather developing a viable congregation to launch the new church plant.
By focusing on discipleship, commitment, and accountability through small group involvement, the new believers increase their involvement in reaching their friends and relatives. This stimulates commitment to Jesus Christ and the new church as well as bring in much needed help to the ministry team in reaching the community.
By hosting periodic vision casting gatherings of all the small groups allows the pastor of the NFD church to begin teaching the basics of what a church is, what commitment will be expected of each member, encouraging each attender to reach their lost friends and relatives.
By developing the small group network and discipleship efforts results in a greater contact group of people to launch a larger congregation when the church begins formal services.
NFD Church Plant Case Study: Community Baptist Church Makati
Pastor: Rev. Daniel Bondad - BBCAsia Alumni
Ministry Team: Francis Velasco - saved through our Christmas 2002 outreach; Francis Bato - Saved through Camp 2002; Aaron Esquino - Saved through our Small Group Evangelistic Parties
Pastor Daniel began reaching the target community in March 2007. Within nine months, the NFD Church plant had solidified 17 small groups with a core group of 150 adults and young people. With a large percentage of the core group involved in discipleship, the commitment of this new congregation continued to grow. During the first six months, Pastor Daniel led his church to host an evangelistic outreach that reached 1,500 in attendance on a Friday night rally. Pastor Daniel has trained 18 new leaders has had over 200 in their services prior to their actual launch. In December 2007, just nine months after beginning their first small group, CBC Makati launched their weekend services with 321 in attendance!
The church is now 16 months old and averaging 166 in attendance with offerings growing regularly. The church rents a local meeting hall on an hourly basis every weekend and continues to grow it's small group network. They currently have 22 small groups and continue to disciple the majority of their new members!
A major factor in urban church planting is the cost involved. With the NFD Church planting strategy, we can plant a church for $500/month for the first 2 years. As God blesses this effort, the new church will be able to replace the subsidy within the two year time frame and begin standing on its own! NFD Church Plant - Community Baptist Church Makati is well on its way to achieving self-supporting status using this plan!
We have learned several lessons from our pilot church plant in Makati. As we have made some minor adjustments to our strategy, we have forged ahead in planting 3 new NFD churches this year. With the refocusing of resources, both finances and people, we are making major gains in urban church planting. A church that truly the people and not the building is simply a Biblical concept. Benefiting from the evangelism of our Summer Youth Camps and our Fall Teachers Camps, we have been able to improve our target areas around this megacity. We have planted churches in Cavite, Marikina, and inner city Manila. We thank God for the churches who have bought in to this vision and supplied the needed funds to launch these three new churches!
The future is bright! We have locations and personnel to plant two more churches this year! Our goal is to plant 100 churches over the next 10 years in Asian Megacities! Would you pray about partnering with one of these churches? A commitment of $6,000/year or $500/month for two years could result in hundreds of souls saved. Additionally, your church could come and directly partner with the church plant over the two year period! Partnering first hand with a Filipino ministry team planting a new church can do a lot for your church's missions giving! Please pray about this partnership!
To Partner with a NFD Church Plant, send donations to:
BBFI - Greg Lyons * PO Box 191 * Springfield, MO 65801 * Note on donation - "NFD Church Plant"
To help set up a Vision trip to Metro Manila, visit
This will make the planning so much easier. Luke & Kelly Lyons help manage the group visits and can directly connect you to a new church plant in Metro Manila.
Monday, August 11, 2008
News from Turkey 8/9/08
Gateway Prayer Request From “E.” August 9, 2008
Kenan (newly baptized) and I were talking recently with his mother about the people in America that are our prayer partners. Kenan’s mother then strongly requested that our prayer warriors would pray that her apartment would sell. She wants to sell her home but there have been no buyers. In her area many apartments have sold, it is just that hers has not. The real estate agent has even been surprised about this. She wishes that Christians would pray for her and this.
E. of G.E.S.
Kenan’s mother is a Kurdish woman who claims to be a Muslim. Her husband left her with 4 children to rear on her own. She and her daughter have been open to learning about the Christian faith. Please pray that God would reveal Himself to them and that they would also know the power of prayer to the true God.
J. of G.E.S.
News from Botswana 8/11/08
We are enjoying not getting up at 5 every morning this month! Thankful for the moments to get up and savor the day before rushing off into it!
Thank you for praying for our grown children. Devin and Derek are here with us and helping with the school in various areas. They are working on some distance learning courses while they are here. Devin had recently undergone some more tests and has been diagnosed with epilepsy. He has been experiencing complex partial seizures, but we had missed the symptoms because of the other medical issues in his life. He started on the medication last week and is tolerating it well and has had no more seizures. While we are all thankful for the medications that help this condition, Devin is struggling with having one - more - thing. We will all appreciate your prayers.
This past weekend, we took five of our young adults to Johannesburg for a conference geared for university age students. They had a wonderful time, and we so appreciate the protection and guidance the Lord gave us in South Africa. As far as we could tell, we are the only ones there from Botswana. Two of the attendees will be entering our local university next year and we pray that God will allow them to shine His light in one of the darkest places in Botswana.
Please continue to pray with us for souls to be saved, disciples to be made!
Reaching the Unreached,
Steve, Pam, Amanda, Derek and Devin
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Gateway Update from Turkey: August 2008
Gateway Update and Prayer Request August 5, 2008
Update from E.:
(For avid Turkish Readers, read E.’s letter in Turkish below)
To all the members of Christ’s Army, Greetings again!
This week was a wonderful and blessed week, May the Lord receive Glory! Except for a few saddening events, it was a week that was guided by the fullness of the Lord and by the help of the Holy Spirit.
Gateway’s second church plant here in the East (Beytel East) has realized its’ first baptism!
Many of you know how for years we have been sharing with “K.” and many in his family. “K.” was baptized this week, representing his death with Christ and resurrection into his new life. All of us are very happy! Please continue with your prayers and support of us here. For us to continue to reach the lost sheep of the Lord we need your continual prayer and support. “K.” wanted to greet you all as a new creature in the Kingdom of the Holy Lord.
It was quite evident that after his baptism “K.” and all of us that were a part of his baptism have come under spiritual attack. Because of these ongoing attacks we have an urgent need for your focused prayers concerning this. Pray specifically for me, “K.” and “L.” and the attacks we are experiencing.
We let “K.” know that you as soldiers in the Army of the Kingdom, said to him, welcome to salvation and welcome as an Ambassador and as a new soldier in the Kingdom.
May the all sovereign God of Salvation that is with us, bless you all and protect you!
“E.” of G.E.S.
Update from L. and J.:
L. and J. will be returning to Turkey in ten days. Pray for their health, safety in travel and that they would be able to take 10 bags to Turkey for the Zacchaeus Projects. J. also is thankful and praising the King that his sister “M”. and her family are now serving the Lord among the Palestinians in Israel! J. is also happy for this as his sister is nearby.
Check out Gateway’s website:
May God Bless you all!
Thanks for your prayers and support!
J. of G.E.S.
To support Abdullah, E., Zacchaeus Projects, Beytel and Christian Resources in Turkish please make your checks payble to:
New Horizons Foundation
(FBO Gateway Missions)
and send to:
New Horizons Foundation, Inc.
4570 Hilton Parkway, Suite 203
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
Newest Option (Donate Electronically by Credit/Debit card or your Bank account.)
Beginning this June the option of EFT Bank transfer Credit/Debit Card Donations became in effect. The 15th of every month your donation to Gateway can be electronically withdrawn. You can decide in your giving if your electronic gift will be a one time gift or monthly. The transaction date for monthly gifts is on the 15th of every month. What is needed is the credit/debit card information (Name, Expiration date, Card Number). If the transfer will be made from a Bank account your routing number and account number will be needed. Of course the project of your donation is Gateway Missions.
· If you would like to receive a card to fill out to make donations electronically please reply to this email with your mailing address and we will send you a card.
Please do not send your credit card or account information over email.
Letter from E. in Turkish:
Tekrar merhaba mesihin ordusunun mensupları,
Bu hafta bereketli ve harika bir haftaydı Rabbe yücelik olsun. Küçük üzücü olayların dışında Rabbin doluluğu ve Kutsal ruhun desteğiyle geçen bir haftaydı.
G.E.S bu topraklarda ilk vaftizini gerçekleştirdi.
Hepinizin tanıdığı K. Vaftizle birlikte öldü ve yeni hayatına dirildi. Yani vaftizi yapıldı. Hepimiz çok sevinçliyiz.Lütfen bizler için olan dualarınızı ve yardımlarınızı sürdürünüz.Rab in kuzularına daha fazla ulaşabilmemiz için sizlerinde desteklerinize ihtiyacımız var. Yüce Rabbin Krallığının bir parçası olan K hepinize selam söylüyor. Şunu belirtmek isterimki K nin Vaftizinden hemen sonra Ben ve L vaftizi yapan kişiler olarak ve K vaftiz olan olarak farkedilir şekilde ataklara maruz kalmaya başladık maddi ve manevi ataklara lütfen bu ataklar için güçlü bir şekilde acil dualarınıza ihtiyacımız var Ben .K.L için dua ediniz.
Krallığın Ordusunun siz askerleri olarak Krallığın yeni askerine Elçi olarak aramıza kurtuluşa Hoş geldin dediğinizi ilettik.
Her şeye egemen Kurtuluşun Tanrısı hepimizle beraberdir. sİzleri bereketlesin ve korusun
Summer Evangelistic Camp 2008

Thank the Lord for the incredible season of camps! Thanks also to the highly committed ministry team of Filipinos that worked so hard for four months conducting 44 camps!
Each three day camp seemed to be blessed by God with souls saved! We had a total of 57,017 campers who were invited to hear the life changing message of the Gospel! 24,054 were dealt with for salvation!
Watch video below...
Camp Leader Report: Jonjon Rovillos Brings 10,000 Young People!
Jonjon came to one of our Christmas events just before we launched the Camp ministry, and became a believer. In less than 24 hours, Jonjon had won his brother to the Lord and his Christian walk has continued to move forward since then.
Today, Jonjon serves as a key member of our camp ministry team. He has developed a strategy that connects students, teachers, school administrators, and civic leaders to our camping ministry.
Through Jonjon's leadership, over 10,000 young people came to camp in 2008! Over 5,000 of them were dealt with for salvation! Praise the Lord for committed leaders. Jonjon holds a degree in Marine Technology, his goals were to be a captain of a ship, but God has Jonjon completing his Biblical Studies degree at BBCAsia. One principal told Jonjon, "Look out the window at all the young people you've taken to camp. You are a captain of a ship, and we are all passengers on your ship!"
Four Schools Send Entire Senior Class to Camp!
During our Teachers Moral Value Camp 2007, we had a few principals come to Christ and approach us about this event. The principals wanted our ministry to take their entire senior class to camp in place of the Recollection time! We were blown away by the opportunity. This enabled our team to open up camps during the school year and reach more young people with the Gospel.
On a side note, as a result of this effort, we are planting 2 new churches with the newly saved young people from camp! God is good!
Total Campers Attending - 57,017
Total Dealt with for Salvation - 24,054
Total Baptized to Date - 5,653
Total Surrendered to Ministry - 1,684
Average Camp Attendance - 1,296
Percentage of Unbelievers per camp - 80%
Percentage of Young People Saved - 46%
Estimated number of Young People in Metro Manila - 5,000,000
Number of Young People that heard the Gospel at Camp - 57,017 or 1%
Number of Young People Still Reachable - 4,942,983 or 99%
Every dollar given to this project will be matched by a foundation. In fact for every $1 given, a foundation will give $2!
For every donation of $8 the foundation will match $16 and a y
oung person can go to camp to hear the Gospel!
Your support through prayer and finances has enabled this ministry to grow! Thank you!
To Partner Send Donations To:
BBFI, Greg Lyons - Camp 2009,
PO Box 191, Springfield, MO 65801
Randy & Linda Perkins Email 8/5/08
Randy and Linda Perkins
Monday, August 4, 2008
Overview of the Woosley’s work in the Philippines
When I was in the Philippines in August-September of '99 I was seriously invited to come on a permanent basis and help with the Asian Baptist Center for World Missions, attached to the new L.D. Woosley Bethany Colleges. It will essentially be a missions major in the under grad level and a masters program in missions, with a view to helping Asians become missionaries to Asia. I have waited six months now and the thing just won't go to sleep and won't go away. I did not want to make a decision based on adrenaline and enthusiastic emotionalism, so we waited. But the Lord, has kept the vision alive.
A fellow would almost have to be an idiot to pick up and go to the mission field at age 60! His wife would have to be a worse idiot to agree to it. That is who we are! We are have passed the point of decision and commitment.
The cancer experience is life changing. I should have been a dead man a year ago. God gave me back my life. The physical strength is gradually returning. Now my question is, what will I do with the rest of my life? We believe the Lord has answered that question with this call.
I was absolutely overwhelmed by the response I got from a few personal friends I have told. Everyone was totally encouraging, not one soul said a discouraging word. I value that from people I respect.
John Gross and North Park Baptist in Humble (North Houston) is our sending church and we are commissioned from there. John has been a great encourager to us through all of these considerations, and has been a dear personal friend to us ever since we have been neighbors.
Harvest Time
I am excited to be a part of what I see as a "paradigm shift" as the places we have had such wonderful results transition to becoming "sending" nations. The Philippines has 50 foreign missionaries. They are wonderful people who are highly dedicated. We aspire to help them become trained as well as dedicated. That is the vision of the Asian Baptist Center for World Missions. I do not envision putting anyone out of work by being there. This will be a new project under the leadership of Bethany Baptist Church.
It is harvest time now in the Philippines and the rest of Asia after a lot of good men and women sowed a lot of seed for the past half century.
Bethany Baptist Church in Makati sponsors the college. My father, L. D. Woosley, built up the church over the years. (I preached his funeral there in 1990) They have a Bible College with 170 students and 450 graduates since 1967, in addition to the new liberal arts college. They also sponsor a Christian Academy, have approximately 27 mission churches and countless granddaughter churches. They are having their Millennium Missions Conference and Pastor's meeting May 23-28, and expecting 500 Filipino pastors to attend. They want me to come then, while all the provincial preachers are in town, (they expect a couple of hundred men) and help set up some things for the College with them. I think it expedient to go. There are far too many details to explain here and now. Gay will not attempt to make that trip with me. It will take about $1500.00 to do it. Please help us pray about that need.
Gay's parents remain a prime concern, but we are going to have to move on by faith and trust the Lord will resolve that problem when it has to be resolved. He is 89 and suffering from Alzheimer's. She is 85 and not understanding a lot of what is going on around her. Both are in a nursing home in Shreveport, LA.
My love for the Philippines has never abated, since I was a teenager there. We have always wanted to be missionaries, but, quite frankly, I knew far too much about missions and missionaries to attempt it without a clear leading of the Holy Spirit. Why it did not come earlier remains a mystery, but it is here now, and we must respond.
Thanks for allowing me to be your pastor friend, and I hope I can continue to be your missionary friend.
The challenges ahead:
There is a tremendous phenomenon going on in the Philippines right now. 50 years of planting have come to harvest in a beautiful way. Not only are the Christians maturing and doing their own indigenous church planting in the Islands, they are going to neighboring nations as missionaries in Asia.
The church my father built during his lifetime ministry there is a leader in that movement.
In 1999they opened a new degree granting liberal arts college and named it in my Father’s honor. They have approval for degrees, in several fields of study, from the Commission on Higher Education of the Philippine Republic. One of those bachelors’ degrees in "Ministry." Within that field we plan to install a school of Missions and add to it a graduate program in Missions so we can give these national missionaries the kind of valid, recognized degrees they will need for access to their neighboring countries.
That will be our job. We are calling it the Asian Baptist Center for World Missions. We will do much of it in short term modular courses, bringing teachers in who have specific experience and credentials in specialized fields of study. It will be my task to coordinate and plan all of that, and do a great amount of the teaching.
We think Bethany is ideally situated for the job because we can have actual lab situations for training candidates and students. Within Manila we have 16 million people, and we don't have to travel far to be in very rural and primitive places as well. We are expecting to attract students from other Asian nations as well.
Another feature we will be working on is to take the three-year Bible College degrees that the local preachers have and upgrade them through various courses of study to valid Bachelors and Masters degrees.
Bethany Baptist Church already has a Bible College with 180 students. That will be incorporated into the program. I have already an agreement in principle with Dr. Leland Kennedy to share all the syllabi from BBC Springfield so we can bring the Philippine College into compliance with BBC and create reciprocity of recognition. It will be a big project and take several years. We plan to spend the rest of our productive lives at it.
We will need to develop and probably print/publish textbooks, teach technology for missions, and coordinate the creation of other Bible Colleges in the surrounding countries for locals.
Needed Resources
We will have to raise as much as any other missionary for living in a large foreign city. For the work it will be necessary for me to travel to visit the surrounding countries where we will be sending Filipino missionaries to learn what they need to know in the missions courses. We will also have to write and publish textbooks and syllabi for various courses in the college. We will need a starter set of every text book recommended in parallel courses at Baptist Bible College, Springfield, MO.
One obstacle we will have to surmount is that the common custom is to pay rent on a house or apartment one year in advance plus first and last month, plus "key money" (or a damage deposit) of one month. So before we move in we have to pay 15 months rent! Choke! It is quite common there for the missionaries to have to pay $1,000.00 per month rent.
We will need some educational equipment, including video projector and computers, software for many applications.
Any further details that will help you understand our mission are readily available on request.
Bob Woosley
For more information, visit and Kathy McCall Email 8/4/08
Bob and Betts Parschauer - July 08

Dear Friends and Supporters,
My quite time passage last Saturday was from Philippians 4:14 – 23. Especially verses 15 – 17 struck me as I thought of all of you who are so faithfully supporting us with your prayers and finances. “Now you Philippians know also that in the beginning of the gospel, when I departed from
I just returned from
Voltaire Andrews, a young singer from our church traveled with me this time. It was such a joy to see the response of the campers and churches to his singing. We flew to
Before we got on the plane again we met and had lunch with another young man that I led to Christ when he was 13 years old. He is now working with a US based mission, encouraging and schooling local Pastors in
On Sunday afternoon we flew on to Gedansk where we were met by one of the BI students from
One other experience that thrilled my heart was to meet two young men from
On Friday we drove to
From there we drove another two hours out to the Word of Life Center in Cema Hora and were met by Rich Hood and his family and also visited with Julie and Marack, Rick & Vi Brook’s daughter and son in-law, who are helping with the camp program this summer.
On Sunday morning it was up to
Tomorrow Betts and I leave for CT where we will meet both Bobby and Brent who will be ordained at Christian Fellowship Church in Scotland CT. This was one of many churches that their Grand Father started before they were born.
After that we will drive to OH to a Parschauer reunion at my sister’s farm near
This sounds somewhat hectic, but really it will be a wonderful time of reunion with many of our supporters in that area. We are so thankful for all of you and want to remind you that there is “much fruit that abounds to your account”, not only in the three countries that we visited, but all over
Thank you again for your faithful support and prayers for us as a family. We love you and are praying for you.
Yours in His Service
Bob & Betts Parschauer