Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Prayer Request from Turkey

Gateway Prayer Requests
March 23rd, 2009

3rd Beytel: “B.” of Beytel West is heading out this week to for intensive discipleship and evangelism training in Beytel East (Beytel 2) with “E.”. After that B. will go to Beytel 3 and begin evangelism and Zacchaeus projects with Beytel leadership taking frequent trips to disciple, help and facilitate. Pray for B.’s protection from the evil one and plots and attempts to destroy B. and the work in Beytel 3 , pray that B. will grow in his walk with the King, that B. will have wisdom and trust the King at all times. Pray for open hearths and the growth of the new fellowship at Beytel 3!

Trip to the East: Beytel West’s pastor Abdullah, “J.” of G.E.S. and a few others will be traveling throughout the Eastern provinces of the country to encourage and teach the secret believers, learn about further needs and visit contacts that want to hear about the King. Please pray for protection on the road, protection from the evil one and his schemes. Pray for open doors and hearts to those whom they will visit. Pray for unity of those who travel. Pray that the Holy Spirit would guide every second of their trip and that the King’s will would be done. (They will be traveling from March 25th -April 2nd) Please pray throughout their trip! Thank you.

J. of G.E.S.

To support Zacchaeus Projects, Beytel and Christian Resources in Turkish: Attention all supporters: EFT Online Donations Now Available All donations can be made online through New Horizons Foundation: http://newhorizonsfoundation.net/index.php?option=com_dtdonate&Itemid=5

More detailed information about EFT transfers: EFT Bank transfer Credit/Debit Card Donations. The 15th of every month donations to Gateway can be electronically withdrawn. One can decide in giving if their electronic gift will be a one time gift or monthly. The transaction date for monthly gifts is on the 15th of every month. What is needed is the credit/debit card information (Name, Expiration date, Card Number). If the transfer will be made from a Bank account; a routing number and account number will be needed. Remember the project of the donation is Gateway Missions.

Checks can be made out to:
New Horizons Foundation Inc.
(FBO Gateway Missions)

Sent to: New Horizons Foundation, Inc.
4570 Hilton Parkway, Suite 203
Colorado Springs, CO 80907

To check out the latest pictures and info please go to our Face book page.

Face book: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/profile.php?id=1376664116&ref=profile Website: www.gatewayeducation.org

Monday, March 23, 2009

News from Turkey

Gateway Educational Services' Prayer Update: March 21st, 2009

Ahmet and the Messiah

This Sunday after E. in Beytel East joined Beytel West's worship via internet. A local barber named Fuat that we have been sharing with dropped by E.'s home unexpectedly. He brought his 25 year old cousin Ahmet with him. Fuat began to explain to E. that his cousin Ahmet who he had brought with him has had a love for the Messiah and wants to learn all he can about the Messiah. Fuat told his cousin that there is a man named E. that also loves the Messiah and has knowledge about the Messiah. (E. now has the reputation of a Hodja (religious teacher) in the area so Ahmet and Fuat showed E. great respect during their conversation.)

When Ahmet came into E.'s home he began to look at the books he asked E., "What is this book the Kutsal Kitap (Holy Book) there?" E. began to explain that the Bible is God's word that contains the writings of Moses, David, the Prophets and the New Testament. Ahmet noticed that E. did not mention the Qur'an being part of God's word as E. explained and he asked E., "why did you not include the Qur'an as being God's word."? E. then began to explain the prophecies of the Messiah and how Jesus the Messiah was the one that fulfilled all the Old Testament and was the completion of revelation. He said, "either the prophets were lying or Muhammad was telling the truth or Muhammad was a liar and the prophets were truthful." The conversation moved to the trustworthiness of the Bible and again why E. did not accept the Qur'an. E. began by explaining the many verses in the Qur'an that speak of killing the Mushrik (any non-Muslim) and infidels. Ahmet couldn't believe his ears and told E. that it was the first time he had ever heard that anything like that was in the Qur'an. E. told the man, "roj baş (good morning!) to the man, and said "This is one of the reasons that I am not a Muslim and I cannot accept the Qur'an."

E. described Ahmet's reaction to the truths of the Qur'an this way: "The man didn't know what to think after hearing the truths of the Qur'an. It was like all that he had believed before were torn down before his eyes. His face dropped and even of the color of his face changed. It was like he lost himself."

The subject later turned to sin. Muslims believe that all prophets were sinless and have no concept of what God's view of sin. E. began to explain sin from the Garden of Eden and Adam and Eve. He said, "if we do something contrary to God's will are we sinning against God?". Ahmet replied, "yes". E. then said, "Adam and Eve in the Garden when they disobeyed God they were cast out of the Garden, if they did not sin against God why were they punished and cast from the Garden and the presence of God?" Ahmet then said "They were punished then they must have sinned."

Ahmet began to explain to E. more about his love for and interest in the Messiah. He began to want to learn all he could about the Messiah because when he read the Qur'an he saw that the Messiah will return to earth and when he returns he will invite all to salvation and those who will not listen to the Messiah will be judged and destroyed for their unbelief. Ahmet said, "The Messiah is very important." He told E., "Here in the East I have not been able to find anyone who has any interest or knowledge about the Messiah and I feel so lucky to meet you." Ahmet asked E. if he had any books concerning the Messiah which E. was happy to provide him with. Fuat also told his cousin Ahmet, "that there are others who come here who have a love for the Messiah one man named, J. can come and explain Him too."

Pray that this man Ahmet would come to know Jesus as the Messiah and that his cousin Fuat would also come to faith. Praise the King for such a great reputation that E. has among the unbelievers and open doors among the Kurds in the East. Especially that they would bring their relatives to us to hear about the Messiah! We have conversations like this almost on a daily basis with those whom we meet with. Pray that the Lord would soften hearts, convict of sin and have mercy on the Muslims we share with.

J. of G.E.S.

To support Zacchaeus Projects, Beytel and Christian Resources in Turkish:

Attention all supporters: EFT Online Donations Now Available All donations can be made online through New Horizons Foundation: http://newhorizonsfoundation.net/index.php?option=com_dtdonate&Itemid=5

More detailed information about EFT transfers: EFT Bank transfer Credit/Debit Card Donations. The 15th of every month donations to Gateway can be electronically withdrawn. One can decide in giving if their electronic gift will be a one time gift or monthly. The transaction date for monthly gifts is on the 15th of every month. What is needed is the credit/debit card information (Name, Expiration date, Card Number). If the transfer will be made from a Bank account; a routing number and account number will be needed. Remember the project of the donation is Gateway Missions.

Checks can be made out to: New Horizons Foundation Inc.
(FBO Gateway Missions) Sent to: New Horizons Foundation, Inc.
4570 Hilton Parkway, Suite 203
Colorado Springs, CO 80907

To check out the latest pictures and info please go to our Face book page.
Face book: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/profile.php?id=1376664116&ref=profile

Website: www.gatewayeducation.org

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Newsletter from Austria

"Jesus Wept...'Behold how He loved him.'" John 11:35-36

Dear Friends,

At times we don't feel loved! It can seem that the world eats away at the very substance of who we are. When our "love Bank" reaches empty it is important to remember that Jesus feels it too (John 11). He loves you more than you know. Feeling the lack of love is not a lack on God's part, but a lack of your understanding of how great His love for you is. Colossians 3 encourages us to take action! We have as a resource the Peace of Christ, the Word of Christ and the Name of Christ. We are to let these "dwell richly" within us.

Work Trip in February
Martin and Dani are key worship leaders in their church...all on a volunteer basis!! Beyond their church, they lead worship at other Christian gatherings (baptisms, weddings, conferences, camps...). Recently, they bought an old house with lots of 'snags.' We were able to come in with a group of willing helpers to complete twelve different projects for them. Martin said later that it would have taken him all of 2009 to do it! That is what I call facilitating nationals. Later I had the chance to speak at their church and see how God is doing work there. The church (we worked in for four years) is now looking at expanding and building a 600 seat auditorium! Anyone interested in going over there to help with that, can let me know. It will be the largest church auditorium in an Austrian free church!!!

Chris and Tina Urch
Twelve years ago, we started working in a teen group in Austria. Three apprehensive and mischievous 13 year old boys had just come up from the children's program to join the older ones. It is great to see how years later, God has used them and allowed them to progress actively in their faith. This year they and a couple of their siblings came out with their first Christian album. One of the guys, Christ, and his new wife, Tina are considering going into occupational ministry. They are planning to spend three months with us here in our home church. We want them to gain experience beyond their culture, and to learn some practical aspects of working in a church. Please pray for Chris and Tina Urch for this Spring.

Robert Wascher
Please continue to pray for Robert and Hanna Wascher. Hanna is still undergoing a time of depression, although it is slowly improving. During the end of March and the beginning of April, my brother Brent and I will be presenting Robert and Hanna in various churches for prayer and support. Robert updated me on a few things for prayer:
  • Through the death of his aunt, Robert was seen a renewed interest with some of his relatives visiting his church.
  • There are several new contacts from the past where Robert is seeing an interest in people joining home Bible studies with him for the purpose of reaching them with the Gospel.
  • Robert has been able to teach homiletics to three young men. His desire is for more people within the church to take on responsibilities without overwhelming them.
Tom and Helen
You may remember Tom and Helen from my last letter. They finally made it to the Arab country of Lebanon to work in an internship for six months under the leadership of an Arab couple. The goal is to support several of the underground churches. Tom is able to teach Guitar to different small group leaders, and they are being used to share the love of Christ with those they meet. This is a great experience before they go back to working in a church plant near Vienna. Please continue to pray for these up and coming nationals!

Annual Youth Retreat
In May I will be taking a group of Americans to Innsbruck, Austria, to help with our annual youth retreat. We are so excited to help in a supportive role in converting a public school into a youth camp! Please pray that lots of unsaved kids come, and that we are able to reach out to them with the love of Christ. This year our Titus National Missionary, Daniel Kistenich, is the main speaker. I will also be teaching a seminar on personal evangelism.

Thank you so much for your prayers. Jen and I are grateful for your support for Austria.

In the love of Christ,
Bobby, Jen and kids Parschauer

New Missionary: Josh and Jenn Waugh

Victory has begun to support a new missionary family. Below is their first newsletter.

January 7, 2009

Dear Friends and Family,

Hello to all our friends and family. We pray that you had a very blessed New Year.

It is with great excitement we begin this New Year. As you know, Jennifer and I have been planning on moving to Rochester, NH to work in a mission church. As of January 12, 2009 we will begin our ministry in New Hampshire. We will be doing outreach to the youth in the area. As the youth pastor, I plan to coordinate efforts with other youth ministry groups in Rochester to help accomplish this goal.

Journey Baptist Church's mission is to be a base to start other churches in New England. In the beginning we will concentrate our efforts on the Journey Baptist Church and reaching the teens in the area.

There is a great deal before us, so we ask that you pray for us. We also ask you to pray that we will be able to impact many for the cause of Christ.

Out of necessity, Jennifer and I must appeal to you for financial support. Any help you can give us, either in a one time offering or monthly support, will be greatly appreciated. All gifts can be sent to Joshua and Jennifer Waugh directly. Please mail them to Joshua Waugh c/o Journey Church 124 Milton Rd. Rochester, NH 03868.

We will keep you updated about the ministry and what God is doing in Rochester. We will also pray for each of you as you are serving Him.

In Service to the King,

Josh, Jenn, and Haleigh

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I AM Ministries

International African Missions

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Greetings in the name of the Lord. What a wonderful Savior, Jesus our Lord. Hope this letter finds all of you worshipping our Lord in Spirit and Truth, amen.

First and foremost, Becky and I want to thank each of you for your prayers and support. We could not do what we are doing without them. God has heard your prayers on behalf of the Bonner's and IAM Ministries. God is good and wonderful is His name.

Over the last 4 weeks we have seen 30 people saved and literally hundreds of young people give their lives to full time service and just get right with God. WOW, it has been good seeing the Lord move and take over in the meetings. We now have $9,000 raised for the container. We still need $6,000 more as it takes $15,000 now to send a 40 ft. container. Please pray about this need. We have been given a warehouse for storage for supplies, and an office has been supplied. The ministries in Africa are going on for the Lord. Kevin, Savannah, John, Lorna, Dick and Eve, along with the nationals are doing a mighty work of God.

We are traveling all over preaching from State to State looking and praying for partners. Keep praying for open doors for us that God would open us a door of utterance that we would be ready to speak and proclaim the Gospel to this world. This August is our Annual Bible Conference in the "bush." It takes around $1 to feed one person for 8 days. We are going to have around $10,000 people at the mission for 8 days. We are asking you to pray about helping in this need this August. We need the money in by July 1st so we can buy the food and be ready for the people. We also need the additional $6,000 to ship all the supplies.

Remember, IAM is a "Bridge of Hope" to the Continent of Africa. Getting Churches in America to Partner with Churches in Africa; helping to supply the needs of the Churches, the Brethren, to reach the world with the Gospel, and using our talents, treasures, and time to reach them.

Finally Brethren: I will be on the road the next 2 months. Please pray. Love to each of you. To God be the Glory:

In Jesus Name,

Bobby and Becky

Monday, March 16, 2009

Samaritan's Purse Update

Back in 1993, Samaritan's Purse collected the first shoe box gifts in North America for Operation Christmas Child. The idea of collecting thousands of gift-filled show boxes for young war survivors in Bosnia sounded daunting at the time, but also presented an exciting opportunity to share the Gospel. In that first year, we were amazed to collect 28,000 boxes. Praise God, since then we have received close to 70 million gift-filled shoe boxes, including nearly 8 million in 2008! This past year we delivered gift boxes to children in over 100 countries.

Every box represents a precious child of God in need of a Savior. Shoe boxes are handed out through local churches that offer our Gospel booklets to children in their own language. Through our follow-up discipleship program, well over 2 million boys and girls have committed their lives to Jesus Christ.

Thanks to compassionate people like you, many more hurting children and their families will hear the Good News of the Savior. "You shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins." (Matthew 1:21b, NKJV). We appreciate your dedication to Operation Christmas Child and ask that you keep this ministry in your prayer throughout the year. May God richly bless you.

Sincerely, Franklin Graham
Samaritan's Purse

Victory sent out 123 boxes. The Rochester area did 10,130 boxes, which exceeded our goal. Next year we have been asked to be a relay center for the Rochester area.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

News from Turkey!

Gateway Update from Turkey: March 10, 2009

Thank you all for your prayers over the last two weeks. Our trip to the West Bank was fruitful and Spirit led. J.’s sister Melissa and brother-in-law Terry have a ministry (Al-Beit) in Bethlehem at the Jerusalem School. E., L., J. and two Dutch girls that attend Beytel West in Istanbul came to help with the ministry of Al-Beit.

To View Pictures from this trip please go to Gateway’s Facebook:

Outreach Seminar (Ambassadors of the King in Palestine)
From Melissa and Terry’s Newsletter:
“Beginning in 2007, God has sent many workers into the area. Never, in recent history, has this area of the West Bank seen such a focus. Since there are many new workers here the seminar that J. and E. presented Friday was essential. A little over 30 people attended and they were given much needed tools in how to share the good news of Jesus with those around them. Thank you for your prayers concerning this meeting.”

To see pictures at the conference and J. grappling check out Al Beit’s blog spot:

Bible Teaching and sharing of Testimonies:
J. and E. had the opportunity to share their testimonies or teach the Bible on 9 separate occasions. Pray for lasting fruit from these lessons.

E. is made famous by making the King famous on: Sat 7 and Channel Hayat:
After giving his testimony at the Arabic church on Thursday night, E. was approached by a man who wanted to professionally record his testimony that it may be broadcast on Satellite television all over the Arab world. Friday morning we went to the recording studio and now E.’s testimony will be broadcast for all to see! Pray that there will be much fruit born through this endeavor.

Two refugee camps visited:
E. and J. had the opportunity also to visit many in the camps and pray for those who had requests and while there they met with a man named Muhanid. Muhanid is 16 years old and is a new believer. They spent several hours over a period of two days with Muhanid encouraging him in his situation. Because of this meeting Muhanid will be coming this summer to study with E. at NUT and be trained for ministry.

The Dutch Connection:
A. and Lt. from Holland, now attending Beytel West were a blessing to Al-Beit. This is what Melissa and Terry wrote about them: “A. and Lt. worked long hours with our elementary students. They played games, presented skits, and taught Bible lessons. We are thankful that God sent this group to encourage us in our work here.”

Zacchaeus Project Update:
Two projects have successfully been organized for reaching the T. province with Dr. Mujdeci! At the end of February Dr. M. with 4 others went out to T. with the believers there they organized an ongoing English course along with sports camps. They returned safely from their trip with little incident. Pray that these two projects will bear much fruit!

To support Zacchaeus Projects, Beytel and Christian Resources in Turkish:

Attention all supporters: EFT Online Donations Now Available
All donations can be made online through New Horizons Foundation: http://newhorizonsfoundation.net/index.php?option=com_dtdonate&Itemid=5

More detailed information about EFT transfers: EFT Bank transfer Credit/Debit Card Donations. The 15th of every month donations to Gateway can be electronically withdrawn. One can decide in giving if their electronic gift will be a one time gift or monthly. The transaction date for monthly gifts is on the 15th of every month. What is needed is the credit/debit card information (Name, Expiration date, Card Number). If the transfer will be made from a Bank account; a routing number and account number will be needed. Remember the project of the donation is Gateway Missions.

Checks can be made out to: New Horizons Foundation Inc.
(FBO Gateway Missions) Sent to: New Horizons Foundation, Inc.
4570 Hilton Parkway, Suite 203
Colorado Springs, CO 80907

Website: www.gatewayeducation.org

Monday, March 2, 2009

South O' Border

South O' Border: DR. & MRS LONNIE C. SMITH Sr.
Missionaries to Mexico
Hebrews 6:10

March 2009

Dear Friends in Christ,

No doubt you have heard about the drug wars that are going on in Mexico. They have been very much in the news especially along the Texas – Mexico border. You can rest at ease to know that your missionaries are safe and sound. To be sure with the international bridges closed for several hours on several occasions is has been a problem, but we have been able to continue our work in the churches in Reynosa and Matamoros.

From day one our mission work has been centered on building self-supporting churches. In order to do this each church must have it’s own Mexican pastor. Each of the 127 churches and missions that God has allowed us to have a part in building has been built on this concept and it has proved to be the best way to do the work.

March is here again. For over 50 years we have used this month as a marker to order the material for our DVBS in the many churches and missions under our supervision. Last year we were able, with your help to furnish material to reach over 10,000 boys and girls with the gospel. God blessed with over 3,000 professions of faith in our Lord.

This year we are once again asking your help in furnishing this material for the pastors and workers in this great ministry. We not only need funds for the material, but also for the shipping. Last year for the first time the cost of shipping was over $800.00. We are looking as a cost this year of $4,000.00 dollars for material and shipping. We do so wish to reach more boys and girls this year. May God lead you in designating funds for this project? The cost per school, including the shipping will be about $65.00. Thank you for your help and we do need your prayers.

Beloved we are so thankful for your faithfulness in prayer and financial help during this time of world economy. We believe that God will supply all our need in Christ Jesus.

Yours for Souls in Mexico,

Lonnie & Margie Smith

(956) 687-3472

E-Mail: msmith6@rgv.rr.com

Anchor Seminary:www.anchor-bible-institute.org
See our Web page: http://bbfi-northamerica.org/Smith_Lo_Sr/