November 2008
Dear Friends in Christ,
Praise be to the Lord for additional funds that allows the construction work on the building of the Matamoros Baptist Mission continue. After finishing the addition on the lower plant, work has begun on the second storey. All work on the walls and even the concrete roof has been finished. Lacking only the plastering and the installation of the windows and doors. This addition will give room for the pastor to live and additional Sunday school rooms for this growing work. Bro. Eliasib Zapata rejoices with his people for this blessing from the Lord through Bedford Baptist Temple, Texas.
Antonio Cesar Delgado was saved under our ministry in Monterrey several years ago. After finishing Bible College he pastored a mission in the Monterrey-Guadalupe area. He is married and has two children. God called Cesar to work in a very fanatical area where few or no American missionary have been able to penetrate, the State of Oaxaca. No doubt you have read about the uprising in this area in southern Mexico. He is meeting in a rented house, and there is no more room to grow, nor any money for property or building. I have asked God to put upon your heart to help this worthy Mexican missionary. Funds should be designated to: Cesar Delgado or building fund.
The second week of this month the pastors of Reynosa and Monterrey will be traveling by a chartered bus to the Rawlins youth camp in southern México, near Cuernavaca for our annual national BBF of Mexico meeting. This meeting is for fellowship, election of officers and the raising of the Missionary budget for the year. There are over EIGHTEEN missionary projects of the BBFM that need funding. Please pray for this meeting and for all the BBFM pastors from all over Mexico as they travel and meet.
Beloved, once again we wish to express our gratitude for your faithfulness in prayer and financial support for our ministry. Pray for souls as we continue to labor for our Lord.
Yours for Souls in Mexico,
Lonnie & Margie Smith
Friday, October 31, 2008
Lonnie and Margie Smith - November 08
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Adopt a Missionary!
If you would like to participate, please respond to this blog or send me an email ( I would be happy to send you a list of Victory Missionaries and their information. You can then choose who you would like to "adopt." Furthermore, you can take a look at the blog posts to see who interests you and who you would like to support.
Missionaries are doing a great work around the world and they need our support and prayers from home. This is an awesome opportunity. Please prayerfully consider it.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Ron Letts
Dear Pastor and Church family,
We have been working hard at presenting our ministry to churches throughout the eastern States. We have 6 churches on board and several more that have said they were going to be a part of our missions support team. We have about 21% of our needed support at this point…still that is not enough to live on while traveling full time on deputation. It’s great to have this opportunity to share our ministry with churches that are alive for world missions, not just over seas but here in the States as well. Paul reminds us “that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of seep: ….the night is far spent, the day is at hand: Let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.” meaning we have the light that shines in darkness….and the world is living in darkness, having no hope, we have that hope we need to wake up and let our lights shine, proclaiming and teaching God’s Word to the nations now!
We live in exciting times so we need to know that it is important to proclaim and prepare for the Lord’s coming. The Lord knows what we need and through these months of deputation He will, once again prepare us for the work He has for us.
Thank you for helping us get there….we sure need your prays and support. We have the experience and the want too to minister to the people Down Under. As we team up together we can carry out the Great Commission together. Thank you for what you have done and what you will be doing in
In Christ we Serve
Ron & Vicki Letts
Missionaries Down Under
Lonnie Smith, Jr. and Martha - Sept, Oct 2008
Missions Trip: Last month we took 15 teenagers and 5 adults to Ojuelos, Jalisco (a town of a little over 10,000 people). It is about a 4 hour drive to the west of us and about 1 hour south of San Luis Potosi. We spent 3 days there and gave out 5,000 booklets of the Gospel of John and the Life of Christ. Our teens presented a drama in the city's central square. We also went out soul winning and held services every night. To God's glory, there were 24 professions of faith while we were there.
Missionaries: For the past 6 years, Living Word Baptist Church has been sending us $100 a month to support the Donovans in Asia. The church also was able to send a special offering to help with one of their needs. The last week of September, the Donovans were able to report to the church and it was great! They spoke to different groups during the week and then to the church as a whole on Sunday. It was a thrill to hear them speaking Mandarin. We took them to our local oriental restaurant and they conversed fluently with the owner for about 20 minutes! Their visit began our preparations for our first missions conference at Living Word which will be held in November
Zapotec Indians: While our teens were out soul-winning in a city park near the church, they came across a young married couple with 2 little girls. The couple quickly identified with our group and said there were new to the city and were looking for a Baptist church where they would be accepted. As a result, we praise God we now have a group of 15 Zapotec Indians from the state of Oaxaca attending our services.
Altar Results: I had the privilege of recently baptizing 9 people. Living Word Baptist also received 7 new members by letter and statement of faith, and there have been 19 professions of faith.
Furlough Plans: I will begin contacting some of you for appointments in January 2009. We hope to be able to give you a U.S. address and phone number where we can be reached in our next letter. Some of you have already contacted us and we will begin to work around those dates first. We look forward to seeing you.
'Til Jesus Comes,
Lonnie C. Smith, Jr.
Bob & Betts Parschauer - October 2008
This morning I was reading Psalm 72 and verse 17 was impressed upon my heart. "His name shall endure forever; His name shall continue as long as the sun. And men shall be blessed in Him; all nations shall call Him blessed." This will finally take place during the 1000 year reign of Christ on this earth but we can praise His name which is everlasting, even now, and we desire to do that with all of our hearts, because He has done so much and is doing so much for us.
This summer has come and gone so quickly that we hardly know what happened. The trip to Europe is still very much on our minds, it seems like yesterday I was in Poland, Czech Republic, and Germany with Voltaire. What a great time we had. As we mentioned, our two sons Bobby and Brent were ordained on July 20/2008, we had a wonderful family reunion after that with many of our family, as well as John Parschauer's family from Sandusky, OH. The reunion was held at Judy and Chuck's farm just outside of Cleveland, OH.
It was so much fun just being together after not seeing each other for so many years. The grand kids, moms and dads and grand parents all enjoyed horseback riding, four wheeling, driving tractors, target shooting, playing in the hay loft, and every night sitting around a camp fire, singing and fellowshipping with each other. WE told stories to the kids and watched the sun go down. It was like our own little summer camp as a family. I hope it won't be too long until we can do that again.
After returning back from Florida, I had much to do to catch up with all the office work and have been involved during the rest of the summer with setting up the next tours for our European teams.
Our next tour will be from October 17 - November 9, 2008 with Concert Pianist Gregor Breier and our Word of Life Bulgaria director Sergii and Tania Tyshchenko. We are asking the Lord for $30,000 in offerings and pledges during the tour. We would especially ask for you to pray for the people that we will be ministering to. I would ask for strength for me and that the Spirit of God would use my messages to challenge hearts towards missions. There are so many needs all over the world and especially now, we need your prayers as the economy is hurting and people are being very careful with their finances. We will be doing about 25 concerts and would ask that you look at the schedule and pray for us especially during this time.
Right now, Betts ans I are at our son Bobby's watching over our three grandchildren while Bobby and Jen are ministering in Austria. After they return, we will go to the Cancer Treatment Center in Philadelphia again for Betts' "Six-Month" check up. We appreciate your prayers so much regarding this.
On October 3rd, we will arrive home in order to do the last minute preparations for the tour and begin preparing for the next tours.
Thank you again so much for your faithful support and prayers for us. We could not be doing this work without you. Please send us your prayer requests as we pray for you all every week.
Our Love and Prayers,
Bob & Betts Parschauer
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Bobby & Jen Parshauer: July - September 08
Dear Friends,
Beijing 2008 had the longest Olympic torch relay in history with more cities visited than in any past games! Whether we believe it or not, we are the continuation of a 2000 year "torch-bearing marathon" of Christ followers. We are carrying truth taken from a small group of men called "The Way". Nearly 50 generations back, the wise, unbelieving Pharisee Gamaliel said, "If this plan or action should be of men, it will be overthrown; but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them; or else you may be found fighting against God." (Acts 5:38b-39). To be a torch-bearer is a special honor. The first "runners" paid a big price, but their reaction was, "they went on their way rejoicing that they had been considered worthy to suffer shame for His name." (Acts 5:41)
Light Through Language: E - Camps 2008
this summer the BEG, together with several other organizations hosted five English camps. These are great opportunities for parents to send their kids to improve their English speaking skills. Unsaved young people are immersed into an American world where they experience games, foods and slang, including chapel! This year at the camp in Routte, Tirol, our theme was "Route 66", where I was able to challenge young people to take the "highway" with God! On the second night, fifteen young people responded to the prayer to trust Christ as Savior. After the counselors had a chance to talk with the kids individually, we found that five were first time decisions, and the others were wanting to have assurance. Fabienne is a girl who lives in a foster home, and after the first night at camp she told her counselor that she is angry with God. She resisted the message of salvation. Three days later, while out walking with her counselor, she repented of her anger and chose to accept Christ! Tanja, another young camper, resisted the Gospel message until the last night, when she prayed to receive Christ with her counselor! It is just great to see kids come to Jesus at camp as young teens, then choose to return each year, and desire to follow Him as seventeen and eighteen year old! Many of them do not have a Gospel preaching church in their home towns, and no youth groups. As a result, the camp tries to keep in touch with them by email, and by handing out a phone list before they leave.
A Beacon of Light in Innsbruck
While in Austria, I was able to visit our Titus co-workers, Daniel and Julie Kistenich in their church in Innsbruck. It is a clever idea...; several churches joined together to build a secular conference center called the Novum. They rent the facilities at different times to have their church services. The secular setting makes it a smaller "hurdle" for non-believers to enter the building.
European Soccer Cup in Austria and Switzerland
At Euro 2008, the only Austrian City to get a permit for public events right on the "Fan Meile" (the main gathering area for all the soccer fans in the city), was in Innsbruck. Daniel and Julie hosted 20 people from the USA who came to work with Austrians. They had a truck with a stage for concerts, a 10x14 ft. screen to show the games, street soccer tournaments, a kids "play land", a climbing tower and lots of great conversation about Jesus. They found that there was great openness among those under age 25. Four young people mad a decision to trust Christ during that time.
Representing Nationals
We realize that due to the economy, many churches are struggling to maintain their current budgets. Due to temporary supplemental income while serving part-time in our local church, I am able to divert some support finance to projects for nationals. However, they do still need our prayers and encouragement, so I have included a prayer sheet for some of the nationals to represent. If you have a Sunday school class, or the desire to "adopt" one or more for these nationals, please contact me as we would like to develop more significant partnerships with these nationals.
Prayer Corner
- For those who were saved at camp and Euro 2008 this summer to grow in their faith
- For Daniel and Julie Kistenich in their ministry in Innsbruck
- Robert and Hannah Wascher - Hannah is currently suffering from a depression
- Praise! Shelby's Wolff-Parkinson-White has been corrected by a successful ablation. PTL!
- Pray for the fall church retreat in Graz, Austria. Jen and I will be there to speak and encourage friends
Daniel and Julie Kistinich
Preacher, discipler, and M-Dvi from Moody, Daniel is a gifted pastor in the Baptist Church in Innsbruck. Julie, from Minnesota, does the administrative tasks for the church, mentoring, children's and women's ministries. See more at
Robert and Hanna Wascher
As an exceptional Austrian home group evangelists, Robert pastors the church in Wolfsbert. He is a graduate of Columbia Int'l University (Korntal, Germany), with an M.A. in Theology. His wife, Hanna, works in the music ministry in the church.
Christian Freisleben
Christian is 25 years old, engaged to Claudia, and doing a part-time internship with the Union of Evangelical churches in the Quellenstrasse Church in Vienna. As a graduate of New Lief Bible School and Seminary in Germany, he is gifted in leading worship, small groups, discipleship, encouragement, and exhortation. Christian is doing a full gamut of activities in church, from music to children's ministry to preaching. He and Claudia do not know yet where God wants them long-term, but they are waiting for His leading.
David Lieberherr
25 and engaged to Rita, Daniel has his masters in Social work and is seeking wisdom and direction for the future. Currently, he spends half his time with secular social work and half in regional youth ministry in Innsbruck. David says, "We have a God of hope," and this is the message he wants to be giving to the young people in his city. His passions include, Jesus, Rita (his fiance), the church, and music ministry.
Mathias and Miriam Ottacher
A graduate of the Word of Life Discipleship Training Center, Mathias is very active in the youth ministry in his local church in Spittal. Recently married to Miriam they are seeking guidance to continue to reach young people with the Gospel. Mathias works part-time in his fathers business as an electrician.
Thomas and Helen Gangl
Tom and Helen are up and coming leaders in Vienna, Austria. Besides working part-time, they are both students in our Evangelical Academy and highly involved with the youth, music ministries, and children's ministries in their local church, regionally, and nationally.
Richard and Mel Schmidt; Andi Heusser - HEARTbeat
Highly talented and anointed music missionaries, these three young people have had an impact on their country. Their involvement with the Teen Prayer Congress (a prayer movement among most all of the believing young people in Austria) has been a valuable ministry to the Austrians. They also coach worship bands for local churches.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Ron & Vicki Letts - October Newsletter
Dear Pastor & Church Family,
We have been working hard at presenting our ministry to churches throughout the eastern United States. We have 6 churches on board and several more that have said they were going to be a part of our missions support team. We have about 21% of our needed support at this pint...still that is not enough to live on while traveling full time on deputation. It's great to have this opportunity to share our ministry with churches that are alive for world missions, not just over seas but here in the States as well. Paul reminds us "that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of seep:...the night is far spent, the day is at hand: Let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light." Meaning we have the light that shines in darkness...and the world is living in darkness, having no hope, we have that hope we need to wake up and let our lights shine, proclaiming and teaching God's Word to the nations now!
We live in exciting times so we need to know that it is important to proclaim and prepare for the Lord's coming. The Lord knows what we need and through these months of deputation He will, once again, prepare us to work with them.
Thank you for helping us get there...we sure need your prayers and support. We have the experience and the want to minister to the people Down Under. As we team up together we can carry out the Great Commission together. Thank you for what you have done and what you will be doing in Australia. Let's do it together.
In Christ We Serve,
Ron & Vicki Letts
Missionaries Down Under
Gateway Update from Turkey: October 1, 2008
Armenia trip: Gateway Educational Services truly is being used as a Gateway to the surrounding nations in the Middle East. This past week I had the opportunity to go Armenia, a neighboring country to the East of Turkey. For the few days I was there the Lord opened up opportunities for me to be an Ambassador of Reconciliation representing the Turkish believers to the Armenian believers. I met with over 20 pastors and told them how many of the Turkish believers wanted to ask for forgiveness for sins committed in the past. Many Armenians did not even know of the Turkish church much less their heart. I had the opportunity to preach to an Armenian church while I was there, the pastor came up after the sermon and said to the congregation that “this was a historical event at his church, and we as a church corporately forgive and pray for mercy upon the Turks”*. Many are now praying for mercy and for the word to spread throughout Turkey! I had the opportunity to encourage many as well as to share the gospel to with high profiled Armenian who said he would never forget our meeting and that he would begin to read the Bible that was given to him in the past. Another exciting aspect of the trip was meeting with the first K. pastor of the first K. speaking church in Armenia. Fruitful contacts and ties for further work were made because of this! On another note, I was able to sit under good Biblical teaching and meet many good contacts at a seminar that was being given. We will work to bring the seminar teachers into Turkey this coming year.
*(For many who have not read the history concerning the Armenians and the Turks I would suggest that you research it, namely so you can understand the importance of the reconciliation between two and how it is only through Christ that this may be possible!)
Zacchaeus Projects: Dr. Müjdeci will be going out twice this month to the East. This week he will be heading out and then later this month I will be going with him. Please pray for saftey, good health and many new open doors, pray also that we may encourage the new fellowship there. Dr. Müjdeci said that he had a dream recently that God spoke to him and said, “you have been going out giving medicine, school supplies etc..., I want you to go out bringing your hearts!” Dreams are very important here in the East, many come to Christ through them!
Thank you for your prayers and support,
J. of G.E.S.
To support Zacchaeus Projects, Beytel and Christian Resources in Turkish please make your checks payble to:
New Horizons Foundation
(FBO Gateway Missions)
and send to:
New Horizons Foundation, Inc.
4570 Hilton Parkway, Suite 203
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Absentee Birthday / a Powerful Video
Two years ago today my oldest son Justin, a Captain in the USMC, was killed in Iraq. For some reason this anniversary has been tough, but in spite of that, could I encourage you to watch the following video - This film is the hottest thing on the internet and on Fox News today. Lizzie Palmer who put this You Tube program together is 15 years old. There have been over 3,000,000 hits as of this morning.
Watch all of it.......and, pass it on!!